S32K14W-Q064車載汎用評価ボード | NXP Semiconductors










S32K 車載汎用MCU


マイクロコントローラ (MCU)

  • 32ビットCortex-M4FベースのS32K144

システムベーシス・チップ (SBC)

  • UJA1169TK:ミニ高速CANシステムベーシス・チップ


  • TJA1027:LIN 2.2A/SAE J2602トランシーバ
  • TJA1145ATK:高速CANトランシーバ


  • OpenSDA:業界標準の複数のデバッグ・インターフェースをサポートするシリアルおよびデバッグ・アダプタ
  • プロトタイピング時のMCU I/Oヘッダ・ピンへのアクセスが容易


  • 小型フォーム・ファクタ
  • 低コスト


  • 「シールド」拡張サポートと互換性のあるArduino® UNOピン配置


  • CAN、LIN、UART/SCIに対応するオンボード・コネクティビティ


  • 柔軟な電源オプション:マイクロUSBまたは外部12 V電源


  • タッチパッド x 2
  • ポテンショメータ x 1
  • RGB LED x 1
  • 押しボタン x 2





  • S32K14WEVB-Q064

  • S32K144W Evaluation Board for General Purpose.

  • $169.00 USD
  • の数量に対して 1
    • 在庫: 在庫あり
    • 在庫: 18
    • 配送: 通常 1~2営業日以内に配送
N true 0 TSPS32K14WEVB-Q064ja 21 アプリケーション・ノート Application Note t789 19 カタログ Brochure t518 1 ユーザ・ガイド User Guide t792 1 ja ja 1 1 English This page will help guide you through the process of learning about your S32K14WEVB-Q064 evaluation board 1631817196762710721102 Y 1631817196762710721102 GS-S32K14WEVB-Q064 GS-S32K14WEVB-Q064 /document/guide/getting-started-with-the-s32k14w-q064-evaluation-board:GS-S32K14WEVB-Q064 HTML 0 2021-09-16 GS-S32K14WEVB-Q064 TSP User Guide 132339537837198660 2025-02-13 en Sep 16, 2021 User Guide t792 ユーザ・ガイド User Guide Y Getting Started with the S32K14W-Q064 Evaluation Board false ja アプリケーション・ノート Application Note 19 2 0 Chinese Presenting information to get the most benefit from the use of the ADC module: - Understanding the ADC common terminology, sources of error and specification - Best practices to increase measurement accuracy - Common triggering configuration examples for the S32K1xx family 1535438201710697949432zh TSP 954.3 KB None None documents None 1535438201710697949432 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12217.pdf 954346 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12217.pdf AN12217 documents N N 2018-08-27 AN12217: S32K1xx and S32M24x ADC Guidelines, Spec and Configuration /docs/zh/application-note/AN12217.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN12217.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-09-25 zh Aug 22, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N S32K1xx ADC 指南、规格和配置 2.0 English Presenting information to get the most benefit from the use of the ADC module: - Understanding the ADC common terminology, sources of error and specification - Best practices to increase measurement accuracy - Common triggering configuration examples for the S32K1xx family 1535438201710697949432 TSP 954.3 KB None None documents None 1535438201710697949432 /docs/en/application-note/AN12217.pdf 954346 /docs/en/application-note/AN12217.pdf AN12217 documents N N 2018-08-27 AN12217: S32K1xx and S32M24x ADC Guidelines, Spec and Configuration /docs/en/application-note/AN12217.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12217.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-09-25 pdf N en Sep 5, 2024 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12217: S32K1xx and S32M24x ADC Guidelines, Spec and Configuration 3 0 Chinese AN5426, Hardware Design Guidelines for S32K1xx Microcontrollers 1489438886546694630621zh TSP 1.5 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1489438886546694630621 /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN5426.pdf 1497392 /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN5426.pdf AN5426 documents Y N 2017-03-13 AN5426: Hardware Design Guidelines for S32K1xx – Application Note /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN5426.pdf https://www.nxp.com.cn/webapp/Download?colCode=AN5426&docLang=zh Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 zh May 10, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN5426,S32K1xx 微控制器的硬件设计指南 6 English Describing hardware design guidelines for S32K1xx Microcontrollers. The S32K series further extends the highly scalable portfolio of Arm Cortex MCUs in the automotive industry. It builds on the legacy of the KEA series whilst introducing higher memory options alongside a richer peripheral set, extending capability into various automotive applications. 1489438886546694630621 TSP 1.5 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1489438886546694630621 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN5426.pdf 1497392 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN5426.pdf AN5426 documents Y N 2017-03-13 AN5426: Hardware Design Guidelines for S32K1xx – Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN5426&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN5426.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 pdf Y en Dec 13, 2021 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN5426: Hardware Design Guidelines for S32K1xx – Application Note 4 5 Chinese Providing software examples and outlining necessary startup steps needed to help users get started with S32K1xx series MCUs. 1489479674018698133770zh TSP 2.2 MB None None documents None 1489479674018698133770 /docs/zh/application-note/AN5413.pdf 2177321 /docs/zh/application-note/AN5413.pdf AN5413 documents N N 2017-03-14 AN5413: S32K1xx Series Cookbook – Application Note /docs/zh/application-note/AN5413.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN5413.