PCA9635PW | NXP Semiconductors

16-Bit Fm+ I²C-Bus LED Driver





16-Bit Fm+ I²C-Bus LED Driver



Key Features

  • 16 LED drivers. Each output programmable at:
    • Off
    • On
    • Programmable LED brightness
    • Programmable group dimming/blinking mixed with individual LED brightness
  • 1 MHz Fast-mode Plus compatible I²C-bus interface with 30 mA high drive capability on SDA output for driving high capacitive buses
  • 256-step (8-bit) linear programmable brightness per LED output varying from fully off (default) to maximum brightness using a 97 kHz PWM signal
  • 256-step group brightness control allows general dimming (using a 190 Hz PWM signal) from fully off to maximum brightness (default)
  • 256-step group blinking with frequency programmable from 24 Hz to 10.73s and duty cycle from 0 pct to 99.6 pct
  • Sixteen totem-pole outputs (sink 25 mA and source 10 mA at 5 V) with software programmable open-drain LED outputs selection (default at totem-pole). No input function
  • Output state change programmable on the Acknowledge or the STOP Command to update outputs byte-by-byte or all at the same time (default to 'Change on STOP')
  • Active LOW Output Enable (OE) input pin. LED outputs programmable to logic 1, logic 0 or 'high-impedance' (default at power-up) when OE is HIGH, thus allowing hardware blinking and dimming of the LEDs
  • 7 hardware address pins allow 126 devices to be connected to the same I²C-bus
  • 4 software programmable I²C-bus addresses (one LED Group Call address and three LED Sub Call addresses) allow groups of devices to be addressed at the same time in any combination (for example, one register used for 'All Call' so that all the PCA9635s on the I²C-bus can be addressed at the same time and the second register used for three different addresses so that 1/3 of all devices on the bus can be addressed at the same time in a group). Software enables and disables for I²C-bus address
  • Software Reset feature (SWRST Call) allows the device to be reset through the I²C-bus
  • 25 MHz internal oscillator requires no external components
  • Internal power-on reset
  • Noise filter on SDA/SCL inputs
  • Edge rate control on outputs
  • No glitch on power-up
  • Supports hot insertion
  • Low standby current
  • Operating power supply voltage range of 2.3 V to 5.5 V
  • 5.5 V tolerant inputs
  • -40 Cel to +85 Cel operation
  • ESD protection exceeds 2000 V HBM per JESD22-A114, 200 V MM per JESD22-A115 and 1000 V CDM per JESD22-C101
  • Latch-up testing is done to JEDEC Standard JESD78 which exceeds 100 mA
  • Packages offered: TSSOP28


