SC16IS850L | NXP Semiconductors

Single UART with I²C-bus/SPI interface, 128 bytes of transmit and receive FIFOs, IrDA SIR built-in support

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N true 0 PSPSC16IS850Lja 8 カタログ Brochure t518 1 サポート情報 Supporting Information t531 1 データ・シート Data Sheet t520 1 パッケージ情報 Packing Information t935 3 ja ja ja データ・シート Data Sheet 1 1 2.0 English 1442053484832709079771 PSP 658.1 KB None None documents None 1442053484832709079771 /docs/en/data-sheet/SC16IS850L.pdf 658122 /docs/en/data-sheet/SC16IS850L.pdf SC16IS850L documents N N 2012-07-24 Single UART with I2C-bus/SPI interface, 128 bytes of transmit and receive FIFOs, IrDA SIR built-in support /docs/en/data-sheet/SC16IS850L.pdf /docs/en/data-sheet/SC16IS850L.pdf Data Sheet N 980000996212993340 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jul 18, 2012 980000996212993340 Data Sheet Y N Single UART with I2C-bus/SPI interface, 128 bytes of transmit and receive FIFOs, IrDA SIR built-in support カタログ Brochure 1 2 3 English Brochure Around the Core, Analog, Interface & NFC 1442124551290714867636 PSP 1.5 MB None None documents None 1442124551290714867636 /docs/en/brochure/SIPAAANFCA1UPUBR.pdf 1492693 /docs/en/brochure/SIPAAANFCA1UPUBR.pdf SIPAAANFCA1UPUBR documents N N 2016-07-13 NXP High-speed UARTs and Bridge ICs /docs/en/brochure/SIPAAANFCA1UPUBR.pdf /docs/en/brochure/SIPAAANFCA1UPUBR.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2024-08-22 pdf N en Jul 13, 2022 712453003803778552 Brochure Y N NXP High-speed UARTs and Bridge ICs パッケージ情報 Package Information 2 3 1.1 English 1455078861497728270748 PSP 222.6 KB None None documents None 1455078861497728270748 /docs/en/package-information/SOT616-3.pdf 222612 /docs/en/package-information/SOT616-3.pdf SOT616-3 documents N N 2016-03-04 plastic thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package; no leads; 24 terminals; body 4 x 4 x 0.85 mm /docs/en/package-information/SOT616-3.pdf /docs/en/package-information/SOT616-3.pdf Package Information N 302435339416912908 2024-10-24 pdf N en Mar 4, 2016 302435339416912908 Package Information Y N plastic thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package; no leads; 24 terminals; body 4 x 4 x 0.85 mm 4 1.0 English 1455079690215710569313 PSP 361.8 KB None None documents None 1455079690215710569313 /docs/en/package-information/SOT355-1.pdf 361766 /docs/en/package-information/SOT355-1.pdf SOT355-1 documents N N 2016-02-12 plastic thin shrink small outline package; 24 leads; body width 4.4 mm /docs/en/package-information/SOT355-1.pdf /docs/en/package-information/SOT355-1.pdf Package Information N 302435339416912908 2024-10-21 pdf N en Feb 8, 2016 302435339416912908 Package Information Y N plastic thin shrink small outline package; 24 leads; body width 4.4 mm パッケージ情報 Packing Information 3 5 1 English 1442131332374709597015 PSP 100.6 KB None None documents None 1442131332374709597015 /docs/en/packing/SOT616-3_128.pdf 100577 /docs/en/packing/SOT616-3_128.pdf SOT616-3_128 documents N N 2014-03-26 HVQFN24; Reel pack; SMD, 13"Q2/T3 Turned product orientation Orderable part number ending ,128 or HP Ordering code (12NC) ending 128 /docs/en/packing/SOT616-3_128.pdf /docs/en/packing/SOT616-3_128.pdf Packing Information N 145666923842250347 2024-10-24 pdf N en Feb 21, 2018 145666923842250347 Packing Information Y N HVQFN24; Reel pack; SMD, 13"Q2/T3 Turned product orientation Orderable part number ending ,128 or HP Ordering code (12NC) ending 128 6 1.0 English 1477024764765735341319 PSP 212.3 KB None None documents None 1477024764765735341319 /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_128.pdf 212272 /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_128.pdf SOT355-1_128 documents N N 2016-11-15 TSSOP24; Reel pack, SMD, 13" Q4/T2 standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,128 Ordering code (12NC) ending 128 /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_128.pdf /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_128.pdf Packing Information N 145666923842250347 2023-10-17 pdf N en Oct 20, 2016 145666923842250347 Packing Information Y N TSSOP24; Reel pack, SMD, 13" Q4/T2 standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,128 Ordering code (12NC) ending 128 7 4.1 English 1442131174599718070838 PSP 232.1 KB None None documents None 1442131174599718070838 /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_118.pdf 232140 /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_118.pdf SOT355-1_118 documents N N 2013-04-17 TSSOP24; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering code (12NC) ending 118 /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_118.pdf /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_118.pdf Packing Information N 145666923842250347 2024-10-21 pdf N en Apr 15, 2013 145666923842250347 Packing Information Y N TSSOP24; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering code (12NC) ending 118 サポート情報 Supporting Information 1 8 