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 zh Dec 30, 2020 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N S32K1xx系列使用指南 5 English AN5413SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN5413SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN5413SW&docLang=en Providing software examples and outlining necessary startup steps needed to help users get started with S32K1xx series MCUs. 1489479674018698133770 TSP 2.2 MB None None documents None 1489479674018698133770 /docs/en/application-note/AN5413.pdf 2177321 /docs/en/application-note/AN5413.pdf AN5413 documents N N 2017-03-14 AN5413: S32K1xx Series Cookbook – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN5413.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN5413.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 pdf N en Dec 30, 2020 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN5413: S32K1xx Series Cookbook – Application Note 5 1 Chinese Describing recommended steps for production flash programming on S32K devices. There are different options available for the physical interface used for communicating with the microcontroller to program the flash and also multiple commands that can be used to modify the flash contents. Also, it discusses the different physical interfaces, flash commands, and recommended sequences to minimize issues when flash programming and decrease programming times. 1519287826192717621677zh TSP 157.5 KB None None documents None 1519287826192717621677 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12130.pdf 157491 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12130.pdf AN12130 documents N N 2018-02-22 AN12130: Production Flash Programming Best Practices for S32K1xx MCUs – Application Note /docs/zh/application-note/AN12130.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN12130.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 zh Sep 24, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N S32K1xx MCU 的闪存编程最佳实践 1 English Describing recommended steps for production flash programming on S32K devices. There are different options available for the physical interface used for communicating with the microcontroller to program the flash and also multiple commands that can be used to modify the flash contents. Also, it discusses the different physical interfaces, flash commands, and recommended sequences to minimize issues when flash programming and decrease programming times. 1519287826192717621677 TSP 157.5 KB None None documents None 1519287826192717621677 /docs/en/application-note/AN12130.pdf 157491 /docs/en/application-note/AN12130.pdf AN12130 documents N N 2018-02-22 AN12130: Production Flash Programming Best Practices for S32K1xx MCUs – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN12130.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12130.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 pdf N en Sep 24, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12130: Production Flash Programming Best Practices for S32K1xx MCUs – Application Note 6 2.0 Chinese 1319753989104702481752zh TSP 7.6 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1319753989104702481752 /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN4388.pdf 7584935 /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN4388.pdf AN4388 documents Y N 2016-10-31 AN4388: Quad Flat Package (QFP) – Application Note /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN4388.pdf https://www.nxp.com.cn/webapp/Download?colCode=AN4388&docLang=zh Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-01-19 zh May 10, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN4388,四方扁平封装(QFP) - 应用说明 3 English Providing guidelines for the handling and board mounting of NXP's QFP packages. Including recommendations for the design of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB), board mounting, and rework. Also providing generic information of package properties: Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) rating, board level reliability, mechanical and thermal resistance data. Because semiconductor components are electrically and mechanically sensitive devices, proper precautions for handling, packing and processing QFP packages are described. 1319753989104702481752 TSP 7.6 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1319753989104702481752 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN4388.pdf 7584935 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN4388.pdf AN4388 documents Y N 2016-10-31 AN4388: Quad Flat Package (QFP) – Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN4388&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN4388.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-01-19 pdf Y en Aug 31, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN4388: Quad Flat Package (QFP) – Application Note 7 0 Chinese Describing how the ECC protection is implemented in S32K1xx family and understand the particular ECC event response for S32K14x and S32K11x devices. It also offers some software examples for illustration of mentioned behavior. 1564123443502696922242zh TSP 286.5 KB None None documents None 1564123443502696922242 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12522.pdf 286539 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12522.pdf AN12522 documents N N 2019-07-25 AN12522: S32K1xx ECC Error Handling – Application Note /docs/zh/application-note/AN12522.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN12522.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 zh Apr 8, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12522: S32K1xx ECC Error Handling – Application Note 0 English Describing how the ECC protection is implemented in S32K1xx family and understand the particular ECC event response for S32K14x and S32K11x devices. It also offers some software examples for illustration of mentioned behavior. 