LPC540XX Family of Microcontrollers (MCUs) | NXP Semiconductors

Power-Efficient Microcontrollers (MCUs) with Advanced Peripherals Based on Arm® Cortex®-M4 Core

Meet the LPC54018 MCU-based IoT Module with FreeRTOS



LPC540xx MCU

LPC540xx MCU Family Block Diagram


Arm Cortex-M4 core

  • Arm Cortex-M4 processor, running at a frequency of up to 180 MHz.
  • Floating Point Unit (FPU) and Memory Protection Unit (MPU).
  • Arm Cortex-M4 built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC).
  • Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI) input with a selection of sources.
  • Serial Wire Debug (SWD) with six instruction breakpoints, two literal comparators, and four watchpoints. Includes Serial Wire Output and ETM Trace for enhanced debug capabilities, and a debug timestamp counter.
  • System tick timer.

On-chip memory

  • 360 KB total SRAM consisting of 160 KB contiguous main SRAM and an additional 192 KB SRAM on the I&D buses. 8 KB of SRAM bank intended for USB traffic.
  • General-purpose One-Time Programmable (OTP) memory for *AES keys and user application specific data.
  • Up to 4 MB On-chip Flash**

ROM API support

  • In-Application Programming (IAP) and In-System Programming (ISP).
  • ROM-based USB drivers (HID, CDC, MSC, and DFU).
  • Booting from USART, SPI, I2C, USB0/1, EMC (static memory), and SPIFI (QSPI flash).
  • OTP API for programming OTP memory.
  • Random Number Generator (RNG) API.*
  • AES API for programming AES memory.*
  • RSA API calls.*
  • Secure boot using RSA and SHA256 with public key signing (image authentication boot).*
  • Secure boot using AES128 in GCM mode to authenticate and decrypt firmware (Encrypted image boot).

Serial interfaces

  • Flexcomm Interface contains up to 11 serial peripherals. Each Flexcomm Interface (except flexcomm 10, which is dedicated for SPI) can be selected by software to be a USART, SPI, or I2C interface. Two Flexcomm Interfaces also include an I2S interface. Each Flexcomm Interface includes a FIFO that supports USART, SPI, and I2S if supported by that Flexcomm Interface. A variety of clocking options are available to each Flexcomm Interface and include a shared fractional baud-rate generator.
  • I2C-bus interfaces support Fast-mode and Fast-mode Plus with data rates of up to 1Mbit/s and with multiple address recognition and monitor mode. Two sets of true I2C pads also support High-Speed Mode (3.4 Mbit/s) as a target.
  • Two ISO 7816 Smart Card Interfaces with DMA support.
  • USB 2.0 high-speed host/device controller with on-chip high-speed PHY.
  • USB 2.0 full-speed host/device controller with on-chip PHY and dedicated DMA controller supporting crystal-less operation in device mode.
  • SPIFI with XIP feature uses up to four data lines to access off-chip SPI/DSPI/QSPI flash memory at a much higher rate than standard SPI or SSP interfaces.
  • Ethernet MAC with MII/RMII interface with Audio Video Bridging (AVB) support and dedicated DMA controller.
  • Two CAN FD modules with dedicated DMA controller.

Digital peripherals

  • DMA controller with 32 channels and up to 24 programmable triggers, able to access all memories and DMA-capable peripherals.
  • LCD Controller supporting both Super-Twisted Nematic (STN) and Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) displays. It has a dedicated DMA controller, selectable display resolution (up to 1024 x 768 pixels), and support up to 24-bit true-color mode.
  • External Memory Controller (EMC) provides support for asynchronous static memory devices such as RAM, ROM and flash, in addition to dynamic memories such as single data rate SDRAM with an SDRAM clock of up to 100 MHz. EMC bus width (bit) on LQFP100 and TFBGA100 packages support up to 8/16 data line wide static memory.
  • Secured digital input/output (SD/MMC and SDIO) card interface with DMA support.
  • CRC engine block can calculate a CRC on supplied data using one of three standard polynomials with DMA support.
  • Up to 171 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins.
  • GPIO registers are located on the AHB for fast access. The DMA supports GPIO ports.
  • Up to eight GPIOs can be selected as Pin Interrupts (PINT), triggered by rising, falling or both input edges.
  • Two GPIO Grouped Interrupts (GINT) enable an interrupt based on a logical (AND/OR) combination of input states.
  • CRC engine.

