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Welcome to the SLN-TLHMI-IOT Getting Started guide. This guide walks you through the process of getting up and running with your SLN-TLHMI-IOT board. This guide takes you through the steps of unboxing your kit, running the out-of-box coffee machine demo application, as well as downloading, modifying and debugging the firmware source code for your kit.
Although the SLN-TLHMI-IOT supports multiple out of box applications (which can be selected by pressing and holding SW1, SW2 or SW3 on the back of the kit), this guide will focus on the Coffee Machine out of box demo.
The Coffee Machine application demonstrates not only traditional touch-based controls, but also the face recognition, multi-language far-field voice recognition and graphics capabilities of the kit.
Before we begin, make sure to check the box your kit came in for any marks or damage and should you find anything, be sure to report it to your local NXP representative.
The kit your box arrived in with few different things, such as:
Figure 1. Items inside the box.
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Before we begin, remove the protective film from the RGB and IR camera, as shown in Figure 2. This protective film is used to protect the lens of each camera during transport. However, failure to remove may cause the image capture not to work correctly.
Figure 2. Protective film covering the two cameras: RGB and IR.
To get started, follow the steps below:
Figure 3. USB-C power port.
Figure 4. Startup Screen.
Figure 5. Coffee Machine Standby Screen.
Figure 6. Home Screen.
Note: If no voice commands and/or touch events are received, the board automatically reenters the standby screen after a 60 second timeout.
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Let us get started with a demonstration of this application’s out-of-box features.
To demonstrate the SLN-TLHMI-IOT's ability to create tailored custom experiences for each saved user, we are using our face to save a custom coffee profile.
Before diving in, let us take a quick tour of the home screen layout.
The home screen is divided into two halves: the camera preview pane on the left, and the coffee selection menu on the right.
Additionally, there is a Start button in the lower-left corner of the screen and a language selector drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen.
Figure 7. Start Button and Language Dropdown.
On the camera preview pane, a bounding box is provided to help you properly align your face so that it may be identified by the kit.
The different colors of the bounding box are used to indicate face recognition status. By default, the box is colored blue to indicate that no face has been detected.
Figure 8. Blue indicates that No face has been detected.
The color red is used to indicate that an unrecognized face has been detected. Align your face with the camera until the bounding box turns red. This should take < 1s if done properly
Figure 9. Red indicates that an unrecognized face has been detected.
Once your face has been detected by the camera, it can later be used to associate with your preferred coffee selection.
Now that your face has been detected, you are ready to select your coffee preferences. The coffee configuration options can be seen on the right half of the home screen as shown in Figure 10. These options include coffee type, size and strength.
Figure 10. Coffee configuration options: coffee type, size and strength.
To choose your coffee preferences, follow the steps below:
Note: The start button will be grayed out and cannot be pressed until a coffee type, size and strength have been selected.
Figure 11. Selecting coffee preferences.
Figure 12. Brewing screen.
Figure 13. Final screen.
After your order is complete and the prompt has been responded to, the device will automatically reenter the standby screen that was shown at startup.
Figure 14. Standby screen.
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Now that we have demonstrated the core features using traditional touch-based controls, we will walk through the next generation hands-free voice control capabilities made possible by the processing power of the i.MX RT117H.
Note: The stock out-of-box software uses an evaluation version of the VoiceSeeker AFE or Cyberon ASR library which limits users to 25 hours of continuous operation and 100 detections, respectively. Simply power-cycling the board will resolve the issue and restart the timer/counter. This issue is not present in full/non-evaluation license versions. See the User Guide for more details.
First, wake the board out of Standby mode using the “Hey NXP” wake word.
Figure 15. Home screen.
Note: The wake word is used to exit Standby mode but is not necessary to be used prior to each voice command.
With the board active once more, align your face inside the bounding box until the color of the box turns green.
Figure 16. Green indicates that your face has been recognized.
A green bounding box indicates that you are a recognized user. The coffee machine plays an audio prompt asking if you would like to order “another Espresso? Confirm or Cancel?”
Responding with “Confirm” immediately takes you to the brewing screen again, while “Cancel” can be used to choose a different coffee selection.
Instead of reusing our saved order, respond to the prompt with the “Cancel” voice command, allowing us to choose something different. This time around, however, we will use hands-free voice commands instead of the touch controls we used previously.
Follow the steps below:
Note: Each of the supported voice commands matches the words shown on screen.
Figure 17. “Cappuccino” voice command updates the coffee type selection.
