S32G2 安全でセキュアな車載ネットワーク・プロセッサ | NXP Semiconductors






S32G2 Processor


S32G2 Processors Software Ecosystem



  • クワッドArm® Cortex®-A53コア(Arm Neonテクノロジ搭載)を2コアずつ2つのクラスタに構成し、アプリケーションおよびサービス用にクラスタ・ロックステップをオプションでサポート
  • リアルタイム・アプリケーション用のトリプルArm Cortex-M7ロックステップ・コア
  • LLCE (Low Latency Communication Engine) による車載ネットワークの高速化
  • PFE (Packet Forwarding Engine) によるイーサネット・ネットワークの高速化
  • HSE (Hardware Security Engine) によるセキュア・ブートおよび高速化されたセキュリティ・サービス
  • ASIL Dシステム向けの高度な機能安全ハードウェアおよびソフトウェア
  • AEC-Q100グレード2デバイス:-40°C~105°C


Arm Cortex-M7やCortex-A53およびアクセラレータでのS32G2の機能の実行をサポートするソフトウェアが提供されています。ユーザーがアプリケーションを構築するのに役立つ、広範なソフトウェア・ソリューションをご覧ください。続きを読む

ツール リファレンス・ソフトウェア 標準ソフトウェア プレミアム・ソフトウェア

S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform


eIQ® Auto機械学習 (ML) ツールキット

Linux BSP







S32リアルタイム・ドライバ (RTD)

セーフティ・ペリフェラル・ドライバ (SPD)

プラットフォーム間通信フレームワーク (IPCF)

PFEドライバ + 標準ファームウェア






S32G GoldVIP:S32Gの評価、開発、統合、ラピッド・プロトタイピングの取り組みを加速します。





SafeAssure NDAグループ

NXPセキュア・コンテンツを通じて利用できます アクセスのリクエスト


クイック・リファレンス 部類名.

4 結果

マッチしていない 5 NRND


コンピュータ支援設計 モデル




RAM (kB)

Standby RAM


Serial Communication

Number of LIN Channels




Ethernet MACs




Security Modules

Hardware Isolation


PWM [Number, bits]

ADC [Number, bits]

JTAG Debug

Aurora Trace

電源電圧 [最小 - 最大] (V)

Ambient Operating Temperature (Min to Max) (℃)

Junction Temperature (Min to Max) (℃)


Package Pitch (mm)