1.0 English SSOP, TSSOP & VSO FOOTPRINT (WAVE SOLDERING) 1442126381432716559822 PSP 16.6 KB None None documents None 1442126381432716559822 /docs/en/supporting-information/SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-WAVE.pdf 16645 /docs/en/supporting-information/SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-WAVE.pdf SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-WAVE documents N N 2016-10-08 Footprint for wave soldering /docs/en/supporting-information/SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-WAVE.pdf /docs/en/supporting-information/SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-WAVE.pdf Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 2024-10-21 pdf N en Oct 8, 2009 371282830530968666 Supporting Information Y N Footprint for wave soldering false 0 SC16IS850L downloads ja true 1 Y PSP カタログ 1 /docs/en/brochure/SIPAAANFCA1UPUBR.pdf 2016-07-13 1442124551290714867636 PSP 2 Jul 13, 2022 Brochure Brochure Around the Core, Analog, Interface & NFC None /docs/en/brochure/SIPAAANFCA1UPUBR.pdf English documents 1492693 None 712453003803778552 2024-08-22 N /docs/en/brochure/SIPAAANFCA1UPUBR.pdf NXP High-speed UARTs and Bridge ICs /docs/en/brochure/SIPAAANFCA1UPUBR.pdf documents 712453003803778552 Brochure N en None Y pdf 3 N N NXP High-speed UARTs and Bridge ICs 1.5 MB SIPAAANFCA1UPUBR N 1442124551290714867636 サポート情報 1 /docs/en/supporting-information/SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-WAVE.pdf 2016-10-08 1442126381432716559822 PSP 8 Oct 8, 2009 Supporting Information SSOP, TSSOP & VSO FOOTPRINT (WAVE SOLDERING) None /docs/en/supporting-information/SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-WAVE.pdf English documents 16645 None 371282830530968666 2024-10-21 N /docs/en/supporting-information/SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-WAVE.pdf Footprint for wave soldering /docs/en/supporting-information/SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-WAVE.pdf documents 371282830530968666 Supporting Information N en None Y pdf 1.0 N N Footprint for wave soldering 16.6 KB SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-WAVE N 1442126381432716559822 データ・シート 1 /docs/en/data-sheet/SC16IS850L.pdf 2012-07-24 1442053484832709079771 PSP 1 Jul 18, 2012 Data Sheet None /docs/en/data-sheet/SC16IS850L.pdf English documents 658122 None 980000996212993340 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/data-sheet/SC16IS850L.pdf Single UART with I2C-bus/SPI interface, 128 bytes of transmit and receive FIFOs, IrDA SIR built-in support /docs/en/data-sheet/SC16IS850L.pdf documents 980000996212993340 Data Sheet N en None Y pdf 2.0 N N Single UART with I2C-bus/SPI interface, 128 bytes of transmit and receive FIFOs, IrDA SIR built-in support 658.1 KB SC16IS850L N 1442053484832709079771 パッケージ情報 3 /docs/en/packing/SOT616-3_128.pdf 2014-03-26 1442131332374709597015 PSP 5 Feb 21, 2018 Packing Information None /docs/en/packing/SOT616-3_128.pdf English documents 100577 None 145666923842250347 2024-10-24 N /docs/en/packing/SOT616-3_128.pdf HVQFN24; Reel pack; SMD, 13"Q2/T3 Turned product orientation Orderable part number ending ,128 or HP Ordering code (12NC) ending 128 /docs/en/packing/SOT616-3_128.pdf documents 145666923842250347 Packing Information N en None Y pdf 1 N N HVQFN24; Reel pack; SMD, 13"Q2/T3 Turned product orientation Orderable part number ending ,128 or HP Ordering code (12NC) ending 128 100.6 KB SOT616-3_128 N 1442131332374709597015 /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_128.pdf 2016-11-15 1477024764765735341319 PSP 6 Oct 20, 2016 Packing Information None /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_128.pdf English documents 212272 None 145666923842250347 2023-10-17 N /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_128.pdf TSSOP24; Reel pack, SMD, 13" Q4/T2 standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,128 Ordering code (12NC) ending 128 /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_128.pdf documents 145666923842250347 Packing Information N en None Y pdf 1.0 N N TSSOP24; Reel pack, SMD, 13" Q4/T2 standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,128 Ordering code (12NC) ending 128 212.3 KB SOT355-1_128 N 1477024764765735341319 /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_118.pdf 2013-04-17 1442131174599718070838 PSP 7 Apr 15, 2013 Packing Information None /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_118.pdf English documents 232140 None 145666923842250347 2024-10-21 N /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_118.pdf TSSOP24; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering code (12NC) ending 118 /docs/en/packing/SOT355-1_118.pdf documents 145666923842250347 Packing Information N en None Y pdf 4.1 N N TSSOP24; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering code (12NC) ending 118 232.1 KB SOT355-1_118 N 1442131174599718070838 true Y Products


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