i.MX51 Evaluation Kit | NXP Semiconductors

i.MX51 Evaluation Kit












    i.MX51 Applications Processor (529 BGA)

  • 4 x 128 MB DDR2
  • PMIC – MC13892
  • NAND and EIM header


  • DVI-I connector
  • 2 SD/MMC card slots
  • USB host x2 / USB OTG x1
  • Ethernet port
  • Mini PCI Express®
  • SATA HDD connector
  • SIM card connector
  • Keyboard connector
  • Speaker connector
  • USB camera connector
  • PS-2 TP connector
  • RGB output through DVI-I connector
  • Expansion header


  • Debug serial port
  • JTAG


  • Ambient light sensor footprint


  • 7” WVGA touchscreen LCD display (add-on module) 2 LVDS connectors


  • Mic input
  • Stereo headphone output (jack)
  • V2IP headphone

Expansion Port

  • Expansion board (add-on module)

User Components

  • Reset, boot switches
  • Debug LED
  • Power source
  • Power on/off button
  • Power measurement header






  • Product Development Kit, Hardware, i.MX51, CPU Board, No Display.

  • の数量に対して 1



  • Accessory Board, Hardware, i.MX51, Expansion Card.

  • $230.00 USD
  • の数量に対して 1
    • 在庫: 保留中の在庫



  • Accesory Board, Hardware, i.MX51, WVGA LCD Display Add-on.

