Arm® Cortex®-M4 | Kinetis® K80 150 MHz Advanced Security and QuadSPI MCU | NXP Semiconductors

Kinetis® K80-150 MHz Advanced Security and QuadSPI Microcontrollers (MCUs) Based on Arm® Cortex®-M4 Core

Kinetis<sup>&#174;</sup> K8x MCU Family: The Secure MCU



Kinetis K80/K82 MCU Block Diagram

Kinetis K80/K82 MCU Block Diagram


Memory and Scalability

  • 256 KB of Flash
  • 256 KB of SRAM
  • CPU cache consisting of separate 8 KB I/D and 8 KB system cache
  • QSPI controller optimized for XIP from external serial NOR flash memories with support for quad and octal data interfaces
  • SDRAM and external memory bus interfaces
  • eMMC/SDIO interface through eSDHC peripheral

Ultra Low Power

  • Flexible low-power modes with power and clock gating for optimal peripheral activity and recovery times. Stop currents of <340 nA, run currents of 200 µA/MHz, 5.8 µs wake-up from Stop mode
  • Full memory and analog operation down to 1.71 volts for extended battery life
  • Low-leakage wake-up unit with up to seven internal modules and 24 pins as wake-up sources in low-leakage stop (LLS)/very low-leakage stop (VLLS) modes
  • Low-power peripherals and DMA for continuous system operation in reduced power state


  • Arm® Cortex®-M4 core + DSP up to 150 MHz, single-cycle MAC, single instruction multiple data (SIMD) extensions, single precision floating point unit
  • Up to 32-channel DMA for peripheral and memory servicing with reduced CPU loading and faster system throughput
  • CPU cache consisting of separate 8 KB I/D and 8 KB system cache
  • Cross-bar switch enables concurrent multi-leader bus accesses, increasing bus bandwidth

Cost Saving Integration

  • 48 MHz internal reference clock capable of supporting full-speed USB device without an external crystal
  • Integrated USB regulator to allow direct connection to 5V from USB cables
  • Separate I/O power domain for several pins allowing interfaces without external level translators
  • Analog voltage reference provides an accurate reference to analog blocks, ADC and DAC and replaces external voltage references to reduce system cost

HMI (Human Machine Interface)

  • 32-Pin FlexIO block capable of interfacing to camera or displays
  • External memory bus for connection to smart display modules
  • Touch Sense interface supported by Kinetis® SDK software library
  • GPIO pins with support for digital filtering

Mixed Signal Capability

  • 16-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with configurable resolution. Single or differential output mode operation for improved noise rejection
  • 12-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs) for analog waveform generation for audio applications
  • Two high-speed comparators providing fast and accurate motor over-current protection by driving PWMs to a safe state
  • Analog voltage reference provides an accurate reference to analog blocks, ADC and DAC, and replaces external voltage references to reduce system cost

Connectivity and Communications

  • USB 2.0 on-the-go (full-speed) with USB transceiver. Intelligent design with embedded 48 MHz oscillator allowing for USB crystal-less system design. Device charge detect optimizes charging current/time for portable USB devices enabling longer battery life. Low-voltage regulator supplies up to 120 mA off-chip at 3.3 volts to power external components from 5 volts input
  • Up to four UARTs with IrDA support
  • EMVSIM module with ISO7816 smart card support
  • Inter-IC Sound (I2S) serial interface for audio system interfacing
  • Three DSPI and four I²C

Reliability and Safety

  • Memory protection unit provides memory protection for all leaders on the cross-bar switch, increasing software reliability
  • Cyclic redundancy check engine validates memory contents and communication data, increasing system reliability
  • Independent-clocked COP guards against clock skew or code runaway for fail-safe applications such as the IEC 60730 safety standard for household appliances
  • External watchdog monitor drives output pin to safe state external components if watchdog event occurs

Advanced Security

  • Flash and chip security settings
  • Memory protection unit provides memory protection for all leaders on the cross-bar switch, increasing software reliability
  • Hardware implementation of security operations symmetrical crypto. Supports DES, 3DES, AES, MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 algorithms
  • Ability to disable JTAG® and chip unique ID
  • ROM support for encrypted firmware updates
  • Flash Access controller to create execute only regions of embedded flash