Analog peripherals

  • 12-bit ADC with 12 input channels and with multiple internal and external trigger inputs and sample rates of up to 5.0 MSamples/sec. The ADC supports two independent conversion sequences.
  • Integrated temperature sensor connected to the ADC.


  • Five 32-bit general purpose timers/counters, four of which support up to four capture inputs and four compare outputs, PWM mode, and external count input. Specific timer events can be selected to generate DMA requests. The fifth timer does not have external pin connections and may be used for internal timing operations.
  • One SCTimer/PWM with eight input and ten output functions (including capture and match). Inputs and outputs can be routed to or from external pins and internally to or from selected peripherals. Internally, the SCTimer/PWM supports 16 match/captures, 16 events, and 16 states.
  • 32-bit Real-time clock (RTC) with 1 s resolution running in the always-on power domain. A timer in the RTC can be used for wake-up from all low power modes including deep power-down, with 1 ms resolution.
  • Multiple-channel multi-rate 24-bit timer (MRT) for repetitive interrupt generation at up to four programmable, fixed rates.
  • Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT).
  • Repetitive Interrupt Timer (RIT) for debug time stamping and for general purpose use.

Security features

  • AES-256 encryption/decryption engine with keys stored in polyfuse OTP. Random number generator can be used to create keys with DMA support.*
  • Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA1/SHA2) module supports secure boot with dedicated DMA controller.*
  • PUF block that can generate, store, and reconstruct key sizes from 64 to 4096 bits.*

Clock generation

  • 12 MHz internal Free Running Oscillator (FRO). This oscillator provides a selectable 48 MHz or 96 MHz output, and a 12 MHz output (divided down from the selected higher frequency) that can be used as a system clock. The FRO is trimmed to ±1 % accuracy over the entire voltage and temperature range.
  • External clock input for clock frequencies of up to 25 MHz.
  • Crystal oscillator with an operating range of 1 MHz to 25 MHz.
  • Watchdog Oscillator (WDTOSC) with a frequency range of 6 kHz to 1.5 MHz.
  • 32.768 kHz low-power RTC oscillator.
  • System PLL allows CPU operation up to the maximum CPU rate and can run from the main oscillator, the internal FRO, the watchdog oscillator or the 32.768 KHz RTC oscillator.
  • Two additional PLLs for USB clock and audio subsystem.
  • Independent clocks for the SPIFI interface, ADC, USBs, and the audio subsystem.
  • Clock output function with divider.
  • Frequency measurement unit for measuring the frequency of any on-chip or off-chip clock signal.

Power control

  • Programmable PMU (Power Management Unit) to minimize power consumption and to match requirements at different performance levels.
  • Reduced power modes: sleep, deep-sleep, and deep power-down.
  • Wake-up from deep-sleep modes due to activity on the USART, SPI, and I2C peripherals when operating as followers
  • Ultra-low power Micro-tick Timer, running from the Watchdog oscillator that can be used to wake up the device from low power modes.
  • Power-On Reset (POR).
  • Brown-Out-Detect (BOD) with separate thresholds for interrupt and forced reset.

Additional information

  • DMIC subsystem including a dual-channel PDM microphone interface, flexible decimators, 16 entry FIFOs, optional DC locking, hardware voice activity detection, and the option to stream the processed output data to I2S.
  • Single power supply 1.71 V to 3.6 V.
  • Power-On Reset (POR).
  • Brown-Out-Detect (BOD) with separate thresholds for interrupt and forced reset.
  • JTAG boundary scan supported.
  • 128-bit unique device serial number for identification.
  • Operating temperature range -40 °C to +105 °C.
  • Available in TFBGA180, TFBGA100, LQFP208, and LQFP100 packages.
  • Supported by MCUXpresso SDK, IDE and Config Tools