  • $287.50 USD
  • の数量に対して 1
    • 在庫: 保留中の在庫
N true 0 TSPMCIMX51EVKJja 20 アプリケーション・ノート Application Note t789 9 エンジニアリング・ブリテン Technical Notes t521 1 サポート情報 Supporting Information t531 7 ファクト・シート Fact Sheet t523 1 ユーザ・ガイド User Guide t792 1 リファレンス・マニュアル Reference Manual t877 1 ja 1 1 0 Chinese 1257279947545696687429zh TSP 235.1 KB None None documents None 1257279947545696687429 /docs/zh/fact-sheet/IMX51EVKFS.pdf 235061 /docs/zh/fact-sheet/IMX51EVKFS.pdf IMX51EVKKITFS documents N N 2016-10-31 Evaluation Kit (EVK) for the i.MX51 Applications Processor - Fact Sheet /docs/zh/fact-sheet/IMX51EVKFS.pdf /docs/zh/fact-sheet/IMX51EVKFS.pdf /docs/zh/fact-sheet/IMX51EVKFS.pdf Fact Sheet N Y 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 N zh 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet N N i.MX51 EVK简介 0 English NXP delivers the cost-effective i.MX51 evaluation kit, allowing customers to develop, debug and demonstrate their next great product without compromising performance. The i.MX51 EVK has two optional add-on modules: an LCD module and an expansion board which includes a camera, TV out, keypad and UART. Based on a powerful Arm<sup>®</sup> Cortex<sup>®</sup>-A8 core, the i.MX51 EVK delivers extreme performance and low power consumption. 1257279947545696687429 TSP 235.1 KB None None documents None 1257279947545696687429 /docs/en/fact-sheet/IMX51EVKFS.pdf 235061 /docs/en/fact-sheet/IMX51EVKFS.pdf IMX51EVKKITFS N N 2016-10-31 Evaluation Kit (EVK) for the i.MX51 Applications Processor - Fact Sheet /docs/en/fact-sheet/IMX51EVKFS.pdf /docs/en/fact-sheet/IMX51EVKFS.pdf Fact Sheet N Y 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 pdf N en Nov 3, 2009 Fact Sheet t523 ファクト・シート Fact Sheet Y N Evaluation Kit (EVK) for the i.MX51 Applications Processor - Fact Sheet false ja 1 2 1.7 English 1288797951780722844093 TSP 1.4 MB None None documents Y None 1288797951780722844093 /docs/en/user-guide/evk_imx51_Hardware_UG.pdf 1442299 /docs/en/user-guide/evk_imx51_Hardware_UG.pdf IMX51_EVK_UG N 2010-11-04 i.MX51 EVK Hardware User&#8217;s Guide: Hardware description, reference and know issues /docs/en/user-guide/evk_imx51_Hardware_UG.pdf /docs/en/user-guide/evk_imx51_Hardware_UG.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2023-06-19 pdf en Nov 3, 2010 User Guide t792 ユーザ・ガイド User Guide N N i.MX51 EVK Hardware User&#8217;s Guide: Hardware description, reference and know issues false ja リファレンス・マニュアル Reference Manual 1 3 0 English 1257365749121710268431 TSP 218.1 KB None None documents None 1257365749121710268431 /docs/en/reference-manual/imx51_IPU_LIB_UG.pdf 218106 /docs/en/reference-manual/imx51_IPU_LIB_UG.pdf IMX51_IPU_LIB_UG documents N 2009-11-04 i.MX51 IPU V3 Library User's Guide /docs/en/reference-manual/imx51_IPU_LIB_UG.pdf /docs/en/reference-manual/imx51_IPU_LIB_UG.pdf Reference Manual N 500633505221135046 2022-12-07 pdf en Nov 4, 2009 500633505221135046 Reference Manual N N i.MX51 IPU V3 Library User's Guide アプリケーション・ノート Application Note 9 4 4 English This application note describes the power-up sequence that should be met for the i.MX51 processor. 1271084294723698811912 TSP 560.1 KB None None documents None 1271084294723698811912 /docs/en/application-note/AN4053.pdf 560054 /docs/en/application-note/AN4053.pdf AN4053 documents N 2010-04-12 i.MX51 Power-Up Sequence /docs/en/application-note/AN4053.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4053.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf en Oct 26, 2010 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N i.MX51 Power-Up Sequence 5 2 English This application note describes the interfacing of Mobile Double Data Rate (mDDR) and Double Data Rate 2 (DDR2) memories with the i.MX51 processor. 1272637833306706432051 TSP 1.6 MB None None documents None 1272637833306706432051 /docs/en/application-note/AN4054.pdf 1623015 /docs/en/application-note/AN4054.pdf AN4054 documents N 2010-04-30 Interfacing mDDR and DDR2 Memories with the i.MX51 /docs/en/application-note/AN4054.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4054.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf en Oct 26, 2010 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Interfacing mDDR and DDR2 Memories with the i.MX51 6 0 English This application note describes how to set up a Linux software development environment on the i.MX devices. 1281702227569715083522 TSP 1.3 MB None None documents None 1281702227569715083522 /docs/en/application-note/AN3870.pdf 1334944 /docs/en/application-note/AN3870.pdf AN3870 documents N N 2016-10-31 Developing an Application for the i.MX Devices on Linux Platform /docs/en/application-note/AN3870.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3870.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Aug 13, 2010 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Developing an Application for the i.MX Devices on Linux Platform 7 0 English In this application note, the reader is guided through the areas of the i.MX51 Evaluation Kit&#13;&#10;(EVK) U-Boot source code where the adaptation is required. 