Out of the Box2
Get to Know the Hardware3
Configure the Hardware for Startup4
Install Software5
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The NXP analog product development boards provide an easy-to-use platform for evaluating NXP products. The boards support a range of analog, mixed-signal and power solutions. They incorporate monolithic integrated circuits and system-in-package devices that use proven high-volume technology. NXP products offer longer battery life, a smaller form factor, reduced component counts, lower cost and improved performance in powering state-of-the-art systems.
This page will guide you through the process of setting up and using the FRDMGD31ECNEVM board.
The FRDMGD31ECNEVM contents include:
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In addition to the kit contents, the following hardware is necessary or beneficial when working with this kit.
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This evaluation board requires a Windows PC workstation. Meeting these minimum specifications should produce great results when working with this evaluation board.
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The FRDMGD31ECNEVM is a half-bridge evaluation kit populated with two GD3100 single channel IGBT gate drive devices on a half-bridge evaluation board with pin configuration compatible with Econo IGBTs.
The kit includes the Freedom KL25Z microcontroller hardware for interfacing a PC installed with SPIGen software for communication to the SPI registers on the GD3100 gate drive devices in either daisy chain or standalone configuration.
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GD3100 translator enables level shifting of signals from 3.3 V to 5.0 V SPI communication.
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The Freedom KL25Z is an ultra-low-cost development platform for Kinetis® L Series KL1x (KL14/15) and KL2x (KL24/25) MCUs built on Arm® Cortex®-M0+ processor.
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Overview of the FRDMGD31ECNEVM half-bridge evaluation board.
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The following figure presents a typical hardware configuration.
To configure the hardware and workstation, complete the following procedure:
Note: For double pulse and short-circuit tests, ensure J235 and J236 are populated on the translator board. These jumpers need to be open if supplying PWM signal externally.
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Start embedded application development.
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In addition to our GD3160: Advanced Single-Channel High-Voltage Isolated Automotive Gate Driver for SiC MOSFETs/IGBTs page, you may also want to visit:
Gate driver pages:
Application pages:
Tool pages:
Hardware pages:
Software pages:
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