ASIL Certification

AEC-Q100 Temperature Range

2 x Arm Cortex-A53, 3 x Arm Cortex-M7


400, 1000




10 x SPI, 2 x FlexRay, 3 x UART, 5 x I²C







2 x PCIe 3.0




7 x WDT x 32, 8 x STM x 32

6 x 32

12 x 12



0.8 to 3.45

-40 to 105

-40 to 125



ISO 26262

up to ASIL D

grade 2

2 x Arm Cortex-A53, 3 x Arm Cortex-M7


400, 1000




10 x SPI, 2 x FlexRay, 3 x UART, 5 x I²C







2 x PCIe 3.0




7 x WDT x 32, 8 x STM x 32

6 x 32

12 x 12



0.8 to 3.45

-40 to 105

-40 to 125



ISO 26262

up to ASIL D

grade 2

3 x Arm Cortex-M7, 4 x Arm Cortex-A53


400, 1000




10 x SPI, 2 x FlexRay, 3 x UART, 5 x I²C







2 x PCIe 3.0




7 x WDT x 32, 8 x STM x 32

6 x 32

12 x 12



0.8 to 3.45

-40 to 105

-40 to 125



ISO 26262

up to ASIL D

grade 2

3 x Arm Cortex-M7, 4 x Arm Cortex-A53


400, 1000




10 x SPI, 2 x FlexRay, 3 x UART, 5 x I²C







2 x PCIe 3.0




7 x WDT x 32, 8 x STM x 32

6 x 32

12 x 12



0.8 to 3.45

-40 to 105

-40 to 125



ISO 26262

up to ASIL D

grade 2

N true 0 PSPS32G2ja 64 アプリケーション・ノート Application Note t789 25 アプリケーション・ノート・ソフトウェア Application Note Software t783 3 エラッタ Errata t522 3 エンジニアリング・ブリテン Technical Notes t521 1 カタログ Brochure t518 1 サポート情報 Supporting Information t531 1 データ・シート Data Sheet t520 1 パッケージ情報 Package Information t790 1 ファクト・シート Fact Sheet t523 1 ホワイト・ペーパ White Paper t530 2 ユーザ・ガイド User Guide t792 1 リファレンス・マニュアル Reference Manual t877 3 レポートまたはプレゼンテーション Training Presentation t878 4 製品概要 Product Brief t532 17 ja 1 1 8.1 English Hardware design guidelines for the S32G2 family. 1717606577944729173496 PSP 2.2 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1717606577944729173496 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN14063.pdf 2176971 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN14063.pdf AN14063 Y N 2024-06-05 AN14063: S32G2 Hardware Design Guidelines /webapp/Download?colCode=AN14063&docLang=en /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN14063.pdf Application Note N Y 645036621402383989 2024-06-05 pdf Y en May 21, 2024 Application Note t789 アプリケーション・ノート Application Note Y N AN14063: S32G2 Hardware Design Guidelines false ja ja データ・シート Data Sheet 1 2 7 English S32G2 Data Sheet 1620070784105723793913 PSP 1.7 MB None None documents None 1620070784105723793913 /docs/en/data-sheet/S32G2.pdf 1716763 /docs/en/data-sheet/S32G2.pdf S32G2 documents N N 2021-05-03 S32G2 Data Sheet /docs/en/data-sheet/S32G2.pdf /docs/en/data-sheet/S32G2.pdf Data Sheet N 980000996212993340 2024-10-21 pdf N en Sep 1, 2024 980000996212993340 Data Sheet Y N S32G2 Data Sheet リファレンス・マニュアル Reference Manual 3 3 8 English S32G2RM, This reference manual (RM) is intended for system software, hardware developers, and applications programmers who need to develop products using this chip 1618924796105715214715 PSP 27.6 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1618924796105715214715 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/S32G2RM.pdf 27583695 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/S32G2RM.pdf S32G2RM documents Y N 2021-04-20 S32G2 Reference Manual /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2RM&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/S32G2RM.pdf Reference Manual N 500633505221135046 2024-03-01 pdf Y en Feb 29, 2024 500633505221135046 Reference Manual Y N S32G2 Reference Manual 4 6 English 1615261363473708794498 PSP 12.3 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1615261363473708794498 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/S32G2RSERDESRM.pdf 12295576 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/S32G2RSERDESRM.pdf S32G2RSERDESRM documents Y N 2021-03-08 S32G2 SerDes Subsystem Reference Manual /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2RSERDESRM&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/S32G2RSERDESRM.pdf Reference Manual N 500633505221135046 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Dec 2, 2022 500633505221135046 Reference Manual Y N S32G2 SerDes Subsystem Reference Manual 5 2 English 1619041225554718919418 PSP 4.8 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1619041225554718919418 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/GMACSUBSYSRM.pdf 4808093 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/GMACSUBSYSRM.pdf GMACSUBSYSRM documents Y N 2021-04-21 GMAC Subsystem RM /webapp/Download?colCode=GMACSUBSYSRM&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/GMACSUBSYSRM.pdf Reference Manual N 500633505221135046 2022-12-07 pdf Y en Mar 1, 2021 500633505221135046 Reference Manual Y N GMAC Subsystem RM アプリケーション・ノート Application Note 24 6 0 English AN14070: This app-note includes a few terminologies, such as sys_img, pink image and blue image 1696496098801712298878 PSP 1.4 MB None None documents None 1696496098801712298878 /docs/en/application-note/AN14070.pdf 1368477 /docs/en/application-note/AN14070.pdf AN14070 documents N N 2023-10-05 AN14070: How to Run HSE Demo Application on M7 Core of S32G2 /docs/en/application-note/AN14070.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN14070.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-10-05 pdf N en Oct 4, 2023 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN14070: How to Run HSE Demo Application on M7 Core of S32G2 7 2 English AN13354, This application note is intended to provide the user values for commonly used PLL/DFS configurations 1636729993546707780572 PSP 834.1 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Basic 1636729993546707780572 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13354.pdf 834132 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13354.pdf AN13354 documents Y N 2021-11-12 AN13354: S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Clock Configuration Guide Application note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13354&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13354.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-05-25 pdf Y en May 24, 2023 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13354: S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Clock Configuration Guide Application note 8 1.0 English This application note is a complementary to the LLCE Getting Started Guide and the LLCE firmware user guide for using CAN2CAN, CAN2ETH and ETH2CAN in S32G. 1638360065320730794384 PSP 14.6 MB None None documents None 1638360065320730794384 /docs/en/application-note/AN13423.pdf 14648101 /docs/en/application-note/AN13423.pdf AN13423 documents N N 2021-12-01 AN13423: Using CAN2CAN, CAN2ETH and ETH2CAN Features of LLCE on S32G Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN13423.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN13423.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-03-10 pdf N en Mar 10, 2023 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13423: Using CAN2CAN, CAN2ETH and ETH2CAN Features of LLCE on S32G Application Note 9 0 English AN13750SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13750SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13750SW.zip AN13750- This application note is a step-by-step guide you to build a multicore IPC (Inter-Processor Communication) application on NXP S32G2 processor using the NXP software Bundle-2022.07 1667456838426702883882 PSP 1.5 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1667456838426702883882 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13750.pdf 1476979 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13750.pdf AN13750 documents Y N 2022-11-02 AN13750: Enabling Multicore Application on S32G2 using S32G2 Platform Software Integration – Application note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13750&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13750.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf Y en Nov 2, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13750: Enabling Multicore Application on S32G2 using S32G2 Platform Software Integration – Application note 10 1 English AN13667, The purpose of this application note is to provide tips for enabling and debugging eMMC on S32G2 platform 1655917758485715383827 PSP 1.1 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1655917758485715383827 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13667.pdf 1088134 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13667.pdf AN13667 documents Y N 2022-06-22 AN13667: eMMC Enablement and Debugging Tips Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13667&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13667.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Aug 30, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13667: eMMC Enablement and Debugging Tips Application Note 11 0 English AN13636: This application note summarizes the DDR SubSystem power states, the entry-exit sequence implementation of the DDR self-refresh and DDR IO retention modes 1659530950973722696147 PSP 280.7 KB None None documents None 1659530950973722696147 /docs/en/application-note/AN13636.pdf 280683 /docs/en/application-note/AN13636.pdf AN13636 documents N N 2022-08-03 AN13636: S32Gx DRAM Content Retention Application note /docs/en/application-note/AN13636.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN13636.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Aug 2, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13636: S32Gx DRAM Content Retention Application note 12 5 English AN12422, S32G family is a high-performance vehicle network processor, combining CAN/LIN/FlexRay networking with high data rate Ethernet networking 1619036932467713496743 PSP 477.4 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1619036932467713496743 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12422.pdf 477398 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12422.pdf AN12422 documents Y N 2021-04-21 AN12422: S32G2 Boot Process Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12422&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12422.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Aug 2, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12422: S32G2 Boot Process Application Note 13 0 English AN13495, This application note is developed with reference to the BSP31 Release, so steps may differ for other releases. 1646889122168716121945 PSP 493.7 KB None None documents None 1646889122168716121945 /docs/en/application-note/AN13495.pdf 493696 /docs/en/application-note/AN13495.pdf AN13495 documents N N 2022-03-09 AN13495: S32G PKCS Compile and Test Procedure Application note /docs/en/application-note/AN13495.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN13495.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Mar 9, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13495: S32G PKCS Compile and Test Procedure Application note 14 0 English AN13563, This application note provides an in-depth description of the QuadSPI controller based on the S32G family of devices, mainly including the following parts 1645681686269707949983 PSP 6.2 MB None None documents None 1645681686269707949983 /docs/en/application-note/AN13563.pdf 6175092 /docs/en/application-note/AN13563.pdf AN13563 documents N N 2022-02-23 AN13563: S32G QuadSPI Deep Dive Application note /docs/en/application-note/AN13563.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN13563.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-03-08 pdf N en Feb 23, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13563: S32G QuadSPI Deep Dive Application note 15 3 English This application note describes the Standby mode of the NXP VR5510 power management integrated circuit (PMIC) when it supplies the NXP S32G MCU. 1615852318171723711067 PSP 2.7 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1615852318171723711067 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12880.pdf 2748440 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12880.pdf AN12880 documents Y N 2021-03-15 AN12880, VR5510 low-power Standby mode Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12880&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12880.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-01-19 pdf Y en Oct 15, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12880, VR5510 low-power Standby mode Application Note 16 2 English Summarizing possible user options, associated features, and implementation for optimal realization of power-saving techniques in projects with S32G. 1620065041487725694344 PSP 357.9 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1620065041487725694344 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12952.pdf 357907 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12952.pdf AN12952 documents Y N 2021-05-03 AN12952: S32Gx Power Saving Techniques Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12952&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12952.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-05-20 pdf Y en Jul 31, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12952: S32Gx Power Saving Techniques Application Note 17 0 English Illustrating how to port Arm® Cortex®-A53 Structural Core Self Test (SCST) Library to QNX® real-time operating system, running on S32G platform. SCST Library is used for monitoring and checking the core in runtime to prevent unexpected behavior. 1627386184178736863363 PSP 145.6 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1627386184178736863363 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13294.pdf 145567 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13294.pdf AN13294 documents Y N 2021-07-27 AN13294: QNX Integration Example of S32G A53 SCST Library Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13294&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13294.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2025-02-07 pdf Y en Jul 27, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13294: QNX Integration Example of S32G A53 SCST Library Application Note 18 3 English Introducing data cache coherency support of S32G2 family. It also provides details on how to avoid data coherency issues in the application. 1626954113601734485799 PSP 226.0 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1626954113601734485799 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12887.pdf 226045 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12887.pdf AN12887 documents Y N 2021-07-22 AN12887: S32G2 Data Cache Coherency Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12887&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12887.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Jul 21, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12887: S32G2 Data Cache Coherency Application Note 19 0 English Describing the basic components and lists steps to configure and estimate the power consumption on different voltage rails of the S32G2. Helping the developer to estimate and design an optimal power supply scheme for their application use case. 1626799053357708813003 PSP 1.4 MB None None documents None 1626799053357708813003 /docs/en/application-note/AN13299.pdf 1373978 /docs/en/application-note/AN13299.pdf AN13299 documents N N 2021-07-20 AN13299: S32G2 Power Estimations Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN13299.