N true 0 PSPK80_150ja 22 アプリケーション・ノート Application Note t789 2 アプリケーション・ノート・ソフトウェア Application Note Software t783 1 エラッタ Errata t522 1 カタログ Brochure t518 1 クイック・リファレンス・ガイド Quick Reference Guide t525 1 セレクタ・ガイド Selector Guide t528 1 データ・シート Data Sheet t520 1 ファクト・シート Fact Sheet t523 2 ユーザ・ガイド User Guide t792 9 リファレンス・マニュアル Reference Manual t877 2 リリース・ノート Release Note t933 1 ja 1 1 5 English The Kinetis K8x MCU family builds on the Kinetis MCU portfolio with advanced security capabilities including boot ROM to support encrypted firmware updates, automatic decryption from external serial NOR flash memory, hardware AES acceleration with side band attack protection, and hardware support for elliptical curve cryptography. 1434056429658710828901 PSP 198.3 KB None None documents None 1434056429658710828901 /docs/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFS.pdf 198343 /docs/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFS.pdf KNTSK8XFS N N 2018-10-02 Kinetis K8x MCU Family - Fact Sheet /docs/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFS.pdf /docs/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFS.pdf Fact Sheet N Y 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 pdf N en Oct 2, 2018 Fact Sheet t523 ファクト・シート Fact Sheet Y N Kinetis K8x MCU Family - Fact Sheet false ja ja データ・シート Data Sheet 1 2 5 English Kinetis K80 Data Sheet: 150MHz high-performance Arm<sub>&reg;</sub> Cortex<sub>&reg;</sub>-M4F microcontroller(MCU), USB, mixed-signal integration, up to 256KB Flash/256KB SRAM 1441692346536696332003 PSP 1.2 MB None None documents None 1441692346536696332003 /docs/en/data-sheet/K80P121M150SF5.pdf 1155306 /docs/en/data-sheet/K80P121M150SF5.pdf K80P121M150SF5 documents N N 2016-12-19 Kinetis K80: 150MHz Cortex<sub>&reg;</sub>-M4F up to 256KB Flash /docs/en/data-sheet/K80P121M150SF5.pdf /docs/en/data-sheet/K80P121M150SF5.pdf Data Sheet N 980000996212993340 2022-12-07 pdf N en Dec 18, 2016 980000996212993340 Data Sheet Y N Kinetis K80: 150MHz Cortex<sub>&reg;</sub>-M4F up to 256KB Flash リファレンス・マニュアル Reference Manual 2 3 0 English The Kinetis bootloader is a configurable flash programming utility that operates over a&#13;&#10;serial connection on Kinetis MCUs. It enables quick and easy programming of Kinetis&#13;&#10;MCUs through the entire product life cycle, including application development, final&#13;&#10;product manufacturing, and beyond. 1461567095982718003434 PSP 2.6 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1461567095982718003434 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/KBTLDR200RM.pdf 2605738 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/KBTLDR200RM.pdf KBTLDR200RM documents Y N 2016-10-31 Kinetis Bootloader v2.0.0 Reference Manual /webapp/Download?colCode=KBTLDR200RM&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/KBTLDR200RM.pdf Reference Manual N 500633505221135046 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Apr 24, 2016 500633505221135046 Reference Manual Y N Kinetis Bootloader v2.0.0 Reference Manual 4 4 English Kinetis K80 Reference Manual: 150MHz high-performance Arm<sub>&reg;</sub> Cortex<sub>&reg;</sub>-M4F microcontroller(MCU), USB, mixed-signal integration, up to 256KB Flash/256KB SRAM 1441788462355721659495 PSP 23.5 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1441788462355721659495 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/K80P121M150SF5RM.pdf 23478793 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/K80P121M150SF5RM.pdf K80P121M150SF5RM documents Y N 2016-10-31 Kinetis K80: 150MHz Cortex<sub>&reg;</sub>-M4F up to 256KB Flash /webapp/Download?colCode=K80P121M150SF5RM&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/K80P121M150SF5RM.pdf Reference Manual N 500633505221135046 2022-12-07 pdf Y en Sep 22, 2015 500633505221135046 Reference Manual Y N Kinetis K80: 150MHz Cortex<sub>&reg;</sub>-M4F up to 256KB Flash アプリケーション・ノート Application Note 2 5 0 English /docs/en/application-note-software/ /docs/en/application-note-software/ This application note describes how to implement a proof-of-concept offline flash programmer for nearly all Kinetis devices. 1474003407158706562446 PSP 572.0 KB None None documents None 1474003407158706562446 /docs/en/application-note/AN5331.pdf 572017 /docs/en/application-note/AN5331.pdf AN5331 documents N N 2016-11-09 Offline Flash Programmer for Kinetis K- and L-series MCUs /docs/en/application-note/AN5331.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN5331.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Sep 19, 2016 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Offline Flash Programmer for Kinetis K- and L-series MCUs 6 1 English /docs/en/application-note-software/ /docs/en/application-note-software/ The FlexIO peripheral is a flexible hardware peripheral provided by NXP that allows the emulation of many different serial and parallel data interfaces, state machines, and logic tables. FlexIO can manage pins, clocks, PWMs, data interfaces and more in hardware, without needing assistance from the CPU core. This flexibility can unload the CPU while it executes the application code, or enable the CPU core to be disabled in a low-power mode, and reduce current consumption. 1460585516120734325414 PSP 1.2 MB None None documents None 1460585516120734325414 /docs/en/application-note/AN5280.pdf 1170085 /docs/en/application-note/AN5280.pdf AN5280 documents N N 2016-04-13 Using Kinetis FlexIO to Drive a Graphical LCD /docs/en/application-note/AN5280.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN5280.