DSC Quick Start Initialization and Development Tool | NXP Semiconductors

DSC Quick Start Initialization and Development Tool





Core-System Infrastructure

  • The core-system infrastructure creates the fundamental environment for the processor operation and enables further integration with other components, such as low-level drivers. The core components are:
    • Common C types and macros. All Quick_Start declarations use the same set of types
    • Architecture-specific register maps for all peripheral modules implemented as C structures
    • Project templates for creating a new project in the CodeWarrior® framework
    • Debugger and linker configuration files for each device
    • The startup code and interrupt vector table are both graphically configurable from within the GCT

Graphical Configuration Tool

  • The GCT is an easy-to-use graphical interface in which the user defines a startup configuration for all peripheral modules, including the processor core and interrupt vector table

Low-Level Peripheral Drivers

  • The peripheral drivers isolate the hardware-specific functionality into a set of driver commands with a well-defined API. The API implements a thin abstraction layer between the software and the hardware levels. Such an isolation enables a sufficient level of portability or architectural and hardware independence for the application code. It also allows separating the C application from hardware particularities that are often tough to code in C, such as access to registers with read or write side effects or interrupt flag clearing mechanisms

FreeMASTER Software Drivers

  • The FreeMASTER is a graphical visualization and control tool which is freely available to be used and redistributed with applications based on the NXP ® microprocessor units

Example Applications and User Documentation

  • Another important part of the Quick_Start tool is a set of sample applications for all supported development boards that are available from NXP. Although very small and simple, the sample applications show the basic principles of the GCT and demonstrate correct usage of the low-level drivers


  • 56F801X: Digital Signal Controller for Motor Control Applications
  • 56F802X: Digital Signal Controller for Auto and Industrial Applications
  • 56F803X: Digital Signal Controller with CAN for Industrial Applications
  • 56F8335_8135: Digital Signal Controllers for Auto and Industrial Applications
  • 56F834X-814X: Digital Signal Controllers for Auto and Industrial Applications
  • 56F800x: MC56F8006 and MCF56F8002 Digital Signal Controllers
  • MC56F82xxx: MC56F826xx and MC56F827xx Digital Signal Controllers
  • MC56F83xxx: Performance Level Digital Signal Controllers, USB FS OTG, CAN FD


クイック・リファレンス ソフトウェア・タイプ.

3 ダウンロード

注: より快適にご利用いただくために、ソフトウェアのダウンロードはデスクトップで行うことを推奨します。


クイック・リファレンス ドキュメンテーションの種類.

2 ドキュメント


クイック・リファレンス ボードタイプ.

2 ハードウェア提供