Figure 18. “Medium” voice command updates the coffee size selection.
Figure 19. “Strong” voice command updates the coffee strength selection.
Figure 20. Brewing screen displays the updated coffee selection.
Figure 21. Final screen displays the updated coffee selection.
Responding to the prompt with “Confirm” overwrites your previously saved order with your latest selection. Now, the next time your face is recognized it automatically uses your updated order.
Figure 22. Modified coffee selection.
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Now that we have demonstrated saving a face and updating a coffee order, let’s finally demonstrate deleting our face from the local face database.
To do so, reawaken the board from Standby mode using the “Hey NXP” wake word and/or by touching the screen.
After the display turns back on, align your face with the onscreen bounding box. Once your face is recognized, use the “Delete” voice command to delete your face from the database. Alternatively, you can click the red X icon in the top-left corner of the screen to remove the recognized face.
Figure 23. Deleting a saved face
After successfully saving a new coffee machine user, modifying and deleting the order, we have completed our introduction of the TLHMI coffee machine out-of-box demo experience.
Now that you are familiar with the basics, see the Smart HMI User Guide for a comprehensive list of all the outof- box features available in SLN-TLHMI-IOT. The guide also includes the additional demo applications available such as the smart elevator and smart panel applications.
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The MCUXpresso IDE brings developers an easy-to-use eclipse-based development environment for NXP MCUs based on Arm Cortex-M cores, including its general-purpose crossover and wireless-enabled MCUs.
The MCUXpresso IDE offers advanced editing, compiling and debugging features. It also offers MCU-specific debugging views, code trace and profiling, multicore debugging and integrated configuration tools.
Note:There is a bug in versions before 11.7.0 that does not allow proper build in multicore projects. Therefore, version 11.7.0 (or higher) is required.
To download MCUXpresso IDE, follow the steps below:
Figure 24. MCUXpresso IDE home page.
Figure 25. Downloads page.
Figure 26. Sign In page.
Figure 27. Selecting the previous tab.
Figure 28. Selecting v11.7.0.
Figure 29. Software terms and conditions page
Figure 30. Product download page.
Figure 31. About MCUXpresso IDE button.
Figure 32. MCUXpresso version information.
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MCUXpresso SDK is a comprehensive software enablement package designed to simplify and accelerate application development with NXP's microcontrollers based on Arm Cortex-M cores. The MCUXpresso SDK includes production-grade software with integrated RTOS (optional), stacks and middleware, reference software and more. It is available in custom downloads based on user selections of MCU, evaluation board, and optional software components.
Before building the SLN-TLHMI-IOT SDK example projects, the target SDK must be imported into MCUXpresso IDE.
To install MCUXpresso SDK, follow the steps below:
Figure 33. MCUXpresso IDE welcome screen.
Note: If you have already dismissed the welcome screen and are instead taken directly to the MCUXpresso IDE landing page, you can search for "welcome" from the IDE's search menu, as shown in Figure 34.
Figure 34. Search "welcome" on search menu.
Figure 35. Download SDKs.
Figure 36. SDK installation popup.
Figure 37. Download evkmimxrt1170 SDK
Figure 38. Check License and Download
Note: Coffee Machine and Elevator APPs are built on SDK V2.11.1 and the Smart Panel APP is built on SDK V2.13.0.
Note: Newer versions of the SDK (2.12.x and greater) are currently incompatible with MCUXpresso IDE v11.5.0.
Figure 39. Downloading SDK.
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The SLN-TLHMI-IOT out-of-box projects are published under the NXP GitHub page . You can either clone the repository using Git or download a zip folder containing the source code from here .
If you are unfamiliar with Git, it is recommended to download the zip folder for now.
Figure 40. SLN-TLHMI-IOT GitHub repository.
Note: If downloading a zipped archive, be sure to unzip this folder before proceeding to the next step.
Note: Coffee Machine and Elevator APPs are released on branch V1.1.2 and the smart panel APP is on branch V1.2.0.
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To import the projects we downloaded into the IDE, follow the steps below:
Note: The sln_tlhmi_iot source code repository contains multiple projects including each of the out-ofbox demos included with the kit (coffee machine, elevator, and so on). The following sections only focus on flashing and debugging the coffee machine application. The steps for flashing and debugging the other outof- box demos should be nearly identical.
Figure 41. Open SLN-TLMHI-IOT Projects from filesystem
Figure 42. Finish importing SLN-TLHMI-IOT application projects.
