Sub-1 GHz RF and 8-bit HCS08 MCU with 32KB Flash, 2KB RAM | NXP Semiconductors

Sub-1 GHz RF and 8-bit HCS08 MCU with 32KB Flash, 2KB RAM

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RF Transceiver Features

  • High sensitivity: down to -120 dBm at 1.2 kbps
  • Low current: Rx = 16mA, 100nA register r
  • Programmable output : -18 to +17 dBm in 1 dB steps
  • FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK and OOK modulations with a bit rates up to 300 kbps in FSK
  • Packet engine with CRC, AES-128 encryption and 66-byte FIFO
  • Built-in temperature sensor and low battery indicator

Microcontroller Features

  • 8-Bit S08 CPU: up to 50 MHz
  • 32 KB flash and 2 KB RAM
  • Multiple low-power modes
  • In-circuit debug and flash programming available via on-chip background debug module (BDM)
  • System protection features
  • Programmable low voltage interrupt (LVI)
  • Optional watchdog timer (COP)


  • Analog-to-digital converter (ADC): 10-channel, 12-bit resolution
  • Two analog comparators (ACMPx)
  • Two serial communications interface (SCI) modules
  • I2C: Up to 100 kbps
  • One 6-channel (TPM3) and two 3-channel (TPM1 and TPM2)
  • Real-time counter
  • Two 8-bit port keyboard interrupt (KBI) modules


  • Up to 33 general purpose input output (GPIO), including dedicated GPIO supporting transceiver
  • 13 KBI interrupts with selectable polarity

Operating Voltage and Temperature Range

  • 1.8 to 3.6-volt operating voltage with on-chip voltage regulators
  • Temperature range of -40°C to +85°C

Software Solutions

  • Our MC12311 simple media access controller (SMAC) is a simple ANSI C-based code stack available as sample source code. It is used for developing proprietary RF wireless applications using a sub-1 GHz transceiver. The MC12311 SMAC was built to enable the flexibility of the MC12311 integrated circuit (IC). The MC12311 SMAC is incorporated into the BeeKit® Wireless Connectivity Toolkit, which makes it easier for users to employ and customize MC12311 SMAC
  • Our MC12311 radio utility application provides a way to interact with the transceiver based on SMAC embedded applications. The radio utility application allows for complete configuration of the radio as well as basic transmitter and receiver tests
  • IEEE® 802.15.4 MAC with custom PHY layer: NXP® has developed a subset of the 802.15.4 PHY/MAC that fits into the internal flash memory of the MC12311. It supports the G-FSK modulation with multiple frequencies, data rates and channels
  • NXP provides support for wireless M-Bus through our partner AMiHO. NXP provides an evaluation version of wireless M-Bus and a full version can be purchased through AMiHO




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3 ソフトウェア・ファイル

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