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Let's take your MPC5775B battery management controller (BMC) plus MC33771 battery cell controller (BCC) high-voltage (HV) battery management system (BMS) for a test drive!
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Jump-start demo software for the MPC5775B-EVB using S32SDK 3.0.0 with FreeRTOS based on the S32 Design Studio IDE
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Graphic User Interface (GUI) software to monitor battery status using the CAN interface
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The MPC5775B BMC + MC33771 BCC HV BMS system performs better when using S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture® IDE
Note: Check the S32 Design Studio page for the latest version.
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Connect the BATT-14CEMULATOR battery cell emulator board and the RDCV33771C cell controller board using Cable_1.
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Connect the RDCV33771C cell controller board with your MPC5775B-EVB battery management board using the Cable_2 to establish the TPL link for communication.
Either J1
or J2
can be connected to the RD33771CDSTEVB.
NOTE: connect positive (+) terminal of MPC5775B-EVB's BMS interface connector (J118
- pin 3,4 ) to BMS cell controller module positive (+) terminal and negative terminal to negative terminal.
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Plug the power supply to the BATT-14CEMULATOR battery cell emulator board.
Powering the BATT-14CEMULATOR also powers the RDCV33771C cell controller board.
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Connect the micro-USB cable to J116 micro-USB port for OpenSDA connection for programming and debug. Connect the USB side to the computer.
Note: check the MPC5775B/E low-cost development boards - Quick Start Guide
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Connect 12 V power supply to power socket on your MPC5775B-EVB low-cost development board.
Make sure the status LEDs D14
, D15
, D16
, and D32
for voltage levels 3.3 V, 5 V, 1.25 V and 12 V supply respectively are glowing green on the board.
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Connect CAN High and Low signals of J78
to PCAN tool CAN high and low. MPC5775B-EVB:
pin 2 is CAN0_High
pin 3 is CAN0_Low
Connect the CAN_H and CAN_L signals of J78
of MPC5775B-EVB to PCAN USB CAN_H (pin 7) and CAN-L (pin 2) via two jumper cables.
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Import the MPC5775B_BMS_SDK_SW project into S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture® IDE
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Build and run the program to generate the processor expert codes, compile and build the image.
Note: check the MPC5775B/E low-cost development boards - Quick Start Guide for debug/flash the image
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Connect the USB connector of PCAN tool to the computer USB port.
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Open the “Command Prompt” from Windows and execute the Py Main.py
(file included in the GUI folder) in the command shell.
Make sure you first install Python 3.7 64-bit version and PyQt5 and NumPy packages.
Note: Refer the readme file in the downloaded software GUI folder.
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Adjust the battery levels via BATT-14CEMULATOR and observe the GUI for individual cell data in BCCDATA tab:
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Get Started With the MPC5775B/E-EVB
Download the MPC5775B-BatterySystem_SDK
Download the MPC5775B-BatterySystem_GUI
Get Your Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Get Python 3.7