1280926240698699095364 TSP 603.6 KB None None documents None 1280926240698699095364 /docs/en/application-note/AN4173.pdf 603622 /docs/en/application-note/AN4173.pdf AN4173 documents N 2010-08-04 U-Boot for i.MX51 Based Designs /docs/en/application-note/AN4173.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4173.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf en Aug 4, 2010 645036621402383989 Application Note N N U-Boot for i.MX51 Based Designs 8 0 English This application note gives an introduction about the i.MX51 processor clock settings under the WinCE 6.0 Board Support Package (BSP). 1276859996757707310689 TSP 555.6 KB None None documents None 1276859996757707310689 /docs/en/application-note/AN4140.pdf 555639 /docs/en/application-note/AN4140.pdf AN4140 documents N 2010-06-18 i.MX51 WinCE Clock Setting /docs/en/application-note/AN4140.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4140.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf en Jun 18, 2010 645036621402383989 Application Note N N i.MX51 WinCE Clock Setting 9 1 English This application note aids the customer to design power management systems. 1267724681929715137717 TSP 593.9 KB None None documents None 1267724681929715137717 /docs/en/application-note/AN4051.pdf 593918 /docs/en/application-note/AN4051.pdf AN4051 documents N 2010-03-04 i.MX51 EVK Supply Current Measurements /docs/en/application-note/AN4051.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4051.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf en May 27, 2010 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N i.MX51 EVK Supply Current Measurements 10 0 English This application note provides information about the image processing API for the i.MX platform. 1273234380687734468111 TSP 758.2 KB None None documents None 1273234380687734468111 /docs/en/application-note/AN4042.pdf 758186 /docs/en/application-note/AN4042.pdf AN4042 documents N N 2016-10-31 Image Processing API for the i.MX Platform /docs/en/application-note/AN4042.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4042.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en May 7, 2010 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Image Processing API for the i.MX Platform 11 0 English This application note provides general information regarding the board initialization process and the memory mapping implementation of the Linux kernel using the LTIB in an i.MX51 Board Support Package (BSP). 1268319566867688560214 TSP 530.3 KB None None documents None 1268319566867688560214 /docs/en/application-note/AN3980.pdf 530250 /docs/en/application-note/AN3980.pdf AN3980 documents N 2010-03-11 i.MX51 Board Initialization and Memory Mapping Using the Linux Target Image Builder (LTIB) /docs/en/application-note/AN3980.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3980.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf en Mar 11, 2010 645036621402383989 Application Note N N i.MX51 Board Initialization and Memory Mapping Using the Linux Target Image Builder (LTIB) 12 0 English This application note describes how to incorporate a new NAND Flash model in a custom design using the i.MX51 and Windows Embedded CE 6.0. 1266850014370690527617 TSP 613.0 KB None None documents None 1266850014370690527617 /docs/en/application-note/AN3986.pdf 613029 /docs/en/application-note/AN3986.pdf AN3986 documents N 2010-02-22 Changing the i.MX51 NAND Flash Model for Windows Embedded CETM 6.0 /docs/en/application-note/AN3986.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3986.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf en Feb 22, 2010 645036621402383989 Application Note N N Changing the i.MX51 NAND Flash Model for Windows Embedded CETM 6.0 エンジニアリング・ブリテン Technical Notes 1 13 0 English This Engineering Bulletin explains an issue that has been observed with the MCIMX51LCD assembly&#13;&#10;involving the risk of electrical shorts caused by the LCD panel. 1263478571754719212145 TSP 879.2 KB None None documents None 1263478571754719212145 /docs/en/engineering-bulletin/EB726.pdf 879185 /docs/en/engineering-bulletin/EB726.pdf EB726 documents N 2010-01-14 MCIMX51LCD Panel Potential Electrical Short Issue /docs/en/engineering-bulletin/EB726.pdf /docs/en/engineering-bulletin/EB726.pdf Technical Notes N 389245547230346745 2022-12-07 pdf en Jan 14, 2010 389245547230346745 Technical Notes N N MCIMX51LCD Panel Potential Electrical Short Issue サポート情報 Supporting Information 7 14 ER2010.11 English 1292258408287702767871 TSP 652.8 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1292258408287702767871 /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/Linux_Multimedia_Framework_Docs_MX51Ubuntu_1.9.5.tar.gz 652815 /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/Linux_Multimedia_Framework_Docs_MX51Ubuntu_1.9.5.tar.gz IMX51_1011_MMDOCS_BUNDLE documents Y N 2010-12-14 Linux Multimedia Codecs Documentation /webapp/Download?colCode=IMX51_1011_MMDOCS_BUNDLE&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/Linux_Multimedia_Framework_Docs_MX51Ubuntu_1.9.5.tar.gz Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 2023-06-18 gz Y en Feb 23, 2012 371282830530968666 Supporting Information Y N Linux Multimedia Codecs Documentation 15 ER2011.04 English 