This Machine Learning (ML) application software pack, ML-based System State
Monitor, relies on the Deep Learning (DL) subfield of ML and enables
developers to develop and deploy neural networks on MCU-based systems for
building smart sensing applications. This example software package, designed
to show how to create a fan vibration state monitoring solution and also
provides details on how to validate and evaluate the performance of a model by
running it through different inference engines on an embedded sensing device.
This App SW Pack is available for the MCX N family with dedicated eIQ® Neutron neural processing unit (NPU) for machine learning applications, i.MX RT1170 family of Crossover MCUs, LPC55S6x and K66 families of general purpose MCUs.
To access this software pack, click on the download button here to visit the
NXP MCUXpresso SDK github repository and follow the steps found in this
App SW Pack ML State Monitor Lab Guide.