Product Longevity
Participating products are available for a minimum of 10 years. Designated participating products developed for the automotive, telecom and medical segments are available for a minimum of 15 years.
The MC33665A is a general-purpose battery management communication gateway and TPL transceiver.
The device routes messages upcoming from different TPL (NXPs proprietary isolated daisy chain protocol) ports to standard communication protocols. The standard communication protocols ensures compatibility with most microcontrollers available in the market. The various protocols supported by MC33665A are SPI, CAN FD and UART.
Part Number | Description | Package | CAN FD | SPI | TPL |
MC33665ATF4AE | CAN FD gateway with 4 TPL ports | LQFP48 | X | 4 | |
MC33665ATS4AE | Enhanced TPL transceiver with SPI interface and 4 TPL ports | LQFP48 | X | 4 |
Participating products are available for a minimum of 10 years. Designated participating products developed for the automotive, telecom and medical segments are available for a minimum of 15 years.
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