1305323136505730945197 TSP 900.3 KB None None documents None 1305323136505730945197 /docs/en/supporting-information/WCE600_MX51_11.04.02_ER_MM_DOCIT.zip 900336 /docs/en/supporting-information/WCE600_MX51_11.04.02_ER_MM_DOCIT.zip IMX51_1104_WIN60_MMDOCS_BUNDLE documents N 2011-05-17 Windows CE Multimedia Codecs Documentation ER 2011.04 for i.MX51 /docs/en/supporting-information/WCE600_MX51_11.04.02_ER_MM_DOCIT.zip /docs/en/supporting-information/WCE600_MX51_11.04.02_ER_MM_DOCIT.zip Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 2022-12-07 zip en Feb 3, 2012 371282830530968666 Supporting Information Y N Windows CE Multimedia Codecs Documentation ER 2011.04 for i.MX51 16 11.06 English 1311094438516722571210 TSP 834.8 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1311094438516722571210 /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/WCE700_MX51_11.06.01_ER_MM_DOCIT.zip 834826 /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/WCE700_MX51_11.06.01_ER_MM_DOCIT.zip IMX51_1106_WCE7_MM_DOCS documents Y N 2011-07-20 Windows Embedded Compact 7 MM Documentation Bundle. Includes Release Notes and User Guide. /webapp/Download?colCode=IMX51_1106_WCE7_MM_DOCS&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/WCE700_MX51_11.06.01_ER_MM_DOCIT.zip Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 2022-12-07 zip Y en Jan 16, 2012 371282830530968666 Supporting Information Y N Windows Embedded Compact 7 MM Documentation Bundle. Includes Release Notes and User Guide. 17 11.06 English 1311094028731717599240 TSP 2.2 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1311094028731717599240 /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/WCE700_MX51_ER_1106_DOCKIT.zip 2181942 /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/WCE700_MX51_ER_1106_DOCKIT.zip IMX51_1106_WCE7_BSP_DOCS documents Y N 2011-07-20 Windows Embedded Compact 7 BSP Codecs Documentation Bundle. Includes Release Notes and User Guide. /webapp/Download?colCode=IMX51_1106_WCE7_BSP_DOCS&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/WCE700_MX51_ER_1106_DOCKIT.zip Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 2022-12-07 zip Y en Jul 19, 2011 371282830530968666 Supporting Information Y N Windows Embedded Compact 7 BSP Codecs Documentation Bundle. Includes Release Notes and User Guide. 18 ER2011.04 English 1305323140073722459433 TSP 12.8 MB None None documents None 1305323140073722459433 /docs/en/supporting-information/WCE600_MX51_ER_1104_DOCKIT.zip 12761517 /docs/en/supporting-information/WCE600_MX51_ER_1104_DOCKIT.zip IMX51_ER1104_WIN60DOCS_BUNDLE documents N 2011-05-17 .MX51 EVK Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Documentation Bundle. Includes Hello World App note, ReadMe doc, release notes,... /docs/en/supporting-information/WCE600_MX51_ER_1104_DOCKIT.zip /docs/en/supporting-information/WCE600_MX51_ER_1104_DOCKIT.zip Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 2022-12-07 zip en May 13, 2011 371282830530968666 Supporting Information N N .MX51 EVK Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Documentation Bundle. Includes Hello World App note, ReadMe doc, release notes,... 19 ER2010.11 English 1292257826457694007632 TSP 21.9 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1292257826457694007632 /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/L2.6.35_10.11.01_ER_docs.tar.gz 21923892 /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/L2.6.35_10.11.01_ER_docs.tar.gz IMX51_ER1011_LINUXDOCS_BUNDLE documents Y N 2010-12-14 i.MX51 EVK Linux Documentation Bundle /webapp/Download?colCode=IMX51_ER1011_LINUXDOCS_BUNDLE&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/supporting-information/L2.6.35_10.11.01_ER_docs.tar.gz Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 2022-12-07 gz Y en Dec 13, 2010 371282830530968666 Supporting Information N N i.MX51 EVK Linux Documentation Bundle 20 0 English 1260381832101722249857 TSP 40.7 KB None None documents None 1260381832101722249857 /docs/en/supporting-information/I.MX51_19x19_Orcad_symbol_and_footprint.zip 40674 /docs/en/supporting-information/I.MX51_19x19_Orcad_symbol_and_footprint.zip IMX51_19X19_SYMBOL documents N N 2016-10-31 I.MX51 19x19 Orcad symbol and footprint /docs/en/supporting-information/I.MX51_19x19_Orcad_symbol_and_footprint.zip /docs/en/supporting-information/I.MX51_19x19_Orcad_symbol_and_footprint.zip Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 2022-12-07 zip N en Dec 9, 2009 371282830530968666 Supporting Information Y N I.MX51 19x19 Orcad symbol and footprint false 0 MCIMX51EVKJ downloads ja true 0 Y TSP アプリケーション・ノート 9 /docs/en/application-note/AN4053.pdf 2010-04-12 1271084294723698811912 TSP 4 Oct 26, 2010 Application Note This application note describes the power-up sequence that should be met for the i.MX51 processor. None /docs/en/application-note/AN4053.pdf English documents 560054 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 /docs/en/application-note/AN4053.pdf i.MX51 Power-Up Sequence /docs/en/application-note/AN4053.