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The SLN-TLHMI-IOT SDK allows you to build the coffee machine application directly. The application is made up of four subprojects: bootloader, dual core xxx_cm7 and xxx_cm4 projects for the chosen application demo (coffee machine in our case), and a Light and Versatile Graphics Library (LVGL) library project.
Figure 43. SLN-TLHMI-IOT projects
The bootloader project is a first-stage bootloader that manages to jump into the Coffee Machine, Elevator, and Smart Panel Applications. This application can be used for any additional bootloader functionality needed for the product. In the Project Explorer pane, select the bootloader project file and navigate to the QuickStart Panel. Select the Build option to start the compilation and linking of this application.
Figure 44. Build
Each of the SLN-TLHMI-IOT applications utilizes LVGL for its UI design. Recompiling the code associated with the UI can add significant time and cost to the build process. In MCUXpresso, this process must be done every time the cm7 project is built. This can be especially inconvenient when no UI code has been modified because the rebuilding of LVGL’s
To help alleviate this issue, a library project named
has been created to allow more explicit control over when the UI files should be
rebuilt. Essentially, the lvgl_vglite_lib_coffee_machine
project only needs to be rebuilt whenever changes have
been made specifically to the UI code, otherwise, the lvgl_vglite_lib_xxx
project can safely be ignored. Whenever
the library project is rebuilt, MCUXpresso IDE automatically links the newly created UI library code.
Figure 45. LVGL library projects
Note: For more information about the software layout and architecture of the SLN-TLHMI-IOT, be sure to check out the Smart HMI Software Development User Guide.
The sln_smart_TLHMI_coffee_machine_cm4/cm7
projects are the out-of-box applications we used earlier to demonstrate
the SLN-TLHMI-IOT's face and voice recognition capabilities. These applications (in addition to the bootloader) are flashed onto
your SLN-TLHMI-IOT kit by default.
The cm4 project acts as a subproject for the main cm7 project and handles things like the UI display, camera control and more. As a subproject to the cm7 project, building the cm7 master application automatically builds the cm4 and create a combined binary containing the code from both projects.
To build the coffee machine application, click the Build icon in the Quickstart Panel.
Building may take a few minutes to complete, but do not worry, this is normal for applications of this size. Once finished, a message like the following can be seen at the bottom of the IDE.
Figure 46. Build Successful
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With the SLN-TLHMI-IOT application project compiled, it is now time to program its associated binaries into flash.
Flashing and debugging the SLN-TLHMI-IOT kit requires a SEGGER J-Link with a 9-pin Cortex-M adapter and V7.84a or newer of the J-Link Software and Documentation Pack which can be found on the SEGGER website.
Figure 47. J-Link 9-pin adapter
To flash the kit, follow the steps below:
Figure 48. Attach J-Link debugger
Note: If you are upgrading your board’s firmware for the first time, it is recommended that you erase the flash completely before updating the firmware image. This helps to ensure that there are no version mismatches with your existing firmware and its associated face database layout. Instructions for erasing the flash using a SEGGER J-Link can be found in the J-Link section of the Smart HMI Software Development User Guide. When using the MCUXpresso GUI Flash Tool to erase the whole chip, it will report an error when trying to get information about bank 1 @ 0x60000000. This error can be ignored since the only used bank 0 has been erased correctly.
Figure 49. Power on SLN-TLMHI-IOT kit
Figure 50. Debug bootloader
Figure 51. Probes discover
Figure 52. Flash bootloader
Figure 53. Flash application
). The cm7 and cm4 projects then launch into the GDB debug process
Figure 54. Debug cm7 master project
To suspend the debug session, click the pause/play button on the top of the screen
Figure 55. Single versus simultaneous core debugging
To suspend the debug session, click the pause/play button on the top of the screen
Figure 56. Debug dual core project
Note: If you notice issues after performing the steps in this section, ensure that you do not have any mismatched FW and/or face database versions remaining. To reset to a known good state, follow the instructions found in the Merged binary section of the Smart HMI Software Development User Guide.
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By making it this far, you have successfully completed the getting started experience for the SLN-TLHMI-IOT
For a comprehensive understanding of all the Out-of-Box Experience (OoBE) features, including the additional demo applications that come flashed with the kit, be sure to check out the SLN-TLHMI-IOT User Guide.
To start building your own applications and learn more about the software architecture, available developer tools, and more, head over to the Smart HMI Software Development User Guide.
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