Plug It In2
Get Softwareサインイン 進行状況を保存するには アカウントをお持ちでない方 アカウントを作成する。
NOTE: Keep the board power off. Connect the USB cable to the PC and the other end to the micro-B connector on the SBC-S32V234 board.
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Allow the PC to configure the USB drivers automatically. You will need to download the FTDI drivers if your computer is not detecting the USB-serial device.
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Install and run any serial terminal (like TeraTerm, Putty, or other) on your Windows PC.
Select the port where the SBC-S32V234 is connected and configure it to '115200' baud rate, '8' data bits, 'no parity', and '1' stop bit.
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Insert the SD card (with pre-installed Linux Board Support Package) in the respective slot.
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Power on the device by pressing the Power button. You will see the SBC-S32V234 booting U-Boot, followed by Linux in the terminal window. Use the username = 'root'.
NOTE: NXP periodically updates its software, so users are encouraged to check for the latest Linux Board Support Package (BSP).
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The two most important software components for S32V2 devices are Linux and the Vision SDK:
Get the SBC-S32V234 QSP and check both the '1a_understand_Linux_BSP.pdf' and the '1b_understand_Vision_SDK.pdf' to understand different components of Linux BSP.
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Get the 'precompiled Linux binarie' together with the 'Linux User Manual'.
NOTE: Refer to the "Linux User Manual" for more information on customizing Linux using Yocto.
Download Automotive SW - Linux BSP
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The SBC-S32V234 specific files are available under the 'FILE IS MISSING' folder.
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Use the '.Sdcard' image to flash the SD card.
NOTE: You can use tools like the "Win32 Disk Imager”
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The Vision Software Development Kit (VSDK) for S32V234 Vision processors is an essential part of vision application development.
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The Linux BSP that came with the SBC-S32V234 is generic; it DOES NOT support Vision SDK out-of-the-box. NXP provides the precompiled Linux BSP binaries with all VSDK specific modifications.
NOTE:Alternatively, you can follow the “section 17 ADAS/Vision Yocto Layer” of the Linux User Manual to create these binaries from scratch using Yocto.
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Download the prebuilt Linux binaries supporting VSDK.
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Go to build_content\v234_linux_build\s32v234sbc
from the Vision SDK. You will find all components of Linux BSP in both 'boot' and 'rootfs' folders.
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Insert the card into the card reader of your PC.
Using a Linux Machine, get the name of SD card by using cat /proc/partitions
NOTE: the device is called '/dev/sdb' in this example. Change the name in all lines below accordingly
Sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
d [repeat this until no partition is reported by the 'p' command]
n [create a new partition]
p [create a primary partition]
1 [the first partition]
[enter] [using the default value will create a partition that starts at offset 2048]
+255M [size of the actual partition = 255 MB]
n [create a new partition]
p [create a primary partition]
2 [the second partition]
[enter] [using the default value will create a partition that starts at offset 67584]
[enter] [using the default value will create a partition that uses the remaining space on the
t [set partition type]
1 [partition #1]
c [FAT32]
t [set partition type]
2 [partition #2]
83 [Linux]
w [this writes the partition table to the medium and fdisk exits]
Remove the SD card from the slot and put it back again.
sudo mkfs.vfat -n boot /dev/sdb1
sudo mkfs.ext3 -L rootfs /dev/sdb2
Remove the SD card from the slot and put it back again.
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cd path_to_fsl-auto-yocto-bsp/build_s32v234sbc/tmp/deploy/images/s32v234sbc
sudo dd if=u-boot.s32 of=/dev/sdb bs=512 seek=8 conv=fsync
sudo cp Image /media/boot
sudo cp s32v234sbc.dtb /media/boot
cd /media/rootfs
sudo tar xvf
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Insert the SD card into the board and turn the power supply on. The UART is running on '115200' baud. The Linux will boot into command line and automatically loads OAL, APEX, CSI, FDMA, and other drivers.
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Plug the 12 V / 2 A DC Power Supply
Configure the USB Drivers
Setup a Serial Terminal
Insert the SD Card
Power the SBC-S32V234 ON
Download the SBC-S32V234 Quick Start Package (QSP)
Download the Latest Linux BSP
Extract the Compressed Linux Files
Flash the SD Card
Download the Vision SDK
Create a Linux BSP that Supports VSDK
Download the Pre-Compiled Binaries
Extract the Compressed File
Format the SD Card and Create the Partitions
Load the Content onto the SD Card
Boot the SBC-S32V234 Board