201702014F01:Introduction of Powerchip as an additional wafer fab source for MIFARE Classic EV1
  • 製品変更通知 (PCN)
  • 201702014F01

201702014F01 : Introduction of Powerchip as an additional wafer fab source for MIFARE Classic EV1

Installation of Powerchip as an additional wafer fab for capacity enhancements to the already existing wafer fab source TSMC. The copy exact concept is applied to install the existing process at Powerchip. Powerchip will operate under the same conditions at equal performance and with comparable systems processes and equipment. The affected products are currently delivered in contactless modules using TSMC wafer fab. As a consequence of the present change an additional wafer supplier is qualified. Each reel of modules delivered by NXP contains only one source of wafer fab. However for commercial deliveries containing more than one reel different reels may contain different sources of wafer fab.

PCNタイプ カテゴリー変更 発行日 有効期限
Final Product Change Notification Wafer fab location 13-Feb-2017 14-May-2017


The implementation of this second source will increase production capacity and flexibility.


Product identification does not change Products from current wafer fabs and Powerchip will have the same ordering code (12NC).


データシートの改訂: No impact to existing datasheet

No impact to the product's functionality.No impact on form fit function reliability or quality.


品番/12NC 最終購入日 最終納品日 交換品番
- - None
- - None
- - None
- - None