N true 0 PSPLPC540XXja 24 アプリケーション・ノート Application Note t789 13 アプリケーション・ノート・ソフトウェア Application Note Software t783 4 エラッタ Errata t522 2 データ・シート Data Sheet t520 2 ファクト・シート Fact Sheet t523 1 ユーザ・ガイド User Guide t792 2 ja ja ja データ・シート Data Sheet 2 1 2.1 English The LPC540xx family includes up to 360 KB total SRAM, Arm<sup>&#174;</sup> Cortex<sup>&#174;</sup>-M4 processor, running at a frequency of up to 180 MHz. 1512515076175723657883 PSP 7.2 MB None None documents None 1512515076175723657883 /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC540xx.pdf 7227402 /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC540xx.pdf LPC540xx documents N N 2017-12-05 LPC540xx/LPC54S0xx Data Sheet /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC540xx.pdf /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC540xx.pdf Data Sheet N 980000996212993340 2022-12-07 pdf N en Sep 17, 2020 980000996212993340 Data Sheet Y N LPC540xx/LPC54S0xx Data Sheet 2 1.3 English LPC54018JxM/LPC54S018JxM Data Sheet 1550688292546701276689 PSP 5.7 MB None None documents None 1550688292546701276689 /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC54018JxM-LPC54S018JxM.pdf 5710591 /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC54018JxM-LPC54S018JxM.pdf LPC54018JxM-LPC54S018JxM documents N N 2019-02-20 LPC54018JxM/LPC54S018JxM Data Sheet /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC54018JxM-LPC54S018JxM.pdf /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC54018JxM-LPC54S018JxM.pdf Data Sheet N 980000996212993340 2023-08-23 pdf N en Sep 17, 2020 980000996212993340 Data Sheet Y N LPC54018JxM/LPC54S018JxM Data Sheet アプリケーション・ノート Application Note 13 3 1 English AN13390SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13390SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13390SW.zip The LPC54S0xx is a family of ARM© Cortex-M4 based microcontrollersfor embedded applications that features a rich peripheral set with verylow power consumption and enhanced security features. 1635431879234712735807 PSP None None documents None 1635431879234712735807 /docs/en/application-note/AN13390.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN13390.pdf AN13390 documents N N 2021-10-28 Step by step process to prepare Secure Boot for LPC54S0xx - AN13390 /docs/en/application-note/AN13390.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN13390.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Dec 17, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Step by step process to prepare Secure Boot for LPC54S0xx - AN13390 4 2 Chinese Application note, AN13352, Secure boot, XIP, execute in place, LPC54S0xx 1550572837402715124857zh PSP 1.6 MB None None documents None 1550572837402715124857 /docs/zh/nxp/application-notes/AN12352.pdf 1556144 /docs/zh/nxp/application-notes/AN12352.pdf AN12352 documents N N 2019-02-19 LPC54S0xx Execute In Place with Secure Boot /docs/zh/nxp/application-notes/AN12352.pdf /docs/zh/nxp/application-notes/AN12352.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zh Sep 24, 2020 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N LPC54S0xx 在安全启动下的XIP(Execute In Place) 2 English AN12352SW.zip /docs/en/nxp/application-notes-software/AN12352SW.zip /docs/en/nxp/application-notes-software/AN12352SW.zip Secure boot can ensure that unauthorized images (code) are not executed on a given product. The secure bootloader in ROM is immutable code forming the Root of Trust 1550572837402715124857 PSP 1.6 MB None None documents None 1550572837402715124857 /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12352.pdf 1556144 /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12352.pdf AN12352 documents N N 2019-02-19 LPC54S0xx Execute In Place with Secure Boot /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12352.pdf /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12352.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Sep 24, 2020 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N LPC54S0xx Execute In Place with Secure Boot 5 0 Chinese The LPC54018 features two CAN controllers supporting CAN-FD. The LPC54018 SDK provides the mcan_interrupt_transfer example to demonstrate how to use CAN to transfer data. 1585198700576701177782zh PSP 1.2 MB None None documents None 1585198700576701177782 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12799.pdf 1235889 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12799.pdf AN12799 documents N N 2020-03-25 How to Use CAN-FD to Transfer Data on LPC54018 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12799.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN12799.