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN13299.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jul 20, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13299: S32G2 Power Estimations Application Note 20 1.0 English This application note provides guidelines for integrating the dual channel battery connected DCDC device FS56 into electronic systems. 1621972641215710697076 PSP 1.2 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1621972641215710697076 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13191.pdf 1208263 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13191.pdf AN13191 documents Y N 2021-05-25 AN13191, FS5600 design guidelines Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13191&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13191.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-01-19 pdf Y en May 25, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13191, FS5600 design guidelines Application Note 21 1 English This application note provides detailed procedures for flashing binary images to the S32G-VNP-RDB2 board. 1621551770290710349808 PSP 568.5 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1621551770290710349808 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13185.pdf 568544 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13185.pdf AN13185 documents Y N 2021-05-20 AN13185: Flashing Binaries to S32G-VNP-RDB2 Board Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13185&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13185.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 pdf Y en May 20, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13185: Flashing Binaries to S32G-VNP-RDB2 Board Application Note 22 1.0 English This application note provides design guidelines for VR5510 PMIC configuration and hardware development. 1620862507984740763396 PSP 458.0 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1620862507984740763396 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13182.pdf 458020 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13182.pdf AN13182 documents Y N 2021-05-12 AN13182, VR5510 Device Design Guidelines /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13182&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13182.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-01-19 pdf Y en May 12, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13182, VR5510 Device Design Guidelines 23 1 English AN12978, This application note describes how to bring FOTA update support to the S32G2, the new vehicle network chip combines ASIL D safety, hardware security, high-performance real-time and application processing 1618313291874697645801 PSP 318.9 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1618313291874697645801 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12978.pdf 318892 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12978.pdf AN12978 documents Y N 2021-04-13 AN12978: S32G2 Support for Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA) updates Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12978&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12978.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf Y en Mar 1, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12978: S32G2 Support for Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA) updates Application Note 24 1 English 1619038600539711063708 PSP 1.2 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1619038600539711063708 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12951.pdf 1157357 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12951.pdf AN12951 documents Y N 2021-04-21 AN12951: Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) FCI Library Usage on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12951&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12951.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Mar 1, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12951: Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) FCI Library Usage on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note 25 0 English 1619039029077714904280 PSP 721.1 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1619039029077714904280 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13161.pdf 721078 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13161.pdf AN13161 documents Y N 2021-04-21 AN13161: Using MSIs for communication between cores on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13161&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13161.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Mar 1, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13161: Using MSIs for communication between cores on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note 26 3 English AN12530, This application note shows the standard recommended Arm HSSTP connector for NXP Automotive Arm processors. In addition, the standard recommended 20-pin Arm JTAG connector is also shown. 1618294967470716850054 PSP 414.9 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1618294967470716850054 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12530.pdf 414876 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12530.pdf AN12530 documents Y N 2021-04-12 AN12530: S32x Arm® Aurora Trace Connector /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12530&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12530.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Mar 1, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12530: S32x Arm® Aurora Trace Connector 27 2 English 1619037295929697732539 PSP 755.5 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1619037295929697732539 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12808.pdf 755488 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12808.pdf AN12808 documents Y N 2021-04-21 AN12808: Quad SPI (QSPI) Timing Configuration on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12808&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12808.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Mar 1, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12808: Quad SPI (QSPI) Timing Configuration on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note 28 1 English AN13024, This application note describes the XRDC representation and how to use the XRDC to implement access control, system memory protection and peripheral isolation 1618310205168692886191 PSP 570.7 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1618310205168692886191 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13024.pdf 570723 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13024.pdf AN13024 documents Y N 2021-04-13 AN13024: S32G2 Extended Resource Domain Controller (XRDC) Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13024&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13024.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Mar 1, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN13024: S32G2 Extended Resource Domain Controller (XRDC) Application Note 29 3 English 1620065041105722331717 PSP 773.8 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1620065041105722331717 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12848.pdf 773790 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12848.pdf AN12848 documents Y N 2021-05-03 AN12848: DDR Initialization and calibration on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12848&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12848.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf Y en Jan 1, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12848: DDR Initialization and calibration on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note ユーザ・ガイド User Guide 1 30 8 English S32G2HDG, The purpose of this document is to describe design guidelines for S32G2 based hardware 1620305957546707097417 PSP 2.0 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1620305957546707097417 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/S32GHDG.pdf 2046951 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/S32GHDG.pdf S32G2HDG documents Y N 2021-05-06 S32G2HDG: S32G2 Hardware Design Guidelines /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2HDG&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/S32GHDG.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2022-12-07 pdf Y en Jul 10, 2022 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N S32G2HDG: S32G2 Hardware Design Guidelines アプリケーション・ノート・ソフトウェア Application Note Software 3 31 0 English This application note is a step-by-step guide you to build a multicore IPC (Inter-Processor Communication) application on NXP S32G2 processor using the NXP software Bundle-2022.07 1667456069863698965916 PSP 161.4 KB None None documents None 1667456069863698965916 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13750SW.zip 161368 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13750SW.zip AN13750SW documents N N 2022-11-02 AN13750SW - 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The target is to identify workarounds which need to be implemented in the software product. 1628881843566711752205 PSP 287.8 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1628881843566711752205 /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G-0P77B-SW-ANALYSIS.xlsx 287766 /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G-0P77B-SW-ANALYSIS.xlsx S32G-0P77B-SW-ANALYSIS documents Y N 2021-08-13 Analysis of NXP software S32G2 Errata /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G-0P77B-SW-ANALYSIS&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G-0P77B-SW-ANALYSIS.xlsx Errata N 155452329886410597 2024-11-26 xlsx Y en Nov 26, 2024 155452329886410597 Errata Y N Analysis of NXP software S32G2 Errata 37 1.3 English This report applies to mask 1P77B for these products: S32G274A, S32G254A, S32G233A, S32G234M. 1682418304284709103927 PSP 428.9 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1682418304284709103927 /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G2_1P77B.pdf 428867 /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G2_1P77B.pdf S32G2_1P77B documents Y N 2023-04-25 Mask Set Errata for Mask 1P77B /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2_1P77B&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G2_1P77B.pdf Errata N 155452329886410597 2024-11-07 pdf Y en Nov 4, 2024 155452329886410597 Errata Y N Mask Set Errata for Mask 1P77B 38 3.3 English This report applies to mask 0P77B for these products: S32G274A, S32G254A, S32G233A, S32G234M. 1619040948897731671374 PSP 438.3 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1619040948897731671374 /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G2_0P77B.pdf 438320 /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G2_0P77B.pdf S32G2_0P77B documents Y N 2021-04-21 Mask Set Errata for Mask 0P77B /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2_0P77B&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G2_0P77B.pdf Errata N 155452329886410597 2024-11-09 pdf Y en Nov 4, 2024 155452329886410597 Errata Y N Mask Set Errata for Mask 0P77B ファクト・シート Fact Sheet 1 39 5 English The S32G vehicle network processor combines ASIL D safety, hardware security, high-performance real-time and application processing, and network acceleration for service-oriented gateways, domain controllers and safety co-processors. 1576864393309722121819 PSP 262.5 KB None None documents None 1576864393309722121819 /docs/en/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf 262546 /docs/en/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS documents N N 2019-12-20 S32G Vehicle Network Processor Fact Sheet /docs/en/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf /docs/en/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf Fact Sheet N 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 en May 25, 2022 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet Y N S32G Vehicle Network Processor Fact Sheet 0 Chinese S32G 结合了硬件安全保障、ASIL D 安全、高性能实时和应用处理以及网络加速功能,适用于服务型网关、域控制器和安全协处理器。 1576864393309722121819zh PSP 262.5 KB None None documents None 1576864393309722121819 /docs/zh/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf 262546 /docs/zh/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS documents N N 2019-12-20 S32G Vehicle Network Processor Fact Sheet /docs/zh/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf /docs/zh/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf Fact Sheet N 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 zh Jul 23, 2021 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet Y N S32G 安全可靠的汽车网络处理器 5 Japanese S32G2は、サービス指向ゲートウェイ、ドメイン・コントローラ、セーフティ・コプロセッサ向けに、ハードウェア・セキュリティ、ASIL Dのセーフティ、高性能なリアルタイムおよびアプリケーション・プロセッシングと、ネットワーク・アクセラレーションを組み合わせています。 1576864393309722121819ja PSP 262.5 KB None None documents None 1576864393309722121819 /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf 262546 /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS documents N N 2019-12-20 S32G Vehicle Network Processor Fact Sheet /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf Fact Sheet N 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 pdf N ja Nov 1, 2023 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet Y N S32G車載ネットワーク・プロセッサ – ファクト・シート パッケージ情報 Package Information 1 40 D English 1560960590104736034079 PSP 1.5 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1560960590104736034079 /secured/assets/documents/en/package-information/SOT1655-3.pdf 1451471 /secured/assets/documents/en/package-information/SOT1655-3.pdf sot1655-3 documents Y N 2019-06-19 sot1655-3 /webapp/Download?colCode=sot1655-3&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/package-information/SOT1655-3.pdf Package Information N 302435339416912908 2023-07-06 pdf Y en Jul 6, 2023 302435339416912908 Package Information Y N sot1655-3 製品概要 Product Brief 17 41 2.2 Y English https://www.nxp.jp/webapp/Download?colCode=S32GPFEPB&isHTMLorPDF=HTML Explaining how the Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) software consists of following software components for the S32G2 Hardware Platform: PFE Firmware, Ethernet Driver, Configuration API - FCI (Fast Control Interface), and Management daemon - CMM (Contrack Monitor Module). 