N true 0 PSPPCA9635PWja 8 カタログ Brochure t518 2 セレクタ・ガイド Selector Guide t528 1 データ・シート Data Sheet t520 1 パッケージ情報 Packing Information t935 1 ユーザ・ガイド User Guide t792 2 ja ja ja データ・シート Data Sheet 1 1 7.1 English The PCA9635 is an I2C-bus controlled 16-bit LED driver optimized for Red/Green/Blue/Amber (RGBA) color mixing applications. 1442058066381725903347 PSP 525.0 KB None None documents None 1442058066381725903347 /docs/en/data-sheet/PCA9635.pdf 525044 /docs/en/data-sheet/PCA9635.pdf PCA9635 documents N N 2011-06-30 16-bit Fm+ I2C-bus LED driver /docs/en/data-sheet/PCA9635.pdf /docs/en/data-sheet/PCA9635.pdf Data Sheet N 980000996212993340 2024-10-21 pdf N en Jul 27, 2021 980000996212993340 Data Sheet Y N 16-bit Fm+ I2C-bus LED driver ユーザ・ガイド User Guide 2 2 7.0 English NXP Semiconductors developed a simple bidirectional 2-wire bus for efficient inter-IC control. This bus is called the Inter-IC or I2C-bus. Only two bus lines are required: a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL). Serial, 8-bit oriented, bidirectional data transfers can be made at up to 100 kbit/s in the Standard-mode, up to 400 kbit/s in the Fast-mode, up to 1 Mbit/s in the Fast-mode Plus (Fm+), or up to 3.4 Mbit/s in the High-speed mode. 1442125286808710770774 PSP 751.0 KB None None documents None 1442125286808710770774 /docs/en/user-guide/UM10204.pdf 750958 /docs/en/user-guide/UM10204.pdf UM10204 documents N N 2016-07-12 I2C-bus specification and user manual /docs/en/user-guide/UM10204.pdf /docs/en/user-guide/UM10204.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2024-10-24 en Oct 1, 2021 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N I2C-bus specification and user manual 6.0 Japanese 1442125286808710770774ja PSP 751.0 KB None None documents None 1442125286808710770774 /docs/ja/user-guide/UM10204.pdf 750958 /docs/ja/user-guide/UM10204.pdf UM10204 documents N N 2016-07-12 I2C-bus specification and user manual /docs/ja/user-guide/UM10204.pdf /docs/ja/user-guide/UM10204.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2024-10-24 pdf N ja Apr 28, 2014 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N I2C-bus specification and user manual 3 1.0 English 1442125396322710024694 PSP 345.0 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1442125396322710024694 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM10317.pdf 345007 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM10317.pdf UM10317 documents Y N 2011-06-30 UM10317 /webapp/Download?colCode=UM10317&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM10317.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2024-10-21 pdf Y en Dec 15, 2008 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N UM10317 カタログ Brochure 2 4 5 English LED Drivers, Voltage-switch and constant-current drivers 1537464109287702482909 PSP 955.2 KB None None documents None 1537464109287702482909 /docs/en/brochure/LED-DRIVER-SELECTOR-GUIDE.pdf 955197 /docs/en/brochure/LED-DRIVER-SELECTOR-GUIDE.pdf LED-DRIVER-SELECTOR-GUIDE documents N N 2018-09-20 LED Drivers Selector Guide /docs/en/brochure/LED-DRIVER-SELECTOR-GUIDE.pdf /docs/en/brochure/LED-DRIVER-SELECTOR-GUIDE.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2024-10-18 en Sep 20, 2024 712453003803778552 Brochure Y N LED Drivers Selector Guide 0 Japanese LEDs are used for status indication and fun lighting. LED controllers offload the system processor work load and power into small package. 1537464109287702482909ja PSP 955.2 KB None None documents None 1537464109287702482909 /docs/ja/brochure/LED-CONTROLLERS-FINAL-DELIVERABLES.pdf 955197 /docs/ja/brochure/LED-CONTROLLERS-FINAL-DELIVERABLES.pdf LED-DRIVER-SELECTOR-GUIDE documents N N 2018-09-20 LED Drivers Selector Guide /docs/ja/brochure/LED-CONTROLLERS-FINAL-DELIVERABLES.pdf /docs/ja/brochure/LED-CONTROLLERS-FINAL-DELIVERABLES.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2024-10-18 pdf N ja Jan 4, 2022 712453003803778552 Brochure Y N LEDコントローラ 5 1.0 English 1442124536742699632315 PSP 2.8 MB None None documents None 1442124536742699632315 /docs/en/brochure/75017588.pdf 2752784 /docs/en/brochure/75017588.pdf 75017588 documents N N 2016-07-11 LED controllers: Voltage-switch drivers, constant-current drivers, and Flash LED drivers /docs/en/brochure/75017588.pdf /docs/en/brochure/75017588.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2024-10-21 pdf N en Jul 2, 2014 712453003803778552 Brochure Y N LED controllers: Voltage-switch drivers, constant-current drivers, and Flash LED drivers パッケージ情報 Package Information 1 6 1.0 English 1455079535791698867422 PSP 383.7 KB None None documents None 1455079535791698867422 /docs/en/package-information/SOT361-1.pdf 383703 /docs/en/package-information/SOT361-1.pdf SOT361-1 documents N N 2016-02-12 plastic thin shrink small outline package; 28 leads; body width 4.4 mm /docs/en/package-information/SOT361-1.pdf /docs/en/package-information/SOT361-1.pdf Package Information N 302435339416912908 2024-10-21 pdf N en Feb 8, 2016 302435339416912908 Package Information Y N plastic thin shrink small outline package; 28 leads; body width 4.4 mm パッケージ情報 