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zh Mar 26, 2020 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N 如何使用CAN-FD 在LPC54018 上传输数据 0 English The LPC54018 features two CAN controllers supporting CAN-FD. The LPC54018 SDK provides the mcan_interrupt_transfer example to demonstrate how to use CAN to transfer data. 1585198700576701177782 PSP 1.2 MB None None documents None 1585198700576701177782 /docs/en/application-note/AN12799.pdf 1235889 /docs/en/application-note/AN12799.pdf AN12799 documents N N 2020-03-25 How to Use CAN-FD to Transfer Data on LPC54018 /docs/en/application-note/AN12799.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12799.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Mar 26, 2020 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N How to Use CAN-FD to Transfer Data on LPC54018 6 1.0 Chinese application note, AN12291, PUF, security, IP binding, secure boot, key storage, IP Binding on NXP LPC MCUs 1574281089148724452261zh PSP 366.2 KB None None documents None 1574281089148724452261 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12291.pdf 366245 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12291.pdf AN12291 documents N N 2019-11-18 IP Binding on NXP LPC MUCs Featuring on-chip Flash /docs/zh/application-note/AN12291.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN12291.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zh Nov 20, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N 内置Flash 的NXP LPC MCU 的软件知识产权(IP)绑定 1.0 English application note, AN12291, PUF, security, IP binding, secure boot, key storage 1574281089148724452261 PSP 366.2 KB None None documents None 1574281089148724452261 /docs/en/application-note/AN12291.pdf 366245 /docs/en/application-note/AN12291.pdf AN12291 documents N N 2019-11-18 IP Binding on NXP LPC MUCs Featuring on-chip Flash /docs/en/application-note/AN12291.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12291.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Nov 20, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N IP Binding on NXP LPC MUCs Featuring on-chip Flash 7 1.0 Chinese application note, AN12292, LPC54S0xx,PUF, Security 1574281089499718746433zh PSP 342.8 KB None None documents None 1574281089499718746433 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12292.pdf 342829 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12292.pdf AN12292 documents N N 2019-11-18 Secure Storage with SRAM PUF on NXP LPC54S0xx /docs/zh/application-note/AN12292.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN12292.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zh Nov 20, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N 在NXP LPC54S0xx 上使用SRAM PUF 进行安全存储 1.0 English application note, AN12292, LPC54S0xx,PUF, Security 1574281089499718746433 PSP 342.8 KB None None documents None 1574281089499718746433 /docs/en/application-note/AN12292.pdf 342829 /docs/en/application-note/AN12292.pdf AN12292 documents N N 2019-11-18 Secure Storage with SRAM PUF on NXP LPC54S0xx /docs/en/application-note/AN12292.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12292.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Nov 20, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Secure Storage with SRAM PUF on NXP LPC54S0xx 8 0 Chinese application note, AN12458, USB to Vcom, Multiple Vcom 1561539162322731650000zh PSP 891.1 KB None None documents None 1561539162322731650000 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12458.pdf 891125 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12458.pdf AN12458 documents N N 2019-06-26 USB to Virtual COM on LPC54018 and LPC5500 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12458.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN12458.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zh Jun 25, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N LPC5500 和LPC54018 上的USB 转串口 0 English AN12458SW_1.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12458SW_1.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12458SW_1.zip AN12458SW_2.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12458SW_2.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12458SW_2.zip application note, AN12458, USB to Vcom, Multiple Vcom 1561539162322731650000 PSP 891.1 KB None None documents None 1561539162322731650000 /docs/en/application-note/AN12458.pdf 891125 /docs/en/application-note/AN12458.pdf AN12458 documents N N 2019-06-26 USB to Virtual COM on LPC54018 and LPC5500 /docs/en/application-note/AN12458.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12458.