1701213434125711257965 PSP 242.7 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1701213434125711257965 /secured/assets/documents/en/product-brief/S32GPFEPB.pdf 242745 /secured/assets/documents/en/product-brief/S32GPFEPB.pdf S32GPFEPB documents Y N Y 2023-11-28 S32G Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) Product Brief https://www.nxp.jp/webapp/Download?colCode=S32GPFEPB&isHTMLorPDF=HTML /secured/assets/documents/en/product-brief/S32GPFEPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 /bundle/S32GPFE_PB/page/topics/software_product_overview.html /webapp/Download?colCode=S32GPFEPB 2025-03-13 242.7 KB pdf Y en Mar 12, 2025 updated 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32G Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) Product Brief 42 1.7 English Product brief for the LLCE standard firmware for S32G2/G3. 1700839895689716068542 PSP 511.7 KB None None documents None 1700839895689716068542 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-STD-PB.pdf 511745 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-STD-PB.pdf S32G-LLCE-STD-PB documents N N 2023-11-24 S32G2/G3 LLCE Standard Firmware Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-STD-PB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-STD-PB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-11-24 pdf N en Oct 30, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32G2/G3 LLCE Standard Firmware Product Brief 43 1.7 English Product brief for the LLCE Firmware development kit for S32G2 and S32G3. 1700839895229728009975 PSP 515.1 KB None None documents None 1700839895229728009975 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-FDK-PB.pdf 515085 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-FDK-PB.pdf S32G-LLCE-FDK-PB documents N N 2023-11-24 S32G2/G3 LLCE Firmware Development Kit Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-FDK-PB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-FDK-PB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-11-24 pdf N en Oct 30, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32G2/G3 LLCE Firmware Development Kit Product Brief 44 2.0 Chinese Explaining the test codes (atomic tests) that stimulates processor core submodules with the predefined test vectors and observes and evaluates the core logic response. 1619120486505725788654zh PSP 334.7 KB None None documents None 1619120486505725788654 /docs/zh/product-brief/SCSTPB.pdf 334684 /docs/zh/product-brief/SCSTPB.pdf S32G-SCSTPB documents N N 2021-04-22 Structural Core Self-Test (SCST) for S32G Processors Product Brief /docs/zh/product-brief/SCSTPB.pdf /docs/zh/product-brief/SCSTPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-03-07 zh May 3, 2022 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N Structural Core Self-Test (SCST) for S32G Processors: Product Brief 2.0 English Explaining the test codes (atomic tests) that stimulates processor core submodules with the predefined test vectors and observes and evaluates the core logic response. 1619120486505725788654 PSP 334.7 KB None None documents None 1619120486505725788654 /docs/en/product-brief/SCSTPB.pdf 334684 /docs/en/product-brief/SCSTPB.pdf S32G-SCSTPB documents N N 2021-04-22 Structural Core Self-Test (SCST) for S32G Processors Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/SCSTPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/SCSTPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-03-07 pdf N en Mar 6, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N Structural Core Self-Test (SCST) for S32G Processors Product Brief 45 2.4 Chinese Introducing the S32 Safety Software Framework (SAF) software product containing software components for establishing the safety foundation for customer’s safety applications compliant with ISO 26262 functional safety. It allows integration up to ASIL D automotive safety integrity level. 1619120360741718406165zh PSP 830.5 KB None None documents None 1619120360741718406165 /docs/zh/product-brief/S32SAFPB.pdf 830490 /docs/zh/product-brief/S32SAFPB.pdf S32SAFPB documents N N 2021-04-22 S32 Safety Software Framework (SAF) for S32G Processors Product Brief /docs/zh/product-brief/S32SAFPB.pdf /docs/zh/product-brief/S32SAFPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-03-08 zh Jan 24, 2022 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32 Safety Software Framework (SAF) for S32G Processors Product Brief 4.0 English Introducing the S32 Safety Software Framework (SAF) software product containing software components for establishing the safety foundation for customer’s safety applications compliant with ISO 26262 functional safety. It allows integration up to ASIL D automotive safety integrity level. 1619120360741718406165 PSP 830.5 KB None None documents None 1619120360741718406165 /docs/en/product-brief/S32SAFPB.pdf 830490 /docs/en/product-brief/S32SAFPB.pdf S32SAFPB documents N N 2021-04-22 S32 Safety Software Framework (SAF) for S32G Processors Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32SAFPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/S32SAFPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-03-08 pdf N en Mar 6, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32 Safety Software Framework (SAF) for S32G Processors Product Brief 46 2.0 English Explaining how the SDHC is implemented in order to provide API for accessing SD bus interface via S32 SDK/RTD uSDHC driver adn for accomplishing uSDHC driver and FatFs integration. 1678059508344720680350 PSP 254.1 KB None None documents None 1678059508344720680350 /docs/en/product-brief/SDHCPB.pdf 254095 /docs/en/product-brief/SDHCPB.pdf SDHCPB documents N N 2023-03-05 Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/SDHCPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/SDHCPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-03-06 pdf N en Mar 3, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) Product Brief 47 1.6 Chinese Explaining how the Inter-Platform Communication Framework (IPCF) is a subsystem which enables applications, running on multiple homogenous or heterogenous processing cores, located on the same chip. 1619118406627728686673zh PSP 453.5 KB None None documents None 1619118406627728686673 /docs/zh/product-brief/IPCFPB.pdf 453523 /docs/zh/product-brief/IPCFPB.pdf IPCFPB documents N N 2021-04-22 Inter-Platform Communication Framework (IPCF) Product Brief /docs/zh/product-brief/IPCFPB.pdf /docs/zh/product-brief/IPCFPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2024-02-26 zh Jan 24, 2022 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N Inter-Platform Communication Framework (IPCF) Product Brief 1.7 English Explaining how the Inter-Platform Communication Framework (IPCF) is a subsystem which enables applications, running on multiple homogenous or heterogenous processing cores, located on the same chip or different chips, running on different operating systems (AUTOSAR, FreeRTOS etc.), to communicate over various transport interfaces (Shared Memory, etc.). 1619118406627728686673 PSP 453.5 KB None None documents None 1619118406627728686673 /docs/en/product-brief/IPCFPB.pdf 453523 /docs/en/product-brief/IPCFPB.pdf IPCFPB documents N N 2021-04-22 Inter-Platform Communication Framework (IPCF) Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/IPCFPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/IPCFPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2024-02-26 pdf N en Mar 3, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N Inter-Platform Communication Framework (IPCF) Product Brief 48 1.0 Chinese Real-Time Drivers (RTD) software product offers support for both AUTOSAR and non AUTOSAR applications. For AUTOSAR applications, a wide range of standard drivers and Complex Device Drivers (CDDs) create a rich ecosystem. For non-AUTOSAR, the low-level drivers are also provided for highly optimized code. Support for Elektrobit tresos (AUTOSAR) and S32CT (non-AUTOSAR) configurators is included. 1615246810197717444091zh PSP 1.1 MB None None documents None 1615246810197717444091 /docs/zh/product-brief/RTD-S32G2_PB.pdf 1087090 /docs/zh/product-brief/RTD-S32G2_PB.pdf RTD-S32G2_PB documents N N 2021-03-08 Real-Time Drivers (RTD) for S32G Product Brief /docs/zh/product-brief/RTD-S32G2_PB.pdf /docs/zh/product-brief/RTD-S32G2_PB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2024-04-16 zh Dec 15, 2022 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N Real-Time Drivers (RTD) for S32G2 Processors Product Brief 1.0 English Real-Time Drivers (RTD) software product offers support for both AUTOSAR and non AUTOSAR applications. 1615246810197717444091 PSP 1.1 MB None None documents None 1615246810197717444091 /docs/en/product-brief/RTD-S32G2_PB.pdf 1087090 /docs/en/product-brief/RTD-S32G2_PB.pdf RTD-S32G2_PB documents N N 2021-03-08 Real-Time Drivers (RTD) for S32G Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/RTD-S32G2_PB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/RTD-S32G2_PB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2024-04-16 pdf N en Feb 28, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief D N Real-Time Drivers (RTD) for S32G Product Brief 49 1.0 Chinese FreeRTOS是一个实时内核(或实时调度程序),可以在其上构建嵌入式应用程序以满足其硬件实时要求。 1677880336175728332313zh PSP 148.9 KB None None documents None 1677880336175728332313 /docs/zh/product-brief/FreeRTOSPB.pdf 148867 /docs/zh/product-brief/FreeRTOSPB.pdf FREERTOSPB documents N N 2023-03-03 NXP FreeRTOS Product Brief /docs/zh/product-brief/FreeRTOSPB.pdf /docs/zh/product-brief/FreeRTOSPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2024-04-16 zh Feb 28, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N 恩智浦 FreeRTOS 产品简介 1.0 English FreeRTOS is a real-time kernel (or real-time scheduler) on top of which embedded applications can be built to meet their hard real-time requirements. 1677880336175728332313 PSP 148.9 KB None None documents None 1677880336175728332313 /docs/en/product-brief/FreeRTOSPB.pdf 148867 /docs/en/product-brief/FreeRTOSPB.pdf FREERTOSPB documents N N 2023-03-03 NXP FreeRTOS Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/FreeRTOSPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/FreeRTOSPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2024-04-16 pdf N en Feb 28, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N NXP FreeRTOS Product Brief 50 2.3 Chinese Following the general layout of a BSP, containing a bootloader (U-Boot) the Linux kernel, a root file system, which can contain various libraries and middleware, and sample applications. 1619120167659715045402zh PSP 310.0 KB None None documents None 1619120167659715045402 /docs/zh/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf 310047 /docs/zh/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf S32LINUXPB documents N N 2021-04-22 S32 Linux<sup>®</sup> BSP Product Brief /docs/zh/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf /docs/zh/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-03-05 zh Jan 24, 2022 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32 Linux<sup>®</sup> BSP Product Brief 3.0 English Following the general layout of a BSP, containing a bootloader (U-Boot) the Linux kernel, a root file system, which can contain various libraries and middleware, and sample applications. 1619120167659715045402 PSP 310.0 KB None None documents None 1619120167659715045402 /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf 310047 /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf S32LINUXPB documents N N 2021-04-22 S32 Linux<sup>®</sup> BSP Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-03-05 pdf N en Feb 28, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32 Linux<sup>®</sup> BSP Product Brief 51 2.0 English The USB stack is an implementation of the USB standard. It is a port of the Kinetis USBstack on NXP’s automotive processors. 1678059509184707203417 PSP 328.7 KB None None documents None 1678059509184707203417 /docs/en/product-brief/USBSTACKPB.pdf 328730 /docs/en/product-brief/USBSTACKPB.pdf USBSTACKPB documents N N 2023-03-05 USB Stack Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/USBSTACKPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/USBSTACKPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-03-06 pdf N en Feb 28, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N USB Stack Product Brief 52 3.0 English The TCP/IP stack is a light-weight implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite. It is a port of lwIP stack for NXP automotive processors. 1678059508738732347652 PSP 280.9 KB None None documents None 1678059508738732347652 /docs/en/product-brief/TCPIPPB.pdf 280912 /docs/en/product-brief/TCPIPPB.pdf TCPIPPB documents N N 2023-03-05 TCP/IP Stack Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/TCPIPPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/TCPIPPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-08-07 pdf N en Feb 28, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N TCP/IP Stack Product Brief 53 2.0 English GoldVIP helps accelerate S32G silicon evaluation, streamlining software development and enabling rapid prototyping of new automotive applications for software-defined vehicles. 1646266653235730415547 PSP 416.2 KB None None documents None 1646266653235730415547 /docs/en/product-brief/GOLDVIPPB.pdf 416231 /docs/en/product-brief/GOLDVIPPB.pdf GOLDVIPPB documents N N 2022-03-02 S32G GoldVIP Vehicle Integration Platform Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/GOLDVIPPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/GOLDVIPPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-03-07 pdf N en Feb 28, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32G GoldVIP Vehicle Integration Platform Product Brief 54 1.0 English The Safety Peripheral Drivers (SPD) is a software product containing software components to control the safety related on-chip peripheral modules present on the device and thus it complements the S32 Real Time Drivers (RTD) product to provide software support for all on-chip peripheral modules. 1651617625644728789745 PSP 367.4 KB None None documents None 1651617625644728789745 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-SPDPB.pdf 367440 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-SPDPB.pdf S32G-SPDPB documents N N 2022-05-03 Safety Peripheral Drivers (SPD) for S32G Processors Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-SPDPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-SPDPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-03-07 pdf N en Jan 31, 2023 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N Safety Peripheral Drivers (SPD) for S32G Processors Product Brief 55 1.3 Chinese Introducing the Hardware Security Engine (HSE) which is a security subsystem, which aims at running relevant security functions for applications having stringent confidentiality and/or authenticity requirements. 1619120593839692699019zh PSP 526.9 KB None None documents None 1619120593839692699019 /docs/zh/product-brief/HSEPB.pdf 526865 /docs/zh/product-brief/HSEPB.pdf HSEPB documents N N 2021-04-22 Hardware Security Engine (HSE) Product Brief /docs/zh/product-brief/HSEPB.pdf /docs/zh/product-brief/HSEPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2022-12-07 zh Jan 24, 2022 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N Hardware Security Engine (HSE) Product Brief 1.3 English Introducing the Hardware Security Engine (HSE) which is a security subsystem, which aims at running relevant security functions for applications having stringent confidentiality and/or authenticity requirements. 