Software Development Kit for Kinetis® MCUs | NXP Semiconductors

Software Development Kit for Kinetis® MCUs

Kinetis<sup>&#174;</sup> Software Development Kit SDK Overview




Software Development Kit for Kinetis MCUs Block Diagram

Software Development Kit for Kinetis MCUs Block Diagram

Software Development Kit for Kinetis® MCUs Block Diagram

Software Development Kit for Kinetis<sup>&#174;</sup> MCUs Block Diagram


  • Arm® CMSIS-CORE startup and device header files and CMSIS-DSP standard libraries
  • Open-source peripheral drivers that provide stateless, high performance, easy-to-use APIs.
  • Drivers for communication peripherals also include high-level transactional APIs for high-performance data transfers and RTOS wrappers that leverage native RTOS services to better comply with the RTOS cases.
  • High-quality software: all drivers and startup code are MISRA-C:2004 compliant and checked with Coverity® static analysis tools
  • Real-time operation systems (RTOS) kernels pre-integrated: FreeRTOS™, Micrium® μC/OS-II®, and μC/OS-III®
  • Stacks and middleware including:
    • The USB device, host, and OTG stack with comprehensive USB class support
    • FatFs, a FAT file system for embedded systems
    • lwIP, a lightweight TCP/IP stack
    • Encryption software utilizing the mmCAU hardware acceleration
    • mbedTLS a lightweight SSL/TLS library
    • SDMMC, a software component supporting SD Cards and eMMC
  • Software examples demonstrating the usage of peripheral drivers, RTOS wrapper drivers, middleware and RTOSes


クイック・リファレンス ソフトウェア・タイプ.

3 ダウンロード

注: より快適にご利用いただくために、ソフトウェアのダウンロードはデスクトップで行うことを推奨します。


クイック・リファレンス ドキュメンテーションの種類.

1-5 / 17 ドキュメント



クイック・リファレンス ボードタイプ.

3 ハードウェア提供


2 トレーニング

