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inDART-HCS08 User's Manual[INDART-HCS08_UM]はじめに
inDART-HCS08 Design Kit Quickstart Tutorial[INDART-HCS08_QUICKSTART_POSTER]はじめに
inDART-HCS08/D is a powerful entry-level tool for NXP® S08-based systems. inDART-HCS08/D takes advantage of CodeWarrior® HC(S)08 Integrated Development Environment and the BDC (Background Debug Controller) feature to debug the user program. Together with CodeWarrior HC(S)08, inDART-HCS08/D provides you with everything you need to compile, download (program), in-circuit emulate and debug user code. Full speed program execution allows you to perform hardware and software testing in real time. inDART-HCS08/D is connected to the host PC through a USB port, while the 6-pin BDM connector of the product fits into the target’s standard BDM connector.
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