1619120593839692699019 PSP 526.9 KB None None documents None 1619120593839692699019 /docs/en/product-brief/HSEPB.pdf 526865 /docs/en/product-brief/HSEPB.pdf HSEPB documents N N 2021-04-22 Hardware Security Engine (HSE) Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/HSEPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/HSEPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jan 24, 2022 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N Hardware Security Engine (HSE) Product Brief 56 1.5 Chinese Explaining how the Low Latency Communication Engine (LLCE) controls the traditional automotive communication interfaces such as CAN, LIN, and FlexRay. 1619118598407720742262zh PSP 564.3 KB None None documents None 1619118598407720742262 /docs/zh/product-brief/S32G2LLCEPB.pdf 564308 /docs/zh/product-brief/S32G2LLCEPB.pdf S32G2LLCEPB documents N N 2021-04-22 S32G2 Low Latency Communication Engine (LLCE) Standard Firmware Product Brief /docs/zh/product-brief/S32G2LLCEPB.pdf /docs/zh/product-brief/S32G2LLCEPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2022-12-07 zh Jan 24, 2022 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32G2 Low Latency Communication Engine (LLCE) Standard Firmware Product Brief 1.5 English Explaining how the Low Latency Communication Engine (LLCE) controls the traditional automotive communication interfaces such as CAN, LIN, and FlexRay. 1619118598407720742262 PSP 564.3 KB None None documents None 1619118598407720742262 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G2LLCEPB.pdf 564308 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G2LLCEPB.pdf S32G2LLCEPB documents N N 2021-04-22 S32G2 Low Latency Communication Engine (LLCE) Standard Firmware Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32G2LLCEPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/S32G2LLCEPB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jan 24, 2022 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32G2 Low Latency Communication Engine (LLCE) Standard Firmware Product Brief 57 9 Chinese S32G2PB, High-performance vehicle network processor based on Arm® Cortex®-M7 and Cortex-A53 technology 1618925243987709732259zh PSP 2.3 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1618925243987709732259 /secured/assets/documents/zh/product-brief/S32G2PB.pdf 2264034 /secured/assets/documents/zh/product-brief/S32G2PB.pdf S32G2PB documents Y N 2021-04-20 S32G2 Product Brief /secured/assets/documents/zh/product-brief/S32G2PB.pdf https://www.nxp.com.cn/webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2PB&docLang=zh Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-03-23 zh Oct 1, 2021 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32G2 Product Brief 9 English S32G2PB, High-performance vehicle network processor based on Arm® Cortex®-M7 and Cortex-A53 technology 1618925243987709732259 PSP 2.3 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1618925243987709732259 /secured/assets/documents/en/product-brief/S32G2PB.pdf 2264034 /secured/assets/documents/en/product-brief/S32G2PB.pdf S32G2PB documents Y N 2021-04-20 S32G2 Product Brief /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2PB&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/product-brief/S32G2PB.pdf Product Brief N 899114358132306053 2023-03-23 pdf Y en Oct 1, 2021 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32G2 Product Brief レポートまたはプレゼンテーション Training Presentation 4 58 0 English From this training, you will be able to understand what is the S32G software ecosystem, and how to get support, also get familiar with some of the S32G software quality and delivery terms. 1678775282521721687527 PSP 2.7 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1678775282521721687527 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE.pdf 2690432 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE.pdf TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE documents Y N 2023-03-13 Introduction to S32G Software Offering /webapp/Download?colCode=TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE.pdf Training Presentation N 501713016990820713 2024-12-19 pdf Y en Dec 19, 2024 501713016990820713 Training Presentation Y N Introduction to S32G Software Offering 59 0 English The session will unlock the key differences betweeen G3 and G2, inlcude cores, memory, timers, isolation, IPC, debug interfaces, HSE, LLCE, PFE, SERDES, GMAC, Clocking, BootROM, power. 1678777069035716341584 PSP 1.0 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1678777069035716341584 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-DIF-BETW-S32G2-S32G3.pdf 1029719 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-DIF-BETW-S32G2-S32G3.pdf TIP-INTRO-DIF-BETW-S32G2-S32G3 documents Y N 2023-03-13 Introduction to Difference Between S32G2 and S32G3 /webapp/Download?colCode=TIP-INTRO-DIF-BETW-S32G2-S32G3&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-DIF-BETW-S32G2-S32G3.pdf Training Presentation N 501713016990820713 2023-03-14 pdf Y en Mar 14, 2023 501713016990820713 Training Presentation Y N Introduction to Difference Between S32G2 and S32G3 60 0 English Introducing the QSPI module of S32G, focus on QSPI configuration and Flash SDK usage. 1678773307561714378307 PSP 1.8 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1678773307561714378307 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-S32G-QUAD-SER-PER-INTER-QSPI-DEEP-DIVE.pdf 1828242 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-S32G-QUAD-SER-PER-INTER-QSPI-DEEP-DIVE.pdf TP-S32G-QUAD-SER-PER-INTER-QSPI-DEEP-DIVE documents Y N 2023-03-13 S32G Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) Deep Dive /webapp/Download?colCode=TP-S32G-QUAD-SER-PER-INTER-QSPI-DEEP-DIVE&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-S32G-QUAD-SER-PER-INTER-QSPI-DEEP-DIVE.pdf Training Presentation N 501713016990820713 2023-03-13 pdf Y en Mar 13, 2023 501713016990820713 Training Presentation Y N S32G Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) Deep Dive 61 0 English GoldVIP provides out-of-box integration of open source sfotware components and third-party sfotware on top of the S32G software ecosystem, offering both AUTOSAR and Linux rapid development and sample appilcations. 1678771398893723157513 PSP 4.2 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1678771398893723157513 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-GLDVIP-VEHC-INT-PLAT-SOFT-DEF-VEH.pdf 4218956 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-GLDVIP-VEHC-INT-PLAT-SOFT-DEF-VEH.pdf TP-INTRO-S32G-GLDVIP-VEHC-INT-PLAT-SOFT-DEF-VEH documents Y N 2023-03-13 Introducing S32G GoldVIP - A Vehicle Integration Platform for Software Defined Vehicles /webapp/Download?colCode=TP-INTRO-S32G-GLDVIP-VEHC-INT-PLAT-SOFT-DEF-VEH&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-GLDVIP-VEHC-INT-PLAT-SOFT-DEF-VEH.pdf Training Presentation N 501713016990820713 2023-03-13 pdf Y en Mar 13, 2023 501713016990820713 Training Presentation Y N Introducing S32G GoldVIP - A Vehicle Integration Platform for Software Defined Vehicles サポート情報 Supporting Information 1 62 1.0 Chinese 如何申请访问恩智浦MCU和MPU功能安全文档 1687874957668718960250zh PSP 154.3 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1687874957668718960250 /secured/assets/documents/zh/supporting-information/SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS.pdf 154329 /secured/assets/documents/zh/supporting-information/SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS.pdf SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS documents Y N 2023-06-27 How to request the safety documentation Support Information /secured/assets/documents/zh/supporting-information/SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS.pdf https://www.nxp.com.cn/webapp/Download?colCode=SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS&docLang=zh Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 2023-06-27 zh Jun 22, 2023 371282830530968666 Supporting Information Y N 如何申请访问恩智浦MCU和MPU功能安全文档 1.0 English Learn how to request our safety documentation for your products. 1687874957668718960250 PSP 154.3 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1687874957668718960250 /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS.pdf 154329 /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS.pdf SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS documents Y N 2023-06-27 How to request the safety documentation Support Information /webapp/Download?colCode=SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS.pdf Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 2023-06-27 pdf Y en Jun 22, 2023 371282830530968666 Supporting Information Y N How to request the safety documentation Support Information ホワイト・ペーパ White Paper 2 63 0 Chinese The automotive industry is undergoing an unprecedented paradigm shift to meet the rapidly growing demand for safer, more connected vehicles. 1636751370845708311244zh PSP 2.6 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1636751370845708311244 /secured/assets/documents/zh/white-paper/DDSTSNWP.pdf 2568010 /secured/assets/documents/zh/white-paper/DDSTSNWP.pdf DDSTSNWP documents Y N 2021-11-12 Driving Interoperability and Performance in Automotive Systems with DDS and TSN Whitepaper /secured/assets/documents/zh/white-paper/DDSTSNWP.pdf https://www.nxp.com.cn/webapp/Download?colCode=DDSTSNWP&docLang=zh White Paper N 918633085541740938 2023-06-18 zh Mar 1, 2022 918633085541740938 White Paper Y N 利用DDS和TSN提高汽车系统的互操作性和性能 0 English The automotive industry is undergoing an unprecedented paradigm shift to meet the rapidly growing demand for safer, more connected vehicles. 1636751370845708311244 PSP 2.6 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1636751370845708311244 /secured/assets/documents/en/white-paper/DDSTSNWP.pdf 2568010 /secured/assets/documents/en/white-paper/DDSTSNWP.pdf DDSTSNWP documents Y N 2021-11-12 Driving Interoperability and Performance in Automotive Systems with DDS and TSN Whitepaper /webapp/Download?colCode=DDSTSNWP&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/white-paper/DDSTSNWP.pdf White Paper N 918633085541740938 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Nov 12, 2021 918633085541740938 White Paper Y N Driving Interoperability and Performance in Automotive Systems with DDS and TSN Whitepaper 64 0 Chinese 如果明天就禁用化石燃料,将会发生什么?听起来不太可能吗?也许这个想法并不那么遥远;有明显迹象表明,当前世界对化石燃料的依赖性正在减弱。 1607118181510743512631zh PSP 2.0 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1607118181510743512631 /secured/assets/documents/zh/white-paper/VEHCLOUDCONWPA4.pdf 1985532 /secured/assets/documents/zh/white-paper/VEHCLOUDCONWPA4.pdf VEHCLOUDCONWPA4 documents Y N 2020-12-04 Vehicle-to-Cloud Connectivity to Extend EV Range - White Paper /secured/assets/documents/zh/white-paper/VEHCLOUDCONWPA4.pdf https://www.nxp.com.cn/webapp/Download?colCode=VEHCLOUDCONWPA4&docLang=zh White Paper N 918633085541740938 2024-10-21 zh Jul 23, 2021 918633085541740938 White Paper Y N 利用汽车到云连接 延长电动汽车的行驶距离 0 English Technology is making the drivetrain more efficient. At NXP, we innovate around propulsion control techniques combined with vehicle-to-cloud connectivity for increased efficiency. 1607118181510743512631 PSP 2.0 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1607118181510743512631 /secured/assets/documents/en/white-paper/VEHCLOUDCONWPA4.pdf 1985532 /secured/assets/documents/en/white-paper/VEHCLOUDCONWPA4.pdf VEHCLOUDCONWPA4 documents Y N 2020-12-04 Vehicle-to-Cloud Connectivity to Extend EV Range - White Paper /webapp/Download?colCode=VEHCLOUDCONWPA4&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/white-paper/VEHCLOUDCONWPA4.pdf White Paper N 918633085541740938 2024-10-21 pdf Y en Dec 8, 2020 918633085541740938 White Paper Y N Vehicle-to-Cloud Connectivity to Extend EV Range - White Paper false 0 S32G2 downloads ja true 1 Y PSP Y Y アプリケーション・ノート 25 2023-10-05 Oct 4, 2023 Application Note AN14070: This app-note includes a few terminologies, such as sys_img, pink image and blue image /docs/en/application-note/AN14070.pdf documents 2023-10-05 /docs/en/application-note/AN14070.pdf 645036621402383989 en None pdf N 1.4 MB AN14070 1696496098801712298878 /docs/en/application-note/AN14070.pdf 1696496098801712298878 PSP 6 None English 1368477 None 645036621402383989 N AN14070: How to Run HSE Demo Application on M7 Core of S32G2 /docs/en/application-note/AN14070.pdf documents Application Note N Y 0 N AN14070: How to Run HSE Demo Application on M7 Core of S32G2 N 2021-11-12 May 24, 2023 Application Note AN13354, This application note is intended to provide the user values for commonly used PLL/DFS configurations /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13354.pdf documents 2023-05-25 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13354&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Basic pdf N 834.1 KB AN13354 1636729993546707780572 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13354.pdf 1636729993546707780572 PSP 7 Registration without Disclaimer English 834132 None 645036621402383989 Y AN13354: S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Clock Configuration Guide Application note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13354.pdf documents Application Note N Y 2 Y AN13354: S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Clock Configuration Guide Application note N 2021-12-01 Mar 10, 2023 Application Note This application note is a complementary to the LLCE Getting Started Guide and the LLCE firmware user guide for using CAN2CAN, CAN2ETH and ETH2CAN in S32G. /docs/en/application-note/AN13423.pdf documents 2023-03-10 /docs/en/application-note/AN13423.pdf 645036621402383989 en None pdf N 14.6 MB AN13423 1638360065320730794384 /docs/en/application-note/AN13423.pdf 1638360065320730794384 PSP 8 None English 14648101 None 645036621402383989 N AN13423: Using CAN2CAN, CAN2ETH and ETH2CAN Features of LLCE on S32G Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN13423.pdf documents Application Note N Y 1.0 N AN13423: Using CAN2CAN, CAN2ETH and ETH2CAN Features of LLCE on S32G Application Note N 2022-11-02 Nov 2, 2022 Application Note AN13750- This application note is a step-by-step guide you to build a multicore IPC (Inter-Processor Communication) application on NXP S32G2 processor using the NXP software Bundle-2022.07 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13750.pdf documents 2022-12-07 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13750&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 1.5 MB AN13750 1667456838426702883882 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13750.pdf 1667456838426702883882 PSP 9 Registration without Disclaimer English 