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 25, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N USB to Virtual COM on LPC54018 and LPC5500 9 0 Chinese application note, Security/LPC54S/Secure boot, AN12385 1555924755418717352031zh PSP 672.3 KB None None documents None 1555924755418717352031 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12385.pdf 672314 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12385.pdf AN12385 documents N N 2019-04-22 Building a Secure System using NXP Secure MCU LPC54S0xx /docs/zh/application-note/AN12385.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN12385.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zh Apr 21, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N 使用NXP 安全MCU LPC54S0xx 构建安全系统 0 English The chapter describes basic knowledge about security in embedded systems before introducing secure MCU LPC54Sxx. 1555924755418717352031 PSP 672.3 KB None None documents None 1555924755418717352031 /docs/en/application-note/AN12385.pdf 672314 /docs/en/application-note/AN12385.pdf AN12385 documents N N 2019-04-22 Building a Secure System using NXP Secure MCU LPC54S0xx /docs/en/application-note/AN12385.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12385.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Apr 21, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Building a Secure System using NXP Secure MCU LPC54S0xx 10 1.0 English This application note covers application detail on optimizing memory-tomemory DMA linked transfers. 1535569767354753682812 PSP 1.1 MB None None documents None 1535569767354753682812 /docs/en/application-note/AN12219.zip 1107230 /docs/en/application-note/AN12219.zip AN12219 documents N N 2018-08-29 Examples of optimizing the DMA Linked transfer /docs/en/application-note/AN12219.zip /docs/en/application-note/AN12219.zip Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zip N en Aug 27, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Examples of optimizing the DMA Linked transfer 11 1.1 English AN12122 LPC540xx Image Header Structure 1522683863465723643972 PSP 453.5 KB None None documents None 1522683863465723643972 /docs/en/application-note/AN12122.pdf 453491 /docs/en/application-note/AN12122.pdf AN12122 documents N N 2018-04-02 LPC540xx Image Header Structure /docs/en/application-note/AN12122.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12122.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Aug 27, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N LPC540xx Image Header Structure 12 1.1 English This technical note gives an overview of an example that shows TCP. 1519918084704715496421 PSP 21.7 MB None None documents None 1519918084704715496421 /docs/en/application-note/TN00033.zip 21690535 /docs/en/application-note/TN00033.zip TN00033 documents N N 2018-03-01 LPC540xx Crystal less USB solution /docs/en/application-note/TN00033.zip /docs/en/application-note/TN00033.zip Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zip N en May 8, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N LPC540xx Crystal less USB solution 13 1.0 English 1521122807883704625930 PSP 1.7 MB None None documents None 1521122807883704625930 /docs/en/application-note/TN00037.zip 1683364 /docs/en/application-note/TN00037.zip TN00037 documents N N 2018-03-15 LPC54018 Code Partition between SRAM and SPIFI memory /docs/en/application-note/TN00037.zip /docs/en/application-note/TN00037.zip Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zip N en Mar 14, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N LPC54018 Code Partition between SRAM and SPIFI memory 14 1 English This technical note gives an overview of an example that shows TCP. 1517413761522735654963 PSP 10.4 MB None None documents None 1517413761522735654963 /docs/en/application-note/TN00030.zip 10352902 /docs/en/application-note/TN00030.zip TN00030 documents N N 2018-01-31 LPC54018 Temperature logging on LCD using emWin graphics library /docs/en/application-note/TN00030.zip /docs/en/application-note/TN00030.zip Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zip N en Jan 31, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N LPC54018 Temperature logging on LCD using emWin graphics library 15 1 English This technical note gives an overview of an example that shows TCP. 1517413761183716212961 PSP 2.3 MB None None documents None 1517413761183716212961 /docs/en/application-note/TN00029.zip 2258968 /docs/en/application-note/TN00029.zip TN00029 documents N N 2018-01-31 LPC54018 DMA Linked Transfer from Memory to Memory /docs/en/application-note/TN00029.zip /docs/en/application-note/TN00029.zip Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zip N en Jan 31, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N LPC54018 DMA Linked Transfer from Memory to Memory ユーザ・ガイド User Guide 2 16 1.5 English The LPC54018JxM/LPC54S018JxM is an Arm Cortex-M4 based micro-controller for embedded applications. 