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 13, 2016 645036621402383989 Application Note N Using Kinetis FlexIO to Drive a Graphical LCD ユーザ・ガイド User Guide 9 7 2 English This document describes how to use the Kinetis bootloader to load a user application on a Kinetis MCU. 1437504624538725206450 PSP 3.1 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1437504624538725206450 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBTLDRDEMOUG.pdf 3087855 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBTLDRDEMOUG.pdf KBTLDRDEMOUG documents Y N 2016-10-31 Kinetis Bootloader Demo Application User's Guide /webapp/Download?colCode=KBTLDRDEMOUG&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBTLDRDEMOUG.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Apr 24, 2016 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N Kinetis Bootloader Demo Application User's Guide 8 3 English This document describes the usage of the blhost PC&#13;&#10;application. The blhost application is used on a host computer&#13;&#10;to issue commands to an NXP platform running an&#13;&#10;implementation of the Kinetis bootloader. The blhost&#13;&#10;application, in conjuction with the Kinetis bootloader, allows a&#13;&#10;user to program a firmware application onto the Kinetis device&#13;&#10;without a programming tool. 1406243050743694572928 PSP 310.7 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1406243050743694572928 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLHOSTUG.pdf 310674 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLHOSTUG.pdf KBLHOSTUG documents Y N 2016-10-31 Kinetis blhost User's Guide /webapp/Download?colCode=KBLHOSTUG&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLHOSTUG.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Apr 24, 2016 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N Kinetis blhost User's Guide 9 0 English The Kinetis family of devices are pre-manufactured with&#13;&#10;Kinetis bootloader in either the ROM or flash memory of the&#13;&#10;device, and can boot into the Kinetis bootloader application. A&#13;&#10;PC host or leader can connect to the Kinetis bootloader device&#13;&#10;via USB-HID or UART interface, and uses the bootloader&#8217;s&#13;&#10;command protocol interface in programming the image on the&#13;&#10;Kinetis device. 1461566547262712476098 PSP 499.3 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1461566547262712476098 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLMFGTOOLUG.pdf 499331 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLMFGTOOLUG.pdf KBLMFGTOOLUG documents Y N 2016-10-31 Manufacturing Tool v.2.0.0 (MfgTool2) for Kinetis Bootloader User's Guide /webapp/Download?colCode=KBLMFGTOOLUG&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLMFGTOOLUG.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Apr 24, 2016 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N Manufacturing Tool v.2.0.0 (MfgTool2) for Kinetis Bootloader User's Guide 10 1 English The QuadSPI controller available on selected Kinetis devices&#13;&#10;supports execute-in-place (XIP) for external SPI flash memory&#13;&#10;devices. This document describes the usage of Kinetis&#13;&#10;bootloader (KBOOT) in configuring various features of&#13;&#10;QuadSPI block, including XIP, generating plaintext and&#13;&#10;encrypted bootable SB file image, and flashing QuadSPI&#13;&#10;memory with the SB file image. 1461562030886694449636 PSP 1.8 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1461562030886694449636 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLQSPIUG.pdf 1818770 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLQSPIUG.pdf KBLQSPIUG documents Y N 2016-10-31 Kinetis Bootloader QuadSPI User's Guide /webapp/Download?colCode=KBLQSPIUG&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLQSPIUG.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Apr 24, 2016 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N Kinetis Bootloader QuadSPI User's Guide 11 1 English The elftosb tool creates a binary output file that contains the user's application image along with a series of bootloader commands. The output file is known as a "Secure Binary" or SB file for short. These files typically have a .sb extension.&#13;&#10;The tool uses an input command file to control the sequence of bootloader commands present in the output file. This command file is called a "boot descriptor file" or BD file for&#13;&#10;short. 1461561916944700116657 PSP 409.9 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1461561916944700116657 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLELFTOSBUG.pdf 409942 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLELFTOSBUG.pdf KBLELFTOSBUG documents Y N 2016-10-31 Kinetis Elftosb User's Guide /webapp/Download?colCode=KBLELFTOSBUG&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLELFTOSBUG.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Apr 24, 2016 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N Kinetis Elftosb User's Guide 12 0 English The Kinetis bootloader package provides several tools for ease&#13;&#10;of use for the customer. The tools range from command linedriven&#13;&#10;host tools, such as blhost, to fully interactive GUI&#13;&#10;based tools such as FlashTool, MfgTool, and so on. These&#13;&#10;tools run on host PC and provide ways and means to&#13;&#10;communicate to the Kinetis bootloader running on the target&#13;&#10;device in order to exercise bootloader commands and&#13;&#10;properties, and to program the flash with the ap 1461566670835719698389 PSP 11.8 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1461566670835719698389 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/EMBEDDEDHOSTUG.pdf 11807734 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/EMBEDDEDHOSTUG.pdf EMBEDDEDHOSTUG documents Y N 2016-10-31 Embedded Host User's Guide /webapp/Download?colCode=EMBEDDEDHOSTUG&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/EMBEDDEDHOSTUG.