1476979 None 645036621402383989 Y AN13750: Enabling Multicore Application on S32G2 using S32G2 Platform Software Integration – Application note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13750.pdf documents Application Note N Y 0 Y AN13750: Enabling Multicore Application on S32G2 using S32G2 Platform Software Integration – Application note N 2022-06-22 Aug 30, 2022 Application Note AN13667, The purpose of this application note is to provide tips for enabling and debugging eMMC on S32G2 platform /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13667.pdf documents 2023-06-18 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13667&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 1.1 MB AN13667 1655917758485715383827 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13667.pdf 1655917758485715383827 PSP 10 Registration without Disclaimer English 1088134 None 645036621402383989 Y AN13667: eMMC Enablement and Debugging Tips Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13667.pdf documents Application Note N Y 1 Y AN13667: eMMC Enablement and Debugging Tips Application Note N 2022-08-03 Aug 2, 2022 Application Note AN13636: This application note summarizes the DDR SubSystem power states, the entry-exit sequence implementation of the DDR self-refresh and DDR IO retention modes /docs/en/application-note/AN13636.pdf documents 2022-12-07 /docs/en/application-note/AN13636.pdf 645036621402383989 en None pdf N 280.7 KB AN13636 1659530950973722696147 /docs/en/application-note/AN13636.pdf 1659530950973722696147 PSP 11 None English 280683 None 645036621402383989 N AN13636: S32Gx DRAM Content Retention Application note /docs/en/application-note/AN13636.pdf documents Application Note N Y 0 N AN13636: S32Gx DRAM Content Retention Application note N 2021-04-21 Aug 2, 2022 Application Note AN12422, S32G family is a high-performance vehicle network processor, combining CAN/LIN/FlexRay networking with high data rate Ethernet networking /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12422.pdf documents 2023-06-18 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12422&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 477.4 KB AN12422 1619036932467713496743 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12422.pdf 1619036932467713496743 PSP 12 Registration without Disclaimer English 477398 None 645036621402383989 Y AN12422: S32G2 Boot Process Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12422.pdf documents Application Note N Y 5 Y AN12422: S32G2 Boot Process Application Note N 2022-03-09 Mar 9, 2022 Application Note AN13495, This application note is developed with reference to the BSP31 Release, so steps may differ for other releases. /docs/en/application-note/AN13495.pdf documents 2022-12-07 /docs/en/application-note/AN13495.pdf 645036621402383989 en None pdf N 493.7 KB AN13495 1646889122168716121945 /docs/en/application-note/AN13495.pdf 1646889122168716121945 PSP 13 None English 493696 None 645036621402383989 N AN13495: S32G PKCS Compile and Test Procedure Application note /docs/en/application-note/AN13495.pdf documents Application Note N Y 0 N AN13495: S32G PKCS Compile and Test Procedure Application note N 2022-02-23 Feb 23, 2022 Application Note AN13563, This application note provides an in-depth description of the QuadSPI controller based on the S32G family of devices, mainly including the following parts /docs/en/application-note/AN13563.pdf documents 2023-03-08 /docs/en/application-note/AN13563.pdf 645036621402383989 en None pdf N 6.2 MB AN13563 1645681686269707949983 /docs/en/application-note/AN13563.pdf 1645681686269707949983 PSP 14 None English 6175092 None 645036621402383989 N AN13563: S32G QuadSPI Deep Dive Application note /docs/en/application-note/AN13563.pdf documents Application Note N Y 0 N AN13563: S32G QuadSPI Deep Dive Application note N 2021-03-15 Oct 15, 2021 Application Note This application note describes the Standby mode of the NXP VR5510 power management integrated circuit (PMIC) when it supplies the NXP S32G MCU. /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12880.pdf documents 2024-01-19 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12880&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 2.7 MB AN12880 1615852318171723711067 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12880.pdf 1615852318171723711067 PSP 15 Registration without Disclaimer English 2748440 None 645036621402383989 Y AN12880, VR5510 low-power Standby mode Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12880.pdf documents Application Note N Y 3 Y AN12880, VR5510 low-power Standby mode Application Note N 2021-05-03 Jul 31, 2021 Application Note Summarizing possible user options, associated features, and implementation for optimal realization of power-saving techniques in projects with S32G. /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12952.pdf documents 2024-05-20 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12952&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 357.9 KB AN12952 1620065041487725694344 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12952.pdf 1620065041487725694344 PSP 16 Registration without Disclaimer English 357907 None 645036621402383989 Y AN12952: S32Gx Power Saving Techniques Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12952.pdf documents Application Note N Y 2 Y AN12952: S32Gx Power Saving Techniques Application Note N 2021-07-27 Jul 27, 2021 Application Note Illustrating how to port Arm® Cortex®-A53 Structural Core Self Test (SCST) Library to QNX® real-time operating system, running on S32G platform. SCST Library is used for monitoring and checking the core in runtime to prevent unexpected behavior. /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13294.pdf documents 2025-02-07 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13294&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 145.6 KB AN13294 1627386184178736863363 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13294.pdf 1627386184178736863363 PSP 17 Registration without Disclaimer English 145567 None 645036621402383989 Y AN13294: QNX Integration Example of S32G A53 SCST Library Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13294.pdf documents Application Note N Y 0 Y AN13294: QNX Integration Example of S32G A53 SCST Library Application Note N 2021-07-22 Jul 21, 2021 Application Note Introducing data cache coherency support of S32G2 family. It also provides details on how to avoid data coherency issues in the application. /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12887.pdf documents 2023-06-18 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12887&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 226.0 KB AN12887 1626954113601734485799 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12887.pdf 1626954113601734485799 PSP 18 Registration without Disclaimer English 226045 None 645036621402383989 Y AN12887: S32G2 Data Cache Coherency Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12887.pdf documents Application Note N Y 3 Y AN12887: S32G2 Data Cache Coherency Application Note N 2021-07-20 Jul 20, 2021 Application Note Describing the basic components and lists steps to configure and estimate the power consumption on different voltage rails of the S32G2. Helping the developer to estimate and design an optimal power supply scheme for their application use case. /docs/en/application-note/AN13299.pdf documents 2022-12-07 /docs/en/application-note/AN13299.pdf 645036621402383989 en None pdf N 1.4 MB AN13299 1626799053357708813003 /docs/en/application-note/AN13299.pdf 1626799053357708813003 PSP 19 None English 1373978 None 645036621402383989 N AN13299: S32G2 Power Estimations Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN13299.pdf documents Application Note N Y 0 N AN13299: S32G2 Power Estimations Application Note N 2021-05-25 May 25, 2021 Application Note This application note provides guidelines for integrating the dual channel battery connected DCDC device FS56 into electronic systems. /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13191.pdf documents 2024-01-19 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13191&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 1.2 MB AN13191 1621972641215710697076 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13191.pdf 1621972641215710697076 PSP 20 Registration without Disclaimer English 1208263 None 645036621402383989 Y AN13191, FS5600 design guidelines Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13191.pdf documents Application Note N Y 1.0 Y AN13191, FS5600 design guidelines Application Note N 2021-05-20 May 20, 2021 Application Note This application note provides detailed procedures for flashing binary images to the S32G-VNP-RDB2 board. /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13185.pdf documents 2023-06-18 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13185&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 568.5 KB AN13185 1621551770290710349808 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13185.pdf 1621551770290710349808 PSP 21 Registration without Disclaimer English 568544 None 645036621402383989 Y AN13185: Flashing Binaries to S32G-VNP-RDB2 Board Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13185.pdf documents Application Note N Y 1 Y AN13185: Flashing Binaries to S32G-VNP-RDB2 Board Application Note N 2021-05-12 May 12, 2021 Application Note This application note provides design guidelines for VR5510 PMIC configuration and hardware development. /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13182.pdf documents 2024-01-19 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13182&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 458.0 KB AN13182 1620862507984740763396 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13182.pdf 1620862507984740763396 PSP 22 Registration without Disclaimer English 458020 None 645036621402383989 Y AN13182, VR5510 Device Design Guidelines /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13182.pdf documents Application Note N Y 1.0 Y AN13182, VR5510 Device Design Guidelines N 2021-04-13 Mar 1, 2021 Application Note AN12978, This application note describes how to bring FOTA update support to the S32G2, the new vehicle network chip combines ASIL D safety, hardware security, high-performance real-time and application processing /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12978.pdf documents 2022-12-07 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12978&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 318.9 KB AN12978 1618313291874697645801 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12978.pdf 1618313291874697645801 PSP 23 Registration without Disclaimer English 318892 None 645036621402383989 Y AN12978: S32G2 Support for Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA) updates Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12978.pdf documents Application Note N Y 1 Y AN12978: S32G2 Support for Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA) updates Application Note N 2021-04-21 Mar 1, 2021 Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12951.pdf documents 2023-06-18 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12951&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 1.2 MB AN12951 1619038600539711063708 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12951.pdf 1619038600539711063708 PSP 24 Registration without Disclaimer English 1157357 None 645036621402383989 Y AN12951: Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) FCI Library Usage on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12951.pdf documents Application Note N Y 1 Y AN12951: Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) FCI Library Usage on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note N 2021-04-21 Mar 1, 2021 Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13161.pdf documents 2023-06-18 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13161&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 721.1 KB AN13161 1619039029077714904280 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13161.pdf 1619039029077714904280 PSP 25 Registration without Disclaimer English 721078 None 645036621402383989 Y AN13161: Using MSIs for communication between cores on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13161.pdf documents Application Note N Y 0 Y AN13161: Using MSIs for communication between cores on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note N 2021-04-12 Mar 1, 2021 Application Note AN12530, This application note shows the standard recommended Arm HSSTP connector for NXP Automotive Arm processors. In addition, the standard recommended 20-pin Arm JTAG connector is also shown. /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12530.pdf documents 2023-06-18 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12530&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 414.9 KB AN12530 1618294967470716850054 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12530.pdf 1618294967470716850054 PSP 26 Registration without Disclaimer English 414876 None 645036621402383989 Y AN12530: S32x Arm® Aurora Trace Connector /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12530.pdf documents Application Note N Y 3 Y AN12530: S32x Arm® Aurora Trace Connector N 2021-04-21 Mar 1, 2021 Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12808.pdf documents 2023-06-18 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12808&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 755.5 KB AN12808 1619037295929697732539 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12808.pdf 1619037295929697732539 PSP 27 Registration without Disclaimer English 755488 None 645036621402383989 Y AN12808: Quad SPI (QSPI) Timing Configuration on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12808.pdf documents Application Note N Y 2 Y AN12808: Quad SPI (QSPI) Timing Configuration on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note N 2021-04-13 Mar 1, 2021 Application Note AN13024, This application note describes the XRDC representation and how to use the XRDC to implement access control, system memory protection and peripheral isolation /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13024.pdf documents 2023-06-18 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13024&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 570.7 KB AN13024 1618310205168692886191 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13024.pdf 1618310205168692886191 PSP 28 Registration without Disclaimer English 570723 None 645036621402383989 Y AN13024: S32G2 Extended Resource Domain Controller (XRDC) Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN13024.pdf documents Application Note N Y 1 Y AN13024: S32G2 Extended Resource Domain Controller (XRDC) Application Note N 2021-05-03 Jan 1, 2021 Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12848.pdf documents 2022-12-07 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12848&lang_cd=ja 645036621402383989 en Extended pdf N 773.8 KB AN12848 1620065041105722331717 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12848.pdf 1620065041105722331717 PSP 29 Registration without Disclaimer English 773790 None 645036621402383989 Y AN12848: DDR Initialization and calibration on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN12848.pdf documents Application Note N Y 3 Y AN12848: DDR Initialization and calibration on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note N /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN14063.pdf 2024-06-05 1717606577944729173496 PSP 1 May 21, 2024 Application Note アプリケーション・ノート Hardware design guidelines for the S32G2 family. