202108019IU01:i.MX 8M Plus Consumer and Industrial Datasheet Update to Rev.2
  • 製品変更通知 (PCN)
  • 202108019IU01

202108019IU01 : i.MX 8M Plus Consumer and Industrial Datasheet Update to Rev.2 UPDATE

NXP Semiconductors announces Industrial and Consumer Datasheet (DS) update for i.MX 8M Plus to revision 2. The revision history included in the updated document provides a detailed description of the changes. Highlighted Changes: • Updated the Figure 2 "Part number nomenclature—i.MX 8M Plus family of processors" • Updated IPP_DO_CLKO1 IPP_DO_CLKO2 GIC_CLK_ROOT MAIN_AXI_CLK_ROOT WRCLK_CLK_ROOT and MEMREPAIR in the Table 13 "Maximum frequency of modules" • Updated Figure 44 "FlexSPI output timing in SDR mode" • In Table 21 "Chip power in different LP mode" added SNVS mode • For VIDEO_PLL1 changed the value from ‘650 - 1190 MHz’ to ‘325-650 MHz’ in the Table 25 "PLL electrical parameters". • Updated the footnotes in Table 65 "Master mode SAI timing (50 MHz)" and Table 67 "Slave mode SAI timing (50 MHz)". • Added text “Level shifters are... by HDMI interface” in Section 3.8.8 HDMI Tx module parameters. The i.MX 8M Plus Industrial and Consumer Datasheet Rev.2 are attached to this notice and can be found at: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=IMX8MPIEC https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=IMX8MPCEC

PCNタイプ カテゴリー変更 発行日 有効期限
Customer Information Notification Electr spec test coverageother 02-Apr-2023 03-Apr-2023


Datasheet has been updated to correct errors and provide additional technical clarification on some device features. Added new Part number nomenclature.


Datasheet has been updated to correct errors and provide additional technical clarification on some device features. Added new Part number nomenclature.


データシートの改訂: A new datasheet will be issued


品番/12NC 最終購入日 最終納品日 交換品番
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