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Learn the basics to run your NEWTEC-NTBMS for the larger battery system. Get up and running with your NEWTEC-NTBMS reference design.
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Watch this video to see NXP's demo in action.
Note: Check the recommendations in the User Manual, but the exact parts you need depends on your application.
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Learn how to install and run the NTBMS with sample code.
The S32 Design Studio is a complimentary Eclipse-based IDE offering comprehensive software writing and debugging capabilities. It supports multiple debuggers including GDB and Lauterbach, and also comes with the S32 SDK and other drivers.
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Get the NTBMS sample software to jump start your design.
Download and import the S32 Design Studio for Arm project into your workspace.
Although the showcased demo you saw in the previous section is not for sale, the NEWTEC-NTBMS User Manual provides a list of compatible external components that you can purchase. Since those components are compatible with the same NTBMS connectors and the software interfaces with those connectors, this project will work with your components just like in the video.
Download NTBMS Sample Software
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