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN14063.pdf English 2176971 None Application Note 2024-06-05 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=AN14063&docLang=en AN14063: S32G2 Hardware Design Guidelines /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN14063.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N Y en Extended Y t789 pdf 8.1 Y N AN14063: S32G2 Hardware Design Guidelines 2.2 MB AN14063 N 1717606577944729173496 アプリケーション・ノート・ソフトウェア 3 2022-11-02 Nov 2, 2022 Application Note Software This application note is a step-by-step guide you to build a multicore IPC (Inter-Processor Communication) application on NXP S32G2 processor using the NXP software Bundle-2022.07 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13750SW.zip documents 2022-12-07 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13750SW.zip 789425793691620447 en None zip N 161.4 KB AN13750SW 1667456069863698965916 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13750SW.zip 1667456069863698965916 PSP 31 None English 161368 None 789425793691620447 N AN13750SW - Software for application note AN13750 /docs/en/application-note-software/AN13750SW.zip documents Application Note Software N Y 0 N AN13750SW - Software for application note AN13750 N 2021-04-22 Feb 1, 2021 Application Note Software /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN13161SW.zip documents 2022-12-07 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN13161SW&lang_cd=ja 789425793691620447 en Extended zip N 4.2 MB AN13161SW 1619100423618721407253 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN13161SW.zip 1619100423618721407253 PSP 32 Registration without Disclaimer English 4198968 None 789425793691620447 Y AN13161: Using MSIs for communication between cores on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note Software /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN13161SW.zip documents Application Note Software N Y Feb 2021 Y AN13161: Using MSIs for communication between cores on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note Software N 2021-04-22 Feb 1, 2021 Application Note Software /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN12951SW.zip documents 2022-12-07 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12951SW&lang_cd=ja 789425793691620447 en Extended zip N 451.4 KB AN12951SW 1619100182790723305578 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN12951SW.zip 1619100182790723305578 PSP 33 Registration without Disclaimer English 451440 None 789425793691620447 Y AN12951: Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) FCI Library Usage on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note Software /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN12951SW.zip documents Application Note Software N Y Feb 2021 Y AN12951: Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) FCI Library Usage on the S32G2 Vehicle Network Processor Application Note Software N エラッタ 3 2021-08-13 Nov 26, 2024 Errata This is a hardware errata review for the specified device. The target is to identify workarounds which need to be implemented in the software product. /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G-0P77B-SW-ANALYSIS.xlsx documents 2024-11-26 /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G-0P77B-SW-ANALYSIS&lang_cd=ja 155452329886410597 en Extended xlsx N 287.8 KB S32G-0P77B-SW-ANALYSIS 1628881843566711752205 /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G-0P77B-SW-ANALYSIS.xlsx 1628881843566711752205 PSP 36 Registration without Disclaimer English 287766 None 155452329886410597 Y Analysis of NXP software S32G2 Errata /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G-0P77B-SW-ANALYSIS.xlsx documents Errata N Y 14 Y Analysis of NXP software S32G2 Errata N 2023-04-25 Nov 4, 2024 Errata This report applies to mask 1P77B for these products: S32G274A, S32G254A, S32G233A, S32G234M. /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G2_1P77B.pdf documents 2024-11-07 /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2_1P77B&lang_cd=ja 155452329886410597 en Extended pdf N 428.9 KB S32G2_1P77B 1682418304284709103927 /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G2_1P77B.pdf 1682418304284709103927 PSP 37 Registration without Disclaimer English 428867 None 155452329886410597 Y Mask Set Errata for Mask 1P77B /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G2_1P77B.pdf documents Errata N Y 1.3 Y Mask Set Errata for Mask 1P77B N 2021-04-21 Nov 4, 2024 Errata This report applies to mask 0P77B for these products: S32G274A, S32G254A, S32G233A, S32G234M. /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G2_0P77B.pdf documents 2024-11-09 /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2_0P77B&lang_cd=ja 155452329886410597 en Extended pdf N 438.3 KB S32G2_0P77B 1619040948897731671374 /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G2_0P77B.pdf 1619040948897731671374 PSP 38 Registration without Disclaimer English 438320 None 155452329886410597 Y Mask Set Errata for Mask 0P77B /secured/assets/documents/en/errata/S32G2_0P77B.pdf documents Errata N Y 3.3 Y Mask Set Errata for Mask 0P77B N エンジニアリング・ブリテン 1 2023-05-08 May 17, 2023 Technical Notes The purpose of this Engineering Bulletin is to summarize the changes to the latest Revision of the S32G2. /secured/assets/documents/en/engineering-bulletin/EB00944.pdf documents 2023-05-16 /webapp/Download?colCode=EB00944&lang_cd=ja 389245547230346745 en Extended pdf N 236.6 KB EB00944 1683577060098718969664 /secured/assets/documents/en/engineering-bulletin/EB00944.pdf 1683577060098718969664 PSP 35 Registration without Disclaimer English 236551 None 389245547230346745 Y NXP Vehicle Network Processor S32G2 Migration considerations from Rev 2.0 to Rev 2.1 /secured/assets/documents/en/engineering-bulletin/EB00944.pdf documents Technical Notes N Y 2 Y NXP Vehicle Network Processor S32G2 Migration considerations from Rev 2.0 to Rev 2.1 N カタログ 1 2021-04-29 Nov 1, 2023 Brochure ユーザーがアプリケーションを構築する際に利用できる、S32G車載ネットワーク・プロセッサ向けの広範なソフトウェアについて解説します。 /docs/ja/brochure/S32GSWBROCHURE.pdf documents 2024-04-16 /docs/ja/brochure/S32GSWBROCHURE.pdf 712453003803778552 ja None pdf N 1.4 MB S32GSWBROCHURE 1619728760176709046083 /docs/ja/brochure/S32GSWBROCHURE.pdf 1619728760176709046083ja PSP 34 None Japanese 1412894 None 712453003803778552 N S32G車載ネットワーク・プロセッサのソフトウェア・イネーブルメント・パンフレット /docs/ja/brochure/S32GSWBROCHURE.pdf documents Brochure N Y 1.0 N S32G Vehicle Network Processors Software Enablement Brochure N サポート情報 1 2023-06-27 Jun 22, 2023 Supporting Information Learn how to request our safety documentation for your products. /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS.pdf documents 2023-06-27 /webapp/Download?colCode=SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS&lang_cd=ja 371282830530968666 en Extended pdf N 154.3 KB SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS 1687874957668718960250 /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS.pdf 1687874957668718960250 PSP 62 Registration without Disclaimer English 154329 None 371282830530968666 Y How to request the safety documentation Support Information /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/SAFETY-DOC-PROCESS.pdf documents Supporting Information N Y 1.0 Y How to request the safety documentation Support Information N データ・シート 1 2021-05-03 Sep 1, 2024 Data Sheet S32G2 Data Sheet /docs/en/data-sheet/S32G2.pdf documents 2024-10-21 /docs/en/data-sheet/S32G2.pdf 980000996212993340 en None pdf N 1.7 MB S32G2 1620070784105723793913 /docs/en/data-sheet/S32G2.pdf 1620070784105723793913 PSP 2 None English 1716763 None 980000996212993340 N S32G2 Data Sheet /docs/en/data-sheet/S32G2.pdf documents Data Sheet N Y 7 N S32G2 Data Sheet N パッケージ情報 1 2019-06-19 Jul 6, 2023 Package Information /secured/assets/documents/en/package-information/SOT1655-3.pdf documents 2023-07-06 /webapp/Download?colCode=sot1655-3&lang_cd=ja 302435339416912908 en Extended pdf N 1.5 MB sot1655-3 1560960590104736034079 /secured/assets/documents/en/package-information/SOT1655-3.pdf 1560960590104736034079 PSP 40 Registration without Disclaimer English 1451471 None 302435339416912908 Y sot1655-3 /secured/assets/documents/en/package-information/SOT1655-3.pdf documents Package Information N Y D Y sot1655-3 N ファクト・シート 1 2019-12-20 Nov 1, 2023 Fact Sheet S32G2は、サービス指向ゲートウェイ、ドメイン・コントローラ、セーフティ・コプロセッサ向けに、ハードウェア・セキュリティ、ASIL Dのセーフティ、高性能なリアルタイムおよびアプリケーション・プロセッシングと、ネットワーク・アクセラレーションを組み合わせています。 /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf documents 2022-12-07 /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf 736675474163315314 ja None pdf N 262.5 KB S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS 1576864393309722121819 /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf 1576864393309722121819ja PSP 39 None Japanese 262546 None 736675474163315314 N S32G車載ネットワーク・プロセッサ – ファクト・シート /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32G-VEHICLE-NW-FS.pdf documents Fact Sheet N Y 5 N S32G Vehicle Network Processor Fact Sheet N ホワイト・ペーパ 2 2021-11-12 Nov 12, 2021 White Paper The automotive industry is undergoing an unprecedented paradigm shift to meet the rapidly growing demand for safer, more connected vehicles. /secured/assets/documents/en/white-paper/DDSTSNWP.pdf documents 2023-06-18 /webapp/Download?colCode=DDSTSNWP&lang_cd=ja 918633085541740938 en Extended pdf N 2.6 MB DDSTSNWP 1636751370845708311244 /secured/assets/documents/en/white-paper/DDSTSNWP.pdf 1636751370845708311244 PSP 63 Registration without Disclaimer English 2568010 None 918633085541740938 Y Driving Interoperability and Performance in Automotive Systems with DDS and TSN Whitepaper /secured/assets/documents/en/white-paper/DDSTSNWP.pdf documents White Paper N Y 0 Y Driving Interoperability and Performance in Automotive Systems with DDS and TSN Whitepaper N 2020-12-04 Dec 8, 2020 White Paper Technology is making the drivetrain more efficient. At NXP, we innovate around propulsion control techniques combined with vehicle-to-cloud connectivity for increased efficiency. /secured/assets/documents/en/white-paper/VEHCLOUDCONWPA4.pdf documents 2024-10-21 /webapp/Download?colCode=VEHCLOUDCONWPA4&lang_cd=ja 918633085541740938 en Extended pdf N 2.0 MB VEHCLOUDCONWPA4 1607118181510743512631 /secured/assets/documents/en/white-paper/VEHCLOUDCONWPA4.pdf 1607118181510743512631 PSP 64 Registration without Disclaimer English 1985532 None 918633085541740938 Y Vehicle-to-Cloud Connectivity to Extend EV Range - White Paper /secured/assets/documents/en/white-paper/VEHCLOUDCONWPA4.pdf documents White Paper N Y 0 Y Vehicle-to-Cloud Connectivity to Extend EV Range - White Paper N ユーザ・ガイド 1 2021-05-06 Jul 10, 2022 User Guide S32G2HDG, The purpose of this document is to describe design guidelines for S32G2 based hardware /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/S32GHDG.pdf documents 2022-12-07 /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2HDG&lang_cd=ja 132339537837198660 en Extended pdf N 2.0 MB S32G2HDG 1620305957546707097417 /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/S32GHDG.pdf 1620305957546707097417 PSP 30 Registration without Disclaimer English 2046951 None 132339537837198660 Y S32G2HDG: S32G2 Hardware Design Guidelines /secured/assets/documents/en/user-guide/S32GHDG.pdf documents User Guide N Y 8 Y S32G2HDG: S32G2 Hardware Design Guidelines N リファレンス・マニュアル 3 2021-04-20 Feb 29, 2024 Reference Manual S32G2RM, This reference manual (RM) is intended for system software, hardware developers, and applications programmers who need to develop products using this chip /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/S32G2RM.pdf documents 2024-03-01 /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2RM&lang_cd=ja 500633505221135046 en Extended pdf N 27.6 MB S32G2RM 1618924796105715214715 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/S32G2RM.pdf 1618924796105715214715 PSP 3 Registration without Disclaimer English 27583695 None 500633505221135046 Y S32G2 Reference Manual /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/S32G2RM.pdf documents Reference Manual N Y 8 Y S32G2 Reference Manual N 2021-03-08 Dec 2, 2022 Reference Manual /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/S32G2RSERDESRM.pdf documents 2023-06-18 /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2RSERDESRM&lang_cd=ja 500633505221135046 en Extended pdf N 12.3 MB S32G2RSERDESRM 1615261363473708794498 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/S32G2RSERDESRM.pdf 1615261363473708794498 PSP 4 Registration without Disclaimer English 12295576 None 500633505221135046 Y S32G2 SerDes Subsystem Reference Manual /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/S32G2RSERDESRM.pdf documents Reference Manual N Y 6 Y S32G2 SerDes Subsystem Reference Manual N 2021-04-21 Mar 1, 2021 Reference Manual /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/GMACSUBSYSRM.pdf documents 2022-12-07 /webapp/Download?colCode=GMACSUBSYSRM&lang_cd=ja 500633505221135046 en Extended pdf N 4.8 MB GMACSUBSYSRM 1619041225554718919418 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/GMACSUBSYSRM.pdf 1619041225554718919418 PSP 5 Registration without Disclaimer English 4808093 None 500633505221135046 Y GMAC Subsystem RM /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/GMACSUBSYSRM.pdf documents Reference Manual N Y 2 Y GMAC Subsystem RM N レポートまたはプレゼンテーション 4 2023-03-13 Dec 19, 2024 Training Presentation From this training, you will be able to understand what is the S32G software ecosystem, and how to get support, also get familiar with some of the S32G software quality and delivery terms. /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE.pdf documents 2024-12-19 /webapp/Download?colCode=TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE&lang_cd=ja 501713016990820713 en Extended pdf N 2.7 MB TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE 1678775282521721687527 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE.pdf 1678775282521721687527 PSP 58 Registration without Disclaimer English 2690432 None 501713016990820713 Y Introduction to S32G Software Offering /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE.pdf