1512507178691709435192 PSP 27.6 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1512507178691709435192 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM11060.pdf 27581198 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM11060.pdf UM11060 documents Y N 2017-12-05 LPC540xx/LPC54S0xx User Manual /webapp/Download?colCode=UM11060&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM11060.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Nov 25, 2019 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N LPC540xx/LPC54S0xx User Manual 17 1.1 English LPC54018JxM/LPC54S018JxM User manual. 1550688145817709833126 PSP 27.4 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1550688145817709833126 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM11155.pdf 27432818 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM11155.pdf UM11155 documents Y N 2019-02-20 LPC54018JxM/LPC54S018JxM User manual /webapp/Download?colCode=UM11155&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM11155.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Jul 18, 2019 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N LPC54018JxM/LPC54S018JxM User manual アプリケーション・ノート・ソフトウェア Application Note Software 4 18 0 English 1635432155567721666692 PSP None None documents None 1635432155567721666692 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13390SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13390SW.zip AN13390SW documents N N 2021-10-28 AN13390 - Software /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13390SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13390SW.zip Application Note Software N 789425793691620447 2022-12-07 zip N en Oct 28, 2021 789425793691620447 Application Note Software Y N AN13390 - Software 19 2 English AN12352SW, Application Note software for AN12352 1550572455555709642174 PSP 692.1 KB None None documents None 1550572455555709642174 /docs/en/nxp/application-notes-software/AN12352SW.zip 692124 /docs/en/nxp/application-notes-software/AN12352SW.zip AN12352SW documents N N 2019-02-19 Application Note software for AN12352 /docs/en/nxp/application-notes-software/AN12352SW.zip /docs/en/nxp/application-notes-software/AN12352SW.zip Application Note Software N 789425793691620447 2022-12-07 zip N en Sep 24, 2020 789425793691620447 Application Note Software Y N Application Note software for AN12352 20 0 English application software, AN12458SW, USB to Vcom, Multiple Vcom 1561531948040713537255 PSP 1.4 MB None None documents None 1561531948040713537255 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12458SW_1.zip 1430691 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12458SW_1.zip AN12458SW_1 documents N N 2019-06-25 AN12458SW_1 - USB to Virtual COM on LPC54018 and LPC5500 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12458SW_1.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12458SW_1.zip Application Note Software N 789425793691620447 2022-12-07 zip N en Nov 3, 2019 789425793691620447 Application Note Software Y N AN12458SW_1 - USB to Virtual COM on LPC54018 and LPC5500 21 0 English application note software, AN12458SW, USB to Vcom, Multiple Vcom 1561532394405723132835 PSP 1.2 MB None None documents None 1561532394405723132835 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12458SW_2.zip 1191237 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12458SW_2.zip AN12458SW_2 documents N N 2019-06-25 AN12458SW_2 - USB to Virtual COM on LPC54018 and LPC5500 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12458SW_2.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12458SW_2.zip Application Note Software N 789425793691620447 2022-12-07 zip N en Jun 25, 2019 789425793691620447 Application Note Software Y N AN12458SW_2 - USB to Virtual COM on LPC54018 and LPC5500 エラッタ Errata 2 22 2.0 English 1572297862615724440091 PSP 197.0 KB None None documents None 1572297862615724440091 /docs/en/errata/ES_LPC540XX_LPC54S0XX.pdf 196954 /docs/en/errata/ES_LPC540XX_LPC54S0XX.pdf ES_LPC540XX_LPC54S0XX documents N N 2019-10-28 Errata sheet LPC540xx_LPC54S0xx /docs/en/errata/ES_LPC540XX_LPC54S0XX.pdf /docs/en/errata/ES_LPC540XX_LPC54S0XX.pdf Errata N 155452329886410597 2024-01-31 pdf N en Jan 31, 2024 155452329886410597 Errata Y N Errata sheet LPC540xx_LPC54S0xx 23 1.3 English LPC54018JxM and LPC54S018JxM errata 1550687983933755643253 PSP 115.4 KB None None documents None 1550687983933755643253 /docs/en/errata/LPC54018JxM_LPC54S018JxM.pdf 115392 /docs/en/errata/LPC54018JxM_LPC54S018JxM.pdf LPC54018JxM_LPC54S018JxM documents N N 2019-02-20 LPC54018JxM and LPC54S018JxM errata /docs/en/errata/LPC54018JxM_LPC54S018JxM.pdf /docs/en/errata/LPC54018JxM_LPC54S018JxM.pdf Errata N 155452329886410597 2024-01-31 pdf N en Jan 31, 2024 155452329886410597 Errata Y N LPC54018JxM and LPC54S018JxM errata ファクト・シート Fact Sheet 1 24 2.0 English Offering flashless design and security integration, the LPC540xx MCU family provides up to 180 MHz performance while retaining outstanding power efficiency as low as 100 uA / MHz. Its flexible communication interfaces make it ideal for HMI and connectivity needs of next-generation IoT applications. 