アクティブ -
i.MX 8QuadMax Multisensory Enablement Kit (MEK).
- i.MX 8QuadMax MEK CPUボード
- 電源
- クイック・スタート・ガイド
- USB 3.0 Type C - Type A
- USB 2.0 Type A - Type Micro
- LVDS - HDMIアダプタ・カード
NXP i.MX 8マルチセンサリー・イネーブルメント・キット (MEK) は、Arm® Cortex® A72 | A53 + Cortex-M4Fベースのi.MX 8QuadMaxおよびi.MX 8QuadPlusアプリケーション・プロセッサ、ならびにNXP PF8100パワー・マネジメント集積回路 (PMIC) ソリューションおよびセンサを対象とする、評価および開発用プラットフォームです。
I.MX 8プロセッサ・ファミリは、高度な統合によってグラフィックス、ビデオ、画像処理、オーディオ、音声機能をサポートし、効率に優れたパフォーマンスの要件を満たします。MEKは高度に最適化されたドライバとソフトウェアを備え、i.MX 8は産業およびオートモーティブ市場向けの幅広い組込みアプリケーションに対応します。
i.MX 8QuadMax Multisensory Enablement Kit (MEK).
代理店 | 地域 | 在庫 | 在庫日 | 注文 |
Upon selection of a preferred distributor, you will be directed to their web site to place and service your order. Please be aware that distributors are independent businesses and set their own prices, terms and conditions of sale. NXP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about distributors, or the prices, terms and conditions of sale agreed upon by you and any distributor.
i.MX 8QuadXPlus Multisensory Enablement Kit (MEK) Base Board.
代理店 | 地域 | 在庫 | 在庫日 | 注文 |
Upon selection of a preferred distributor, you will be directed to their web site to place and service your order. Please be aware that distributors are independent businesses and set their own prices, terms and conditions of sale. NXP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about distributors, or the prices, terms and conditions of sale agreed upon by you and any distributor.
MIPI to HDMI adaptor card (mini SAS).
代理店 | 地域 | 在庫 | 在庫日 | 注文 |
Upon selection of a preferred distributor, you will be directed to their web site to place and service your order. Please be aware that distributors are independent businesses and set their own prices, terms and conditions of sale. NXP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about distributors, or the prices, terms and conditions of sale agreed upon by you and any distributor.
MIPI-CSI Camera Module.
代理店 | 地域 | 在庫 | 在庫日 | 注文 |
Upon selection of a preferred distributor, you will be directed to their web site to place and service your order. Please be aware that distributors are independent businesses and set their own prices, terms and conditions of sale. NXP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about distributors, or the prices, terms and conditions of sale agreed upon by you and any distributor.
LVDS to HDMI adaptor card (mini SAS).
代理店 | 地域 | 在庫 | 在庫日 | 注文 |
Upon selection of a preferred distributor, you will be directed to their web site to place and service your order. Please be aware that distributors are independent businesses and set their own prices, terms and conditions of sale. NXP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about distributors, or the prices, terms and conditions of sale agreed upon by you and any distributor.
ENET 100 Mbps Daughter Card with NXP Auto BR-PHY.
代理店 | 地域 | 在庫 | 在庫日 | 注文 |
Upon selection of a preferred distributor, you will be directed to their web site to place and service your order. Please be aware that distributors are independent businesses and set their own prices, terms and conditions of sale. NXP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about distributors, or the prices, terms and conditions of sale agreed upon by you and any distributor.
4 camera board with miniSAS connector for OV10635 MIPI Camera.
代理店 | 地域 | 在庫 | 在庫日 | 注文 |
Upon selection of a preferred distributor, you will be directed to their web site to place and service your order. Please be aware that distributors are independent businesses and set their own prices, terms and conditions of sale. NXP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about distributors, or the prices, terms and conditions of sale agreed upon by you and any distributor.
Evaluation Kit for the i.MX 8M Applications Processor.
代理店 | 地域 | 在庫 | 在庫日 | 注文 |
Upon selection of a preferred distributor, you will be directed to their web site to place and service your order. Please be aware that distributors are independent businesses and set their own prices, terms and conditions of sale. NXP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about distributors, or the prices, terms and conditions of sale agreed upon by you and any distributor.
クイック・リファレンス ドキュメンテーションの種類.
1-5 の 49 ドキュメント
1-5の 7 設計・ファイル
クイック・リファレンス ソフトウェア・タイプ.
1-5 の 130 ソフトウェア・ファイル
追加ソフトウェアを利用可能 パートナー・ソリューションの特集を表示.
注: より快適にご利用いただくために、ソフトウェアのダウンロードはデスクトップで行うことを推奨します。
1 トレーニング