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Apr 24, 2016 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N Embedded Host User's Guide 13 0 English The Kinetis Flash Tool is a GUI application on Windows&#174;&#13;&#10;OS, aiming to offer the user an ease-of-use friendly user&#13;&#10;interface to communicate with the Kinetis device, running the&#13;&#10;Kinetis bootloader application. The user can execute the write&#13;&#10;or erase operation on a Kinetis device&#8217;s non-volatile memory,&#13;&#10;including but not limited to the following features: 1461562591341727908900 PSP 2.5 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1461562591341727908900 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KFLASHTOOLUG.pdf 2481407 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KFLASHTOOLUG.pdf KFLASHTOOLUG documents Y N 2016-10-31 Kinetis Flash Tool User's Guide /webapp/Download?colCode=KFLASHTOOLUG&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KFLASHTOOLUG.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Apr 24, 2016 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N Kinetis Flash Tool User's Guide 14 2 English This document describes how to interface with the Kinetis ROM-based bootloader to program a user application image into the on-chip flash. The Kinetis bootloader application resides in the Kinetis ROM and enables flash programming without the need for a debugger. 1406243134163734139910 PSP 467.2 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1406243134163734139910 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBTLDRUG.pdf 467182 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBTLDRUG.pdf KBTLDRUG documents Y N 2016-10-31 Getting Started with the Kinetis ROM Bootloader - KBTLDRUG /webapp/Download?colCode=KBTLDRUG&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBTLDRUG.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Apr 24, 2016 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N Getting Started with the Kinetis ROM Bootloader - KBTLDRUG 15 2 English This document describes how to interface with the Kinetis Flashloader to program a user application image into the on-chip flash. 1407177695328719834821 PSP 465.4 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1407177695328719834821 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KFLLDRUG.pdf 465428 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KFLLDRUG.pdf KFLLDRUG documents Y N 2016-10-31 Getting Started with the Kinetis Flashloader /webapp/Download?colCode=KFLLDRUG&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KFLLDRUG.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Apr 24, 2016 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N Getting Started with the Kinetis Flashloader アプリケーション・ノート・ソフトウェア Application Note Software 1 16 0 English Application Software for AN5331 1473849431515734394710 PSP 21.6 MB None None documents None 1473849431515734394710 /docs/en/application-note-software/ 21556816 /docs/en/application-note-software/ AN5331SW documents N N 2016-11-09 Application Note Software for AN5331 /docs/en/application-note-software/ /docs/en/application-note-software/ Application Note Software N 789425793691620447 2022-12-07 zip N en Oct 23, 2016 789425793691620447 Application Note Software Y N Application Note Software for AN5331 カタログ Brochure 1 17 2 Chinese 1347645826087696067037zh PSP 1.8 MB None None documents None 1347645826087696067037 /docs/zh/brochure/BRKINETISSECSOLS.pdf 1802848 /docs/zh/brochure/BRKINETISSECSOLS.pdf BRKINETISSECSOLS documents N N 2016-10-31 Brochure: Kinetis<sup>&#174;</sup> MCUs - Securing the Internet of Tomorrow /docs/zh/brochure/BRKINETISSECSOLS.pdf /docs/zh/brochure/BRKINETISSECSOLS.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2022-12-07 zh 712453003803778552 Brochure N 手册:Kinetis MCU - 为未来的互联网保驾护航 2 English The Kinetis MCU portfolio consists of multiple&#13;&#10;pin-, peripheral- and software-compatible MCU&#13;&#10;families based on the Arm<sup>&#174;</sup>&#174; Cortex&#8482;-M4 core.&#13;&#10;Kinetis MCU families are built on innovative&#13;&#10;90 nm thin-film storage (TFS) flash technology&#13;&#10;with unique FlexMemory (EEPROM) capability,&#13;&#10;and offer industry-leading low power and&#13;&#10;mixed signal analog integration. 1347645826087696067037 PSP 1.8 MB None None documents None 1347645826087696067037 /docs/en/brochure/BRKINETISSECSOLS.pdf 1802848 /docs/en/brochure/BRKINETISSECSOLS.pdf BRKINETISSECSOLS documents N N 2016-10-31 Brochure: Kinetis<sup>&#174;</sup> MCUs - Securing the Internet of Tomorrow /docs/en/brochure/BRKINETISSECSOLS.pdf /docs/en/brochure/BRKINETISSECSOLS.