1511272663240701769278 PSP 590.5 KB None None documents None 1511272663240701769278 /docs/en/fact-sheet/LPC540XXMCUFAMFS.pdf 590539 /docs/en/fact-sheet/LPC540XXMCUFAMFS.pdf LPC540XXMCUFAMFS documents N N 2017-11-21 LPC540xx MCU Family - Factsheet /docs/en/fact-sheet/LPC540XXMCUFAMFS.pdf /docs/en/fact-sheet/LPC540XXMCUFAMFS.pdf Fact Sheet N 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jan 18, 2019 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet Y N LPC540xx MCU Family - Factsheet false 0 LPC540XX downloads ja true 1 Y PSP Y Y アプリケーション・ノート 13 /docs/en/application-note/AN13390.pdf 2021-10-28 1635431879234712735807 PSP 3 Dec 17, 2021 Application Note The LPC54S0xx is a family of ARM© Cortex-M4 based microcontrollersfor embedded applications that features a rich peripheral set with verylow power consumption and enhanced security features. None /docs/en/application-note/AN13390.pdf English documents None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN13390.pdf Step by step process to prepare Secure Boot for LPC54S0xx - AN13390 /docs/en/application-note/AN13390.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N Step by step process to prepare Secure Boot for LPC54S0xx - AN13390 AN13390 N 1635431879234712735807 /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12352.pdf 2019-02-19 1550572837402715124857 PSP 4 Sep 24, 2020 Application Note Secure boot can ensure that unauthorized images (code) are not executed on a given product. 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None /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC540xx.pdf English documents 7227402 None 980000996212993340 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC540xx.pdf LPC540xx/LPC54S0xx Data Sheet /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC540xx.pdf documents 980000996212993340 Data Sheet N en None Y pdf 2.1 N N LPC540xx/LPC54S0xx Data Sheet 7.2 MB LPC540xx N 1512515076175723657883 /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC54018JxM-LPC54S018JxM.pdf 2019-02-20 1550688292546701276689 PSP 2 Sep 17, 2020 Data Sheet LPC54018JxM/LPC54S018JxM Data Sheet None /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC54018JxM-LPC54S018JxM.pdf English documents 5710591 None 980000996212993340 2023-08-23 N /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC54018JxM-LPC54S018JxM.pdf LPC54018JxM/LPC54S018JxM Data Sheet /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC54018JxM-LPC54S018JxM.pdf documents 980000996212993340 Data Sheet N en None Y pdf 1.3 N N LPC54018JxM/LPC54S018JxM Data Sheet 5.7 MB LPC54018JxM-LPC54S018JxM N 1550688292546701276689 ファクト・シート 1 /docs/en/fact-sheet/LPC540XXMCUFAMFS.pdf 2017-11-21 1511272663240701769278 PSP 24 Jan 18, 2019 Fact Sheet Offering flashless design and security integration, the LPC540xx MCU family provides up to 180 MHz performance while retaining outstanding power efficiency as low as 100 uA / MHz. Its flexible communication interfaces make it ideal for HMI and connectivity needs of next-generation IoT applications. None /docs/en/fact-sheet/LPC540XXMCUFAMFS.pdf English documents 590539 None 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/fact-sheet/LPC540XXMCUFAMFS.pdf LPC540xx MCU Family - Factsheet /docs/en/fact-sheet/LPC540XXMCUFAMFS.pdf documents 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet N en None Y pdf 2.0 N N LPC540xx MCU Family - Factsheet 590.5 KB LPC540XXMCUFAMFS N 1511272663240701769278 ユーザ・ガイド 2 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM11060.pdf 2017-12-05 1512507178691709435192 PSP 16 Nov 25, 2019 User Guide The LPC54018JxM/LPC54S018JxM is an Arm Cortex-M4 based micro-controller for embedded applications. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM11060.pdf English documents 27581198 None 132339537837198660 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=UM11060&lang_cd=ja LPC540xx/LPC54S0xx User Manual /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM11060.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en Extended Y pdf 1.5 Y N LPC540xx/LPC54S0xx User Manual 27.6 MB UM11060 N 1512507178691709435192 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/UM11155.pdf 2019-02-20 1550688145817709833126 PSP 17 Jul 18, 2019 User Guide LPC54018JxM/LPC54S018JxM User manual. 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