documents Training Presentation N Y 0 Y Introduction to S32G Software Offering N 2023-03-13 Mar 14, 2023 Training Presentation The session will unlock the key differences betweeen G3 and G2, inlcude cores, memory, timers, isolation, IPC, debug interfaces, HSE, LLCE, PFE, SERDES, GMAC, Clocking, BootROM, power. /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-DIF-BETW-S32G2-S32G3.pdf documents 2023-03-14 /webapp/Download?colCode=TIP-INTRO-DIF-BETW-S32G2-S32G3&lang_cd=ja 501713016990820713 en Extended pdf N 1.0 MB TIP-INTRO-DIF-BETW-S32G2-S32G3 1678777069035716341584 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-DIF-BETW-S32G2-S32G3.pdf 1678777069035716341584 PSP 59 Registration without Disclaimer English 1029719 None 501713016990820713 Y Introduction to Difference Between S32G2 and S32G3 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-DIF-BETW-S32G2-S32G3.pdf documents Training Presentation N Y 0 Y Introduction to Difference Between S32G2 and S32G3 N 2023-03-13 Mar 13, 2023 Training Presentation Introducing the QSPI module of S32G, focus on QSPI configuration and Flash SDK usage. /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-S32G-QUAD-SER-PER-INTER-QSPI-DEEP-DIVE.pdf documents 2023-03-13 /webapp/Download?colCode=TP-S32G-QUAD-SER-PER-INTER-QSPI-DEEP-DIVE&lang_cd=ja 501713016990820713 en Extended pdf N 1.8 MB TP-S32G-QUAD-SER-PER-INTER-QSPI-DEEP-DIVE 1678773307561714378307 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-S32G-QUAD-SER-PER-INTER-QSPI-DEEP-DIVE.pdf 1678773307561714378307 PSP 60 Registration without Disclaimer English 1828242 None 501713016990820713 Y S32G Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) Deep Dive /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-S32G-QUAD-SER-PER-INTER-QSPI-DEEP-DIVE.pdf documents Training Presentation N Y 0 Y S32G Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) Deep Dive N 2023-03-13 Mar 13, 2023 Training Presentation GoldVIP provides out-of-box integration of open source sfotware components and third-party sfotware on top of the S32G software ecosystem, offering both AUTOSAR and Linux rapid development and sample appilcations. /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-GLDVIP-VEHC-INT-PLAT-SOFT-DEF-VEH.pdf documents 2023-03-13 /webapp/Download?colCode=TP-INTRO-S32G-GLDVIP-VEHC-INT-PLAT-SOFT-DEF-VEH&lang_cd=ja 501713016990820713 en Extended pdf N 4.2 MB TP-INTRO-S32G-GLDVIP-VEHC-INT-PLAT-SOFT-DEF-VEH 1678771398893723157513 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-GLDVIP-VEHC-INT-PLAT-SOFT-DEF-VEH.pdf 1678771398893723157513 PSP 61 Registration without Disclaimer English 4218956 None 501713016990820713 Y Introducing S32G GoldVIP - A Vehicle Integration Platform for Software Defined Vehicles 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https://www.nxp.jp/webapp/Download?colCode=S32GPFEPB&isHTMLorPDF=HTML 1701213434125711257965 PSP 41 Registration without Disclaimer English 242745 None 899114358132306053 Y S32G Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) Product Brief /secured/assets/documents/en/product-brief/S32GPFEPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 2.2 Y S32G Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) Product Brief N 2023-11-24 Oct 30, 2023 Product Brief Product brief for the LLCE standard firmware for S32G2/G3. /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-STD-PB.pdf documents 2023-11-24 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-STD-PB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 511.7 KB S32G-LLCE-STD-PB 1700839895689716068542 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-STD-PB.pdf 1700839895689716068542 PSP 42 None English 511745 None 899114358132306053 N S32G2/G3 LLCE Standard Firmware Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-STD-PB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 1.7 N S32G2/G3 LLCE Standard Firmware Product Brief N 2023-11-24 Oct 30, 2023 Product Brief Product brief for the LLCE Firmware development kit for S32G2 and S32G3. /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-FDK-PB.pdf documents 2023-11-24 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-FDK-PB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 515.1 KB S32G-LLCE-FDK-PB 1700839895229728009975 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-FDK-PB.pdf 1700839895229728009975 PSP 43 None English 515085 None 899114358132306053 N S32G2/G3 LLCE Firmware Development Kit Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-LLCE-FDK-PB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 1.7 N S32G2/G3 LLCE Firmware Development Kit Product Brief N 2021-04-22 Mar 6, 2023 Product Brief Explaining the test codes (atomic tests) that stimulates processor core submodules with the predefined test vectors and observes and evaluates the core logic response. /docs/en/product-brief/SCSTPB.pdf documents 2023-03-07 /docs/en/product-brief/SCSTPB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 334.7 KB S32G-SCSTPB 1619120486505725788654 /docs/en/product-brief/SCSTPB.pdf 1619120486505725788654 PSP 44 None English 334684 None 899114358132306053 N Structural Core Self-Test (SCST) for S32G Processors Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/SCSTPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 2.0 N Structural Core Self-Test (SCST) for S32G Processors Product Brief N 2021-04-22 Mar 6, 2023 Product Brief Introducing the S32 Safety Software Framework (SAF) software product containing software components for establishing the safety foundation for customer’s safety applications compliant with ISO 26262 functional safety. It allows integration up to ASIL D automotive safety integrity level. /docs/en/product-brief/S32SAFPB.pdf documents 2023-03-08 /docs/en/product-brief/S32SAFPB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 830.5 KB S32SAFPB 1619120360741718406165 /docs/en/product-brief/S32SAFPB.pdf 1619120360741718406165 PSP 45 None English 830490 None 899114358132306053 N S32 Safety Software Framework (SAF) for S32G Processors Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32SAFPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 4.0 N S32 Safety Software Framework (SAF) for S32G Processors Product Brief N 2023-03-05 Mar 3, 2023 Product Brief Explaining how the SDHC is implemented in order to provide API for accessing SD bus interface via S32 SDK/RTD uSDHC driver adn for accomplishing uSDHC driver and FatFs integration. /docs/en/product-brief/SDHCPB.pdf documents 2023-03-06 /docs/en/product-brief/SDHCPB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 254.1 KB SDHCPB 1678059508344720680350 /docs/en/product-brief/SDHCPB.pdf 1678059508344720680350 PSP 46 None English 254095 None 899114358132306053 N Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/SDHCPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 2.0 N Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) Product Brief N 2021-04-22 Mar 3, 2023 Product Brief Explaining how the Inter-Platform Communication Framework (IPCF) is a subsystem which enables applications, running on multiple homogenous or heterogenous processing cores, located on the same chip or different chips, running on different operating systems (AUTOSAR, FreeRTOS etc.), to communicate over various transport interfaces (Shared Memory, etc.). /docs/en/product-brief/IPCFPB.pdf documents 2024-02-26 /docs/en/product-brief/IPCFPB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 453.5 KB IPCFPB 1619118406627728686673 /docs/en/product-brief/IPCFPB.pdf 1619118406627728686673 PSP 47 None English 453523 None 899114358132306053 N Inter-Platform Communication Framework (IPCF) Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/IPCFPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 1.7 N Inter-Platform Communication Framework (IPCF) Product Brief N 2021-03-08 Feb 28, 2023 Product Brief Real-Time Drivers (RTD) software product offers support for both AUTOSAR and non AUTOSAR applications. /docs/en/product-brief/RTD-S32G2_PB.pdf documents 2024-04-16 /docs/en/product-brief/RTD-S32G2_PB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 1.1 MB RTD-S32G2_PB 1615246810197717444091 /docs/en/product-brief/RTD-S32G2_PB.pdf 1615246810197717444091 PSP 48 None English 1087090 None 899114358132306053 N Real-Time Drivers (RTD) for S32G Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/RTD-S32G2_PB.pdf documents Product Brief N D 1.0 N Real-Time Drivers (RTD) for S32G Product Brief N 2023-03-03 Feb 28, 2023 Product Brief FreeRTOS is a real-time kernel (or real-time scheduler) on top of which embedded applications can be built to meet their hard real-time requirements. /docs/en/product-brief/FreeRTOSPB.pdf documents 2024-04-16 /docs/en/product-brief/FreeRTOSPB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 148.9 KB FREERTOSPB 1677880336175728332313 /docs/en/product-brief/FreeRTOSPB.pdf 1677880336175728332313 PSP 49 None English 148867 None 899114358132306053 N NXP FreeRTOS Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/FreeRTOSPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 1.0 N NXP FreeRTOS Product Brief N 2021-04-22 Feb 28, 2023 Product Brief Following the general layout of a BSP, containing a bootloader (U-Boot) the Linux kernel, a root file system, which can contain various libraries and middleware, and sample applications. /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf documents 2023-03-05 /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 310.0 KB S32LINUXPB 1619120167659715045402 /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf 1619120167659715045402 PSP 50 None English 310047 None 899114358132306053 N S32 Linux<sup>®</sup> BSP Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 3.0 N S32 Linux<sup>®</sup> BSP Product Brief N 2023-03-05 Feb 28, 2023 Product Brief The USB stack is an implementation of the USB standard. It is a port of the Kinetis USBstack on NXP’s automotive processors. /docs/en/product-brief/USBSTACKPB.pdf documents 2023-03-06 /docs/en/product-brief/USBSTACKPB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 328.7 KB USBSTACKPB 1678059509184707203417 /docs/en/product-brief/USBSTACKPB.pdf 1678059509184707203417 PSP 51 None English 328730 None 899114358132306053 N USB Stack Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/USBSTACKPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 2.0 N USB Stack Product Brief N 2023-03-05 Feb 28, 2023 Product Brief The TCP/IP stack is a light-weight implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite. It is a port of lwIP stack for NXP automotive processors. /docs/en/product-brief/TCPIPPB.pdf documents 2023-08-07 /docs/en/product-brief/TCPIPPB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 280.9 KB TCPIPPB 1678059508738732347652 /docs/en/product-brief/TCPIPPB.pdf 1678059508738732347652 PSP 52 None English 280912 None 899114358132306053 N TCP/IP Stack Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/TCPIPPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 3.0 N TCP/IP Stack Product Brief N 2022-03-02 Feb 28, 2023 Product Brief GoldVIP helps accelerate S32G silicon evaluation, streamlining software development and enabling rapid prototyping of new automotive applications for software-defined vehicles. /docs/en/product-brief/GOLDVIPPB.pdf documents 2023-03-07 /docs/en/product-brief/GOLDVIPPB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 416.2 KB GOLDVIPPB 1646266653235730415547 /docs/en/product-brief/GOLDVIPPB.pdf 1646266653235730415547 PSP 53 None English 416231 None 899114358132306053 N S32G GoldVIP Vehicle Integration Platform Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/GOLDVIPPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 2.0 N S32G GoldVIP Vehicle Integration Platform Product Brief N 2022-05-03 Jan 31, 2023 Product Brief The Safety Peripheral Drivers (SPD) is a software product containing software components to control the safety related on-chip peripheral modules present on the device and thus it complements the S32 Real Time Drivers (RTD) product to provide software support for all on-chip peripheral modules. /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-SPDPB.pdf documents 2023-03-07 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-SPDPB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 367.4 KB S32G-SPDPB 1651617625644728789745 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-SPDPB.pdf 1651617625644728789745 PSP 54 None English 367440 None 899114358132306053 N Safety Peripheral Drivers (SPD) for S32G Processors Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32G-SPDPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 1.0 N Safety Peripheral Drivers (SPD) for S32G Processors Product Brief N 2021-04-22 Jan 24, 2022 Product Brief Introducing the Hardware Security Engine (HSE) which is a security subsystem, which aims at running relevant security functions for applications having stringent confidentiality and/or authenticity requirements. /docs/en/product-brief/HSEPB.pdf documents 2022-12-07 /docs/en/product-brief/HSEPB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 526.9 KB HSEPB 1619120593839692699019 /docs/en/product-brief/HSEPB.pdf 1619120593839692699019 PSP 55 None English 526865 None 899114358132306053 N Hardware Security Engine (HSE) Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/HSEPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 1.3 N Hardware Security Engine (HSE) Product Brief N 2021-04-22 Jan 24, 2022 Product Brief Explaining how the Low Latency Communication Engine (LLCE) controls the traditional automotive communication interfaces such as CAN, LIN, and FlexRay. /docs/en/product-brief/S32G2LLCEPB.pdf documents 2022-12-07 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G2LLCEPB.pdf 899114358132306053 en None pdf N 564.3 KB S32G2LLCEPB 1619118598407720742262 /docs/en/product-brief/S32G2LLCEPB.pdf 1619118598407720742262 PSP 56 None English 564308 None 899114358132306053 N S32G2 Low Latency Communication Engine (LLCE) Standard Firmware Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32G2LLCEPB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 1.5 N S32G2 Low Latency Communication Engine (LLCE) Standard Firmware Product Brief N 2021-04-20 Oct 1, 2021 Product Brief S32G2PB, High-performance vehicle network processor based on Arm® Cortex®-M7 and Cortex-A53 technology /secured/assets/documents/en/product-brief/S32G2PB.pdf documents 2023-03-23 /webapp/Download?colCode=S32G2PB&lang_cd=ja 899114358132306053 en Extended pdf N 2.3 MB S32G2PB 1618925243987709732259 /secured/assets/documents/en/product-brief/S32G2PB.pdf 1618925243987709732259 PSP 57 Registration without Disclaimer English 2264034 None 899114358132306053 Y S32G2 Product Brief /secured/assets/documents/en/product-brief/S32G2PB.pdf documents Product Brief N Y 9 Y S32G2 Product Brief N true Y Products


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