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 17, 2015 712453003803778552 Brochure Y N Brochure: Kinetis<sup>&#174;</sup> MCUs - Securing the Internet of Tomorrow エラッタ Errata 1 18 09 JUL 2019 English Mask Set Errata for Mask 1N03P 1447094184715709640639 PSP 186.2 KB None None documents None 1447094184715709640639 /docs/en/errata/KINETIS_K_1N03P.pdf 186208 /docs/en/errata/KINETIS_K_1N03P.pdf KINETIS_K_1N03P documents N N 2019-07-14 Mask Set Errata for Mask 1N03P /docs/en/errata/KINETIS_K_1N03P.pdf /docs/en/errata/KINETIS_K_1N03P.pdf Errata N 155452329886410597 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jul 15, 2019 155452329886410597 Errata Y N Mask Set Errata for Mask 1N03P ファクト・シート Fact Sheet 1 19 0 English Kinetis K8x MCU Family Hardware Tools - Fact Sheet 1447088855259726113787 PSP 1.7 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1447088855259726113787 /secured/assets/documents/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFAMHWFS.pdf 1668295 /secured/assets/documents/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFAMHWFS.pdf KNTSK8XFAMHWFS documents Y N 2016-10-31 Kinetis K8x MCU Family Hardware Tools - Fact Sheet /webapp/Download?colCode=KNTSK8XFAMHWFS&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFAMHWFS.pdf Fact Sheet N 736675474163315314 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Nov 9, 2015 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet Y N Kinetis K8x MCU Family Hardware Tools - Fact Sheet クイック・リファレンス・ガイド Quick Reference Guide 1 20 3 Chinese 1289000062116715449797zh PSP 2.7 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1289000062116715449797 /secured/assets/documents/zh/quick-start-guide/KQRUG.pdf 2744723 /secured/assets/documents/zh/quick-start-guide/KQRUG.pdf KQRUG documents Y N 2016-10-31 KQRUG, Kinetis K Quick Reference User Guide /secured/assets/documents/zh/quick-start-guide/KQRUG.pdf Quick Reference Guide N 803735842453594974 2022-12-07 zh May 30, 2014 803735842453594974 Quick Reference Guide N Kinetis外设模块演示软件 3 English A collection of code examples, useful tips, and quick reference material created to help you speed the development of your applications. 1289000062116715449797 PSP 2.7 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1289000062116715449797 /secured/assets/documents/en/quick-reference-guide/KQRUG.pdf 2744723 /secured/assets/documents/en/quick-reference-guide/KQRUG.pdf KQRUG documents Y N 2016-10-31 KQRUG, Kinetis K Quick Reference User Guide /webapp/Download?colCode=KQRUG&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/quick-reference-guide/KQRUG.pdf Quick Reference Guide N 803735842453594974 2022-12-07 pdf Y en May 30, 2014 803735842453594974 Quick Reference Guide Y N KQRUG, Kinetis K Quick Reference User Guide リリース・ノート Release Note 1 21 0 English These are the release notes for the Kinetis bootloader v2.0.0.&#13;&#10;For more information and getting started instructions, see the&#13;&#10;Getting Started section of this document. 1461567907445690673729 PSP 134.4 KB None None documents None 1461567907445690673729 /docs/en/release-note/KBTLDR200RN.pdf 134360 /docs/en/release-note/KBTLDR200RN.pdf KBTLDR200RN documents N N 2016-10-31 Kinetis Bootloader v2.0.0 Release Notes /docs/en/release-note/KBTLDR200RN.pdf /docs/en/release-note/KBTLDR200RN.pdf Release Note N 487216834315582133 2022-12-07 pdf N en Apr 24, 2016 487216834315582133 Release Note Y N Kinetis Bootloader v2.0.0 Release Notes セレクタ・ガイド Selector Guide 1 22 1 English Product Selector guide for high-performance Arm Cortex-M4 Kinetis L Series microcontrollers (MCU) 1409343585806685465101 PSP 2.7 MB None None documents None 1409343585806685465101 /docs/en/product-selector-guide/KINETISKMCUSELGD.pdf 2686803 /docs/en/product-selector-guide/KINETISKMCUSELGD.pdf KINETISKMCUSELGD documents N N 2017-03-27 Selector Guide: High-performance Kinetis K Series MCUs /docs/en/product-selector-guide/KINETISKMCUSELGD.pdf /docs/en/product-selector-guide/KINETISKMCUSELGD.pdf Selector Guide N 553557935274807777 2023-06-19 pdf N en May 2, 2018 553557935274807777 Selector Guide Y N Selector Guide: High-performance Kinetis K Series MCUs false 0 K80_150 downloads ja true 1 Y PSP Y Y アプリケーション・ノート 2 /docs/en/application-note/AN5331.pdf 2016-11-09 1474003407158706562446 PSP 5 Sep 19, 2016 Application Note This application note describes how to implement a proof-of-concept offline flash programmer for nearly all Kinetis devices. None /docs/en/application-note/AN5331.pdf English documents 572017 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN5331.pdf Offline Flash Programmer for Kinetis K- and L-series MCUs /docs/en/application-note/AN5331.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N Offline Flash Programmer for Kinetis K- and L-series MCUs 572.0 KB AN5331 N 1474003407158706562446 /docs/en/application-note/AN5280.pdf 2016-04-13 1460585516120734325414 PSP 6 Jun 13, 2016 Application Note The FlexIO peripheral is a flexible hardware peripheral provided by NXP that allows the emulation of many different serial and parallel data interfaces, state machines, and logic tables. FlexIO can manage pins, clocks, PWMs, data interfaces and more in hardware, without needing assistance from the CPU core. This flexibility can unload the CPU while it executes the application code, or enable the CPU core to be disabled in a low-power mode, and reduce current consumption. None /docs/en/application-note/AN5280.pdf English documents 1170085 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN5280.pdf Using Kinetis FlexIO to Drive a Graphical LCD /docs/en/application-note/AN5280.