Plug It In!2
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Build, RunLet's take your LPC8N04 Development Board for a test drive! You have the choice of watching the sequence in a short video or following the detailed actions list below.
On windows 7 or 8 platforms, before using your board it is recommended that you install the VCOM device driver. Start by downloading the firmware and driver package and from here. For Windows 10, MacOS and Linux platforms you can skip this step and go straight to 1.2.
If using Windows 7 or 8, run the device driver installation executable file that is included in this package.
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Using the supplied micro USB cable, connect J4 on the board to a host computer or install a battery in one of the coin cell battery holders. Turn the board over an observe the 5 x 7 array of LEDs – the LEDs in the center column will repeatedly light in turn (note that the LEDs will go out after a few minutes to save power (in case a battery is being used).
On an NFC-enabled Android phone, go to the Google Playstore and download the free NXP LPC8N04 application. After first ensuring you have NFC enabled in your phone setting, start the App and then place the phone over the antenna section of the LPC8N04 board. You will see a message scrolling across the LED array.
The demo application has several more features; please refer to the board user manual for a full description of how to use these.
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LPC8xx Family Code Bundles are easy to understand drivers and examples, with full source code provided.
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NXP offers a free, GNU/Eclipse based toolchain called MCUXpresso IDE.
No problem! LPC8N04 board support packages are also available for IAR and Keil.
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Some Code Bundle UART examples set up for IAR and Keil tools use the MCU UART for print output, and this is also an option for the MCUXpresso IDE. If you are not sure how to use a terminal application try one of these tutorials:
Not sure how to use a terminal application? Try one of these tutorials:
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Tera Term is a very popular open source terminal emulation application. This program can be used to display information sent from your NXP development platform's virtual serial port.
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PuTTY is a popular terminal emulation application. This program can be used to display information sent from your NXP development platform's virtual serial port.
file you downloaded or from the Start menu, depending on
the type of download you selected.
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Note that MCUXpresso IDE (version 10.1 or later) has built-in knowledge of the LPC8N04, so does not require any installation steps. Follow the steps below to build and run a simple example from the LPC8N04 Development Board BSP – a set of drivers and example code from NXP. This BSP can be downloaded from the Software and Tools tab of the board page on nxp.com.
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