Variable Key Security Protocol (VKSP) Software Library



VKSP Block Diagram

VKSP Block Diagram

VKSP Block Diagram

VKSP Block Diagram


  • Very secure protocol with a 128-bit key
  • Re-synchronization is not required
  • Encryption algorithm is user selectable
  • Its modularity and state machine oriented design allows the integration and co-existence of the receiver
  • library with other complex modules
  • Flexibility, regardless of which microcontroller is used
  • Re-use of already developed modules, such as memory drivers and proprietary encryption algorithms
  • Increased security with a 128-bit key authentication
  • System doesn’t require any kind of count resynchronization
  • Time-based variable key
  • 254 different commands can be implemented
  • Is possible to use a different encryption algorithm for code or execution time reduction
  • Layer/interfaces design on both the receiver and transmitter provides user flexibility with different non-volatile memory and encryption drivers
  • Receiver is designed as a state machine system, which eases the integration and interaction with other applications


  • S08D: 8-bit Cost-Effective with CAN D MCUs
  • S08QE: 8-bit Flexis QE MCUs
  • S08QG: 8-bit Small Package QG MCUs
  • S08SH: 8-bit General Purpose SH MCUs


クイック・リファレンス ドキュメンテーションの種類.

3 ドキュメント