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None pdf 1 N N Using Kinetis FlexIO to Drive a Graphical LCD 1.2 MB AN5280 N 1460585516120734325414 アプリケーション・ノート・ソフトウェア 1 /docs/en/application-note-software/ 2016-11-09 1473849431515734394710 PSP 16 Oct 23, 2016 Application Note Software Application Software for AN5331 None /docs/en/application-note-software/ English documents 21556816 None 789425793691620447 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note-software/ Application Note Software for AN5331 /docs/en/application-note-software/ documents 789425793691620447 Application Note Software N en None Y zip 0 N N Application Note Software for AN5331 21.6 MB AN5331SW N 1473849431515734394710 エラッタ 1 /docs/en/errata/KINETIS_K_1N03P.pdf 2019-07-14 1447094184715709640639 PSP 18 Jul 15, 2019 Errata Mask Set Errata for Mask 1N03P None /docs/en/errata/KINETIS_K_1N03P.pdf English documents 186208 None 155452329886410597 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/errata/KINETIS_K_1N03P.pdf Mask Set Errata for Mask 1N03P /docs/en/errata/KINETIS_K_1N03P.pdf documents 155452329886410597 Errata N en None Y pdf 09 JUL 2019 N N Mask Set Errata for Mask 1N03P 186.2 KB KINETIS_K_1N03P N 1447094184715709640639 カタログ 1 /docs/en/brochure/BRKINETISSECSOLS.pdf 2016-10-31 1347645826087696067037 PSP 17 Jun 17, 2015 Brochure The Kinetis MCU portfolio consists of multiple&#13;&#10;pin-, peripheral- and software-compatible MCU&#13;&#10;families based on the Arm<sup>&#174;</sup>&#174; Cortex&#8482;-M4 core.&#13;&#10;Kinetis MCU families are built on innovative&#13;&#10;90 nm thin-film storage (TFS) flash technology&#13;&#10;with unique FlexMemory (EEPROM) capability,&#13;&#10;and offer industry-leading low power and&#13;&#10;mixed signal analog integration. None /docs/en/brochure/BRKINETISSECSOLS.pdf English documents 1802848 None 712453003803778552 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/brochure/BRKINETISSECSOLS.pdf Brochure: Kinetis<sup>&#174;</sup> MCUs - Securing the Internet of Tomorrow /docs/en/brochure/BRKINETISSECSOLS.pdf documents 712453003803778552 Brochure N en None Y pdf 2 N N Brochure: Kinetis<sup>&#174;</sup> MCUs - Securing the Internet of Tomorrow 1.8 MB BRKINETISSECSOLS N 1347645826087696067037 クイック・リファレンス・ガイド 1 /secured/assets/documents/en/quick-reference-guide/KQRUG.pdf 2016-10-31 1289000062116715449797 PSP 20 May 30, 2014 Quick Reference Guide A collection of code examples, useful tips, and quick reference material created to help you speed the development of your applications. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/quick-reference-guide/KQRUG.pdf English documents 2744723 None 803735842453594974 2022-12-07 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=KQRUG&lang_cd=ja KQRUG, Kinetis K Quick Reference User Guide /secured/assets/documents/en/quick-reference-guide/KQRUG.pdf documents 803735842453594974 Quick Reference Guide N en Extended Y pdf 3 Y N KQRUG, Kinetis K Quick Reference User Guide 2.7 MB KQRUG N 1289000062116715449797 セレクタ・ガイド 1 /docs/en/product-selector-guide/KINETISKMCUSELGD.pdf 2017-03-27 1409343585806685465101 PSP 22 May 2, 2018 Selector Guide Product Selector guide for high-performance Arm Cortex-M4 Kinetis L Series microcontrollers (MCU) None /docs/en/product-selector-guide/KINETISKMCUSELGD.pdf English documents 2686803 None 553557935274807777 2023-06-19 N /docs/en/product-selector-guide/KINETISKMCUSELGD.pdf Selector Guide: High-performance Kinetis K Series MCUs /docs/en/product-selector-guide/KINETISKMCUSELGD.pdf documents 553557935274807777 Selector Guide N en None Y pdf 1 N N Selector Guide: High-performance Kinetis K Series MCUs 2.7 MB KINETISKMCUSELGD N 1409343585806685465101 データ・シート 1 /docs/en/data-sheet/K80P121M150SF5.pdf 2016-12-19 1441692346536696332003 PSP 2 Dec 18, 2016 Data Sheet Kinetis K80 Data Sheet: 150MHz high-performance Arm<sub>&reg;</sub> Cortex<sub>&reg;</sub>-M4F microcontroller(MCU), USB, mixed-signal integration, up to 256KB Flash/256KB SRAM None /docs/en/data-sheet/K80P121M150SF5.pdf English documents 1155306 None 980000996212993340 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/data-sheet/K80P121M150SF5.pdf Kinetis K80: 150MHz Cortex<sub>&reg;</sub>-M4F up to 256KB Flash /docs/en/data-sheet/K80P121M150SF5.pdf documents 980000996212993340 Data Sheet N en None Y pdf 5 N N Kinetis K80: 150MHz Cortex<sub>&reg;</sub>-M4F up to 256KB Flash 1.2 MB K80P121M150SF5 N 1441692346536696332003 ファクト・シート 2 /secured/assets/documents/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFAMHWFS.pdf 2016-10-31 1447088855259726113787 PSP 19 Nov 9, 2015 Fact Sheet Kinetis K8x MCU Family Hardware Tools - Fact Sheet Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFAMHWFS.pdf English documents 1668295 None 736675474163315314 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=KNTSK8XFAMHWFS&lang_cd=ja Kinetis K8x MCU Family Hardware Tools - Fact Sheet /secured/assets/documents/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFAMHWFS.pdf documents 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet N en Extended Y pdf 0 Y N Kinetis K8x MCU Family Hardware Tools - Fact Sheet 1.7 MB KNTSK8XFAMHWFS N 1447088855259726113787 /docs/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFS.pdf 2018-10-02 1434056429658710828901 PSP 1 Oct 2, 2018 Fact Sheet ファクト・シート The Kinetis K8x MCU family builds on the Kinetis MCU portfolio with advanced security capabilities including boot ROM to support encrypted firmware updates, automatic decryption from external serial NOR flash memory, hardware AES acceleration with side band attack protection, and hardware support for elliptical curve cryptography. None /docs/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFS.pdf English 198343 None Fact Sheet 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFS.pdf Kinetis K8x MCU Family - Fact Sheet /docs/en/fact-sheet/KNTSK8XFS.pdf documents 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet N Y en None Y t523 pdf 5 N N Kinetis K8x MCU Family - Fact Sheet 198.3 KB KNTSK8XFS N 1434056429658710828901 ユーザ・ガイド 9 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBTLDRDEMOUG.pdf 2016-10-31 1437504624538725206450 PSP 7 Apr 24, 2016 User Guide This document describes how to use the Kinetis bootloader to load a user application on a Kinetis MCU. