Marketing Manager of Wearables and Personal Devices, NXP
Product Marketing Manager, Crank Software
Field Application Engineer, Crank Software
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The market for wearable devices is exponentially growing, and so too are its use cases – with new emerging health and well-being applications introduced every day. As these fitness bands, smartwatches and other personal gadgets hit the market, the winning differentiator will be OEMs that deliver exceptional user experiences (UX) with a cost-effective bill of materials.
With the proliferation of this space, gone too is the reliance on traditional mobile operating systems and higher-end applications processors to build wearable products. No really!
Join NXP and Crank Software to learn how easy it is to build a sophisticated wearable UX within a constrained environment, using an MCU at the core. In this session, we’ll explore how the latest NXP i.MX RT595 crossover MCU enables rich graphics for wearable products, as well we’ll take a closer look at the intuitive GUI application development environment provided by Crank’s Storyboard 7.0.
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