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 4 N i.MX51 Power-Up Sequence 560.1 KB AN4053 N 1271084294723698811912 /docs/en/application-note/AN4054.pdf 2010-04-30 1272637833306706432051 TSP 5 Oct 26, 2010 Application Note This application note describes the interfacing of Mobile Double Data Rate (mDDR) and Double Data Rate 2 (DDR2) memories with the i.MX51 processor. None /docs/en/application-note/AN4054.pdf English documents 1623015 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 /docs/en/application-note/AN4054.pdf Interfacing mDDR and DDR2 Memories with the i.MX51 /docs/en/application-note/AN4054.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 2 N Interfacing mDDR and DDR2 Memories with the i.MX51 1.6 MB AN4054 N 1272637833306706432051 /docs/en/application-note/AN3870.pdf 2016-10-31 1281702227569715083522 TSP 6 Aug 13, 2010 Application Note This application note describes how to set up a Linux software development environment on the i.MX devices. 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None /docs/en/application-note/AN4173.pdf English documents 603622 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 /docs/en/application-note/AN4173.pdf U-Boot for i.MX51 Based Designs /docs/en/application-note/AN4173.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None N pdf 0 N U-Boot for i.MX51 Based Designs 603.6 KB AN4173 N 1280926240698699095364 /docs/en/application-note/AN4140.pdf 2010-06-18 1276859996757707310689 TSP 8 Jun 18, 2010 Application Note This application note gives an introduction about the i.MX51 processor clock settings under the WinCE 6.0 Board Support Package (BSP). None /docs/en/application-note/AN4140.pdf English documents 555639 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 /docs/en/application-note/AN4140.pdf i.MX51 WinCE Clock Setting /docs/en/application-note/AN4140.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None N pdf 0 N i.MX51 WinCE Clock Setting 555.6 KB AN4140 N 1276859996757707310689 /docs/en/application-note/AN4051.pdf 2010-03-04 1267724681929715137717 TSP 9 May 27, 2010 Application Note This application note aids the customer to design power management systems. 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None /docs/en/application-note/AN3980.pdf English documents 530250 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 /docs/en/application-note/AN3980.pdf i.MX51 Board Initialization and Memory Mapping Using the Linux Target Image Builder (LTIB) /docs/en/application-note/AN3980.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None N pdf 0 N i.MX51 Board Initialization and Memory Mapping Using the Linux Target Image Builder (LTIB) 530.3 KB AN3980 N 1268319566867688560214 /docs/en/application-note/AN3986.pdf 2010-02-22 1266850014370690527617 TSP 12 Feb 22, 2010 Application Note This application note describes how to incorporate a new NAND Flash model in a custom design using the i.MX51 and Windows Embedded CE 6.0. 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Includes Hello World App note, ReadMe doc, release notes,... /docs/en/supporting-information/WCE600_MX51_ER_1104_DOCKIT.zip documents 371282830530968666 Supporting Information N en None N zip ER2011.04 N .MX51 EVK Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Documentation Bundle. 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The i.MX51 EVK has two optional add-on modules: an LCD module and an expansion board which includes a camera, TV out, keypad and UART. Based on a powerful Arm<sup>®</sup> Cortex<sup>®</sup>-A8 core, the i.MX51 EVK delivers extreme performance and low power consumption. None /docs/en/fact-sheet/IMX51EVKFS.pdf English 235061 None Fact Sheet 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/fact-sheet/IMX51EVKFS.pdf Evaluation Kit (EVK) for the i.MX51 Applications Processor - Fact Sheet /docs/en/fact-sheet/IMX51EVKFS.pdf documents 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet N Y en None Y t523 pdf 0 N N Evaluation Kit (EVK) for the i.MX51 Applications Processor - Fact Sheet 235.1 KB IMX51EVKKITFS N 1257279947545696687429 ユーザ・ガイド 1 /docs/en/user-guide/evk_imx51_Hardware_UG.pdf 2010-11-04 1288797951780722844093 TSP 2 Nov 3, 2010 User Guide ユーザ・ガイド Y None /docs/en/user-guide/evk_imx51_Hardware_UG.pdf English 1442299 None User Guide 2023-06-19 /docs/en/user-guide/evk_imx51_Hardware_UG.pdf i.MX51 EVK Hardware User&#8217;s Guide: Hardware description, reference and know issues /docs/en/user-guide/evk_imx51_Hardware_UG.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en None N t792 pdf 1.7 N i.MX51 EVK Hardware User&#8217;s Guide: Hardware description, reference and know issues 1.4 MB IMX51_EVK_UG N 1288797951780722844093 リファレンス・マニュアル 1 /docs/en/reference-manual/imx51_IPU_LIB_UG.pdf 2009-11-04 1257365749121710268431 TSP 3 Nov 4, 2009 Reference Manual None /docs/en/reference-manual/imx51_IPU_LIB_UG.pdf English documents 218106 None 500633505221135046 2022-12-07 /docs/en/reference-manual/imx51_IPU_LIB_UG.pdf i.MX51 IPU V3 Library User's Guide /docs/en/reference-manual/imx51_IPU_LIB_UG.pdf documents 500633505221135046 Reference Manual N en None N pdf 0 N i.MX51 IPU V3 Library User's Guide 218.1 KB IMX51_IPU_LIB_UG N 1257365749121710268431 true Y Tools


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