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBTLDRDEMOUG.pdf English documents 3087855 None 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=KBTLDRDEMOUG&lang_cd=ja Kinetis Bootloader Demo Application User's Guide /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBTLDRDEMOUG.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en Extended Y pdf 2 Y N Kinetis Bootloader Demo Application User's Guide 3.1 MB KBTLDRDEMOUG N 1437504624538725206450 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLHOSTUG.pdf 2016-10-31 1406243050743694572928 PSP 8 Apr 24, 2016 User Guide This document describes the usage of the blhost PC&#13;&#10;application. The blhost application is used on a host computer&#13;&#10;to issue commands to an NXP platform running an&#13;&#10;implementation of the Kinetis bootloader. The blhost&#13;&#10;application, in conjuction with the Kinetis bootloader, allows a&#13;&#10;user to program a firmware application onto the Kinetis device&#13;&#10;without a programming tool. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLHOSTUG.pdf English documents 310674 None 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=KBLHOSTUG&lang_cd=ja Kinetis blhost User's Guide /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLHOSTUG.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en Extended Y pdf 3 Y N Kinetis blhost User's Guide 310.7 KB KBLHOSTUG N 1406243050743694572928 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLMFGTOOLUG.pdf 2016-10-31 1461566547262712476098 PSP 9 Apr 24, 2016 User Guide The Kinetis family of devices are pre-manufactured with&#13;&#10;Kinetis bootloader in either the ROM or flash memory of the&#13;&#10;device, and can boot into the Kinetis bootloader application. A&#13;&#10;PC host or leader can connect to the Kinetis bootloader device&#13;&#10;via USB-HID or UART interface, and uses the bootloader&#8217;s&#13;&#10;command protocol interface in programming the image on the&#13;&#10;Kinetis device. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLMFGTOOLUG.pdf English documents 499331 None 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=KBLMFGTOOLUG&lang_cd=ja Manufacturing Tool v.2.0.0 (MfgTool2) for Kinetis Bootloader User's Guide /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLMFGTOOLUG.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en Extended Y pdf 0 Y N Manufacturing Tool v.2.0.0 (MfgTool2) for Kinetis Bootloader User's Guide 499.3 KB KBLMFGTOOLUG N 1461566547262712476098 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLQSPIUG.pdf 2016-10-31 1461562030886694449636 PSP 10 Apr 24, 2016 User Guide The QuadSPI controller available on selected Kinetis devices&#13;&#10;supports execute-in-place (XIP) for external SPI flash memory&#13;&#10;devices. This document describes the usage of Kinetis&#13;&#10;bootloader (KBOOT) in configuring various features of&#13;&#10;QuadSPI block, including XIP, generating plaintext and&#13;&#10;encrypted bootable SB file image, and flashing QuadSPI&#13;&#10;memory with the SB file image. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLQSPIUG.pdf English documents 1818770 None 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=KBLQSPIUG&lang_cd=ja Kinetis Bootloader QuadSPI User's Guide /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLQSPIUG.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en Extended Y pdf 1 Y N Kinetis Bootloader QuadSPI User's Guide 1.8 MB KBLQSPIUG N 1461562030886694449636 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLELFTOSBUG.pdf 2016-10-31 1461561916944700116657 PSP 11 Apr 24, 2016 User Guide The elftosb tool creates a binary output file that contains the user's application image along with a series of bootloader commands. The output file is known as a "Secure Binary" or SB file for short. These files typically have a .sb extension.&#13;&#10;The tool uses an input command file to control the sequence of bootloader commands present in the output file. This command file is called a "boot descriptor file" or BD file for&#13;&#10;short. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLELFTOSBUG.pdf English documents 409942 None 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=KBLELFTOSBUG&lang_cd=ja Kinetis Elftosb User's Guide /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBLELFTOSBUG.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en Extended Y pdf 1 Y N Kinetis Elftosb User's Guide 409.9 KB KBLELFTOSBUG N 1461561916944700116657 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/EMBEDDEDHOSTUG.pdf 2016-10-31 1461566670835719698389 PSP 12 Apr 24, 2016 User Guide The Kinetis bootloader package provides several tools for ease&#13;&#10;of use for the customer. The tools range from command linedriven&#13;&#10;host tools, such as blhost, to fully interactive GUI&#13;&#10;based tools such as FlashTool, MfgTool, and so on. These&#13;&#10;tools run on host PC and provide ways and means to&#13;&#10;communicate to the Kinetis bootloader running on the target&#13;&#10;device in order to exercise bootloader commands and&#13;&#10;properties, and to program the flash with the ap Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/EMBEDDEDHOSTUG.pdf English documents 11807734 None 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=EMBEDDEDHOSTUG&lang_cd=ja Embedded Host User's Guide /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/EMBEDDEDHOSTUG.