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Let's take your MPC5775B/E-EVB highly-integrated low-cost development boards for Battery Management and Inverter applications for a test drive!
Check the AN12875: Getting started with the MPC5775B-EVB and MPC5775E-EVB
Install the OpenSDA serial driver if necessary, in order to make the COM port available as an OpenSDA port. It can be checked under "COM and LPT Ports" as "OpenSDA – CDC Serial Port" in the Device Manager.
Get the Open SDA serial driver
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MPC5775B/E-EVB performs better when using S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture® IDE
Note: Check the S32 Design Studio page for the latest version.
Download S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture
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Connect the micro USB cable to J116
micro USB port.
If the driver is available:
You will be able to see the OpenSDA – CDC Serial Port
If the driver is not available:
Go to the Device Manager and right-click the COM port detected and select
Update Driver Software.
Select Browse > My Computer for driver software and select the downloaded OpenSDA driver.
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Open Tera Term on Windows® PC.
Select the serial port to which the micro USB of the development board is connected and click OK. Go to
Setup > Serial Port and select 19200 as the baud rate.
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Connect power supply to power socket and micro USB cable to micro USB port on the development board.
Make sure the status LEDs D14, D15, D16,
and D32
for voltage levels 3.3V, 5V, 1.25V and 12V supply respectively are glowing green on the board.
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After resetting the board by pressing the "Reset" button (SW1)
You will be able to see the welcome message on the terminal:
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Open S32 Design Studio IDE and make or select a workspace, then click OK
Go to New > S32DS Design Project from Example from the File menu
Scroll down to the SDK PARTM v3.0.0 Example Projects and select MPC5777C
Then select Hello_world_mpc5777c
and click Finish
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Click on the Generate Processor Expert Code icon:
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Click on Run > Debug Configuration…
Select the Debugger tab and then select the OpenSDA Embedded Debug – USB Port interface
The "Port" should automatically be selected if the EVB is connected to the computer.
Click Apply, then click Debug, and finally click Yes.
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Click the Resume icon to observe the blinking LED D20
Note: You can use the C/C++ prospective view to back to program window.
Click the Terminate icon to end the program execution.
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