Packing Information 1 7 3.0 English 1442131463535720088921 PSP 232.6 KB None None documents None 1442131463535720088921 /docs/en/packing/SOT361-1_118.pdf 232565 /docs/en/packing/SOT361-1_118.pdf SOT361-1_118 documents N N 2013-04-17 TSSOP28; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering code (12NC) ending 118 /docs/en/packing/SOT361-1_118.pdf /docs/en/packing/SOT361-1_118.pdf Packing Information N 145666923842250347 2024-10-21 pdf N en Apr 16, 2013 145666923842250347 Packing Information Y N TSSOP28; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering code (12NC) ending 118 セレクタ・ガイド Selector Guide 1 8 2.1 English 1442126252734722248255 PSP 3.3 MB None None documents None 1442126252734722248255 /docs/en/product-selector-guide/75017085.pdf 3301382 /docs/en/product-selector-guide/75017085.pdf 75017085 documents N N 2016-10-08 Application guide: Flat-panel TV sets /docs/en/product-selector-guide/75017085.pdf /docs/en/product-selector-guide/75017085.pdf Selector Guide N 553557935274807777 2025-02-11 pdf N en Mar 12, 2012 553557935274807777 Selector Guide Y N Application guide: Flat-panel TV sets false 0 PCA9635PW downloads ja true 1 Y PSP Y Y カタログ 2 /docs/ja/brochure/LED-CONTROLLERS-FINAL-DELIVERABLES.pdf 2018-09-20 1537464109287702482909ja PSP 4 Jan 4, 2022 Brochure LEDs are used for status indication and fun lighting. LED controllers offload the system processor work load and power into small package. None /docs/ja/brochure/LED-CONTROLLERS-FINAL-DELIVERABLES.pdf Japanese documents 955197 None 712453003803778552 2024-10-18 N /docs/ja/brochure/LED-CONTROLLERS-FINAL-DELIVERABLES.pdf LEDコントローラ /docs/ja/brochure/LED-CONTROLLERS-FINAL-DELIVERABLES.pdf documents 712453003803778552 Brochure N ja None Y pdf 0 N N LED Drivers Selector Guide 955.2 KB LED-DRIVER-SELECTOR-GUIDE N 1537464109287702482909 /docs/en/brochure/75017588.pdf 2016-07-11 1442124536742699632315 PSP 5 Jul 2, 2014 Brochure None /docs/en/brochure/75017588.pdf English documents 2752784 None 712453003803778552 2024-10-21 N /docs/en/brochure/75017588.pdf LED controllers: Voltage-switch drivers, constant-current drivers, and Flash LED drivers /docs/en/brochure/75017588.pdf documents 712453003803778552 Brochure N en None Y pdf 1.0 N N LED controllers: Voltage-switch drivers, constant-current drivers, and Flash LED drivers 2.8 MB 75017588 N 1442124536742699632315 セレクタ・ガイド 1 /docs/en/product-selector-guide/75017085.pdf 2016-10-08 1442126252734722248255 PSP 8 Mar 12, 2012 Selector Guide None /docs/en/product-selector-guide/75017085.pdf English documents 3301382 None 553557935274807777 2025-02-11 N /docs/en/product-selector-guide/75017085.pdf Application guide: Flat-panel TV sets /docs/en/product-selector-guide/75017085.pdf documents 553557935274807777 Selector Guide N en None Y pdf 2.1 N N Application guide: Flat-panel TV sets 3.3 MB 75017085 N 1442126252734722248255 データ・シート 1 /docs/en/data-sheet/PCA9635.pdf 2011-06-30 1442058066381725903347 PSP 1 Jul 27, 2021 Data Sheet The PCA9635 is an I2C-bus controlled 16-bit LED driver optimized for Red/Green/Blue/Amber (RGBA) color mixing applications. None /docs/en/data-sheet/PCA9635.pdf English documents 525044 None 980000996212993340 2024-10-21 N /docs/en/data-sheet/PCA9635.pdf 16-bit Fm+ I2C-bus LED driver /docs/en/data-sheet/PCA9635.pdf documents 980000996212993340 Data Sheet N en None Y pdf 7.1 N N 16-bit Fm+ I2C-bus LED driver 525.0 KB PCA9635 N 1442058066381725903347 パッケージ情報 1 /docs/en/packing/SOT361-1_118.pdf 2013-04-17 1442131463535720088921 PSP 7 Apr 16, 2013 Packing Information None /docs/en/packing/SOT361-1_118.pdf English documents 232565 None 145666923842250347 2024-10-21 N /docs/en/packing/SOT361-1_118.pdf TSSOP28; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering code (12NC) ending 118 /docs/en/packing/SOT361-1_118.pdf documents 145666923842250347 Packing Information N en None Y pdf 3.0 N N TSSOP28; Reel pack; SMD, 13" Q1/T1 Standard product orientation Orderable part number ending ,118 or J Ordering code (12NC) ending 118 232.6 KB SOT361-1_118 N 1442131463535720088921 ユーザ・ガイド 2 /docs/ja/user-guide/UM10204.pdf 2016-07-12 1442125286808710770774ja PSP 2 Apr 28, 2014 User Guide None /docs/ja/user-guide/UM10204.pdf Japanese documents 750958 None 132339537837198660 2024-10-24 N /docs/ja/user-guide/UM10204.pdf I2C-bus specification and user manual /docs/ja/user-guide/UM10204.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N ja None Y pdf 6.0 N N I2C-bus specification and user manual 751.0 KB UM10204 N 1442125286808710770774 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM10317.pdf 2011-06-30 1442125396322710024694 PSP 3 Dec 15, 2008 User Guide Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM10317.pdf English documents 345007 None 132339537837198660 2024-10-21 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=UM10317&lang_cd=ja UM10317 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM10317.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en Extended Y pdf 1.0 Y N UM10317 345.0 KB UM10317 N 1442125396322710024694 true Y Products


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