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en Extended Y pdf 0 Y N Embedded Host User's Guide 11.8 MB EMBEDDEDHOSTUG N 1461566670835719698389 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KFLASHTOOLUG.pdf 2016-10-31 1461562591341727908900 PSP 13 Apr 24, 2016 User Guide The Kinetis Flash Tool is a GUI application on Windows&#174;&#13;&#10;OS, aiming to offer the user an ease-of-use friendly user&#13;&#10;interface to communicate with the Kinetis device, running the&#13;&#10;Kinetis bootloader application. The user can execute the write&#13;&#10;or erase operation on a Kinetis device&#8217;s non-volatile memory,&#13;&#10;including but not limited to the following features: Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KFLASHTOOLUG.pdf English documents 2481407 None 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=KFLASHTOOLUG&lang_cd=ja Kinetis Flash Tool User's Guide /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KFLASHTOOLUG.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en Extended Y pdf 0 Y N Kinetis Flash Tool User's Guide 2.5 MB KFLASHTOOLUG N 1461562591341727908900 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBTLDRUG.pdf 2016-10-31 1406243134163734139910 PSP 14 Apr 24, 2016 User Guide This document describes how to interface with the Kinetis ROM-based bootloader to program a user application image into the on-chip flash. The Kinetis bootloader application resides in the Kinetis ROM and enables flash programming without the need for a debugger. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBTLDRUG.pdf English documents 467182 None 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=KBTLDRUG&lang_cd=ja Getting Started with the Kinetis ROM Bootloader - KBTLDRUG /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KBTLDRUG.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en Extended Y pdf 2 Y N Getting Started with the Kinetis ROM Bootloader - KBTLDRUG 467.2 KB KBTLDRUG N 1406243134163734139910 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KFLLDRUG.pdf 2016-10-31 1407177695328719834821 PSP 15 Apr 24, 2016 User Guide This document describes how to interface with the Kinetis Flashloader to program a user application image into the on-chip flash. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KFLLDRUG.pdf English documents 465428 None 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=KFLLDRUG&lang_cd=ja Getting Started with the Kinetis Flashloader /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/KFLLDRUG.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en Extended Y pdf 2 Y N Getting Started with the Kinetis Flashloader 465.4 KB KFLLDRUG N 1407177695328719834821 リファレンス・マニュアル 2 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/KBTLDR200RM.pdf 2016-10-31 1461567095982718003434 PSP 3 Apr 24, 2016 Reference Manual The Kinetis bootloader is a configurable flash programming utility that operates over a&#13;&#10;serial connection on Kinetis MCUs. It enables quick and easy programming of Kinetis&#13;&#10;MCUs through the entire product life cycle, including application development, final&#13;&#10;product manufacturing, and beyond. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/KBTLDR200RM.pdf English documents 2605738 None 500633505221135046 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=KBTLDR200RM&lang_cd=ja Kinetis Bootloader v2.0.0 Reference Manual /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/KBTLDR200RM.pdf documents 500633505221135046 Reference Manual N en Extended Y pdf 0 Y N Kinetis Bootloader v2.0.0 Reference Manual 2.6 MB KBTLDR200RM N 1461567095982718003434 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/K80P121M150SF5RM.pdf 2016-10-31 1441788462355721659495 PSP 4 Sep 22, 2015 Reference Manual Kinetis K80 Reference Manual: 150MHz high-performance Arm<sub>&reg;</sub> Cortex<sub>&reg;</sub>-M4F microcontroller(MCU), USB, mixed-signal integration, up to 256KB Flash/256KB SRAM Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/K80P121M150SF5RM.pdf English documents 23478793 None 500633505221135046 2022-12-07 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=K80P121M150SF5RM&lang_cd=ja Kinetis K80: 150MHz Cortex<sub>&reg;</sub>-M4F up to 256KB Flash /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/K80P121M150SF5RM.pdf documents 500633505221135046 Reference Manual N en Extended Y pdf 4 Y N Kinetis K80: 150MHz Cortex<sub>&reg;</sub>-M4F up to 256KB Flash 23.5 MB K80P121M150SF5RM N 1441788462355721659495 リリース・ノート 1 /docs/en/release-note/KBTLDR200RN.pdf 2016-10-31 1461567907445690673729 PSP 21 Apr 24, 2016 Release Note These are the release notes for the Kinetis bootloader v2.0.0.&#13;&#10;For more information and getting started instructions, see the&#13;&#10;Getting Started section of this document. None /docs/en/release-note/KBTLDR200RN.pdf English documents 134360 None 487216834315582133 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/release-note/KBTLDR200RN.pdf Kinetis Bootloader v2.0.0 Release Notes /docs/en/release-note/KBTLDR200RN.pdf documents 487216834315582133 Release Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N Kinetis Bootloader v2.0.0 Release Notes 134.4 KB KBTLDR200RN N 1461567907445690673729 true Y Products


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