1564123443502696922242 TSP 286.5 KB None None documents None 1564123443502696922242 /docs/en/application-note/AN12522.pdf 286539 /docs/en/application-note/AN12522.pdf AN12522 documents N N 2019-07-25 AN12522: S32K1xx ECC Error Handling – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN12522.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12522.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 pdf N en Jul 16, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12522: S32K1xx ECC Error Handling – Application Note 8 2 Chinese 通常有三种方法实现 EEPROM 功能。其一是使用真正的 EEPROM,例如具有 256 B EEPROM 的 KEA64。 1496295591636707561385zh TSP 1.2 MB None None documents None 1496295591636707561385 /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN11983.pdf 1239474 /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN11983.pdf AN11983 documents N N 2017-05-31 AN11983: Using the S32K1xx EEPROM Functionality – Application Note /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN11983.pdf /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN11983.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2025-02-07 zh Apr 12, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN11983:使用 S32K1xx EEPROM 功能 2 English Introducing the S32K1xx EEPROM (EEE) functionality feature and usage. The S32K1xx EEPROM (EEE) allows users to configure some of the on-chip flash memory as enhanced EEPROM, additional flash memory, or a combination of the two. 1496295591636707561385 TSP 1.2 MB None None documents None 1496295591636707561385 /docs/en/application-note/AN11983.pdf 1239474 /docs/en/application-note/AN11983.pdf AN11983 documents N N 2017-05-31 AN11983: Using the S32K1xx EEPROM Functionality – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN11983.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN11983.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2025-02-07 pdf N en May 24, 2019 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN11983: Using the S32K1xx EEPROM Functionality – Application Note 9 0 Chinese 随着目前技术的进步,车辆正变得更加电子化,而不是机械化。汽车领域的电子创新也在不断增长。因此,车辆中的软件也在增加,从而存在潜在错误的风险。 1552543237847723693138zh TSP 2.7 MB None None documents None 1552543237847723693138 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12323.pdf 2660794 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12323.pdf AN12323 documents N N 2019-03-13 AN12323: S32K1xx Firmware updates – Application Note /docs/zh/application-note/AN12323.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN12323.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zh Apr 12, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N S32K1xx 固件更新 0 English AN12323SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12323SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12323SW.zip Showing how the S32K1xx microcontrollers handle the a/b swap updates using a secure communication process. It explains the basic concepts of a bootloader, a/b swap updates, and security concepts. This document covers the implementation of firmware updates as a whole system. 1552543237847723693138 TSP 2.7 MB None None documents None 1552543237847723693138 /docs/en/application-note/AN12323.pdf 2660794 /docs/en/application-note/AN12323.pdf AN12323 documents N N 2019-03-13 AN12323: S32K1xx Firmware updates – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN12323.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12323.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Dec 25, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12323: S32K1xx Firmware updates – Application Note 10 1 Chinese Describing the architecture and usage of the S32K1xx bootloader. This bootloader supports Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) as communication interfaces and can be easily modified to support other kinds of communication interfaces. 1535100665773714264934zh TSP 1.1 MB None None documents None 1535100665773714264934 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12218.pdf 1060538 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12218.pdf AN12218 documents N N 2018-08-24 AN12218: S32K1xx Bootloader – Application Note /docs/zh/application-note/AN12218.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN12218.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 zh Apr 8, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12218: S32K1xx Bootloader – Application Note 1 English AN12218SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12218SW.zip /docs/en/application-note-software/AN12218SW.zip Describing the architecture and usage of the S32K1xx bootloader. This bootloader supports Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) as communication interfaces and can be easily modified to support other kinds of communication interfaces. 1535100665773714264934 TSP 1.1 MB None None documents None 1535100665773714264934 /docs/en/application-note/AN12218.pdf 1060538 /docs/en/application-note/AN12218.pdf AN12218 documents N N 2018-08-24 AN12218: S32K1xx Bootloader – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN12218.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12218.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 pdf N en Oct 24, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12218: S32K1xx Bootloader – Application Note 11 6 Chinese S32K1xx 是恩智浦面向汽车和工业应用的 32位通用 MCU 系列。我们的产品结合了最新的 90 纳米技术,因此客户不必牺牲性能来换取低功耗。 1487830768395695603918zh TSP 2.3 MB None None documents None 1487830768395695603918 /docs/zh/application-note/AN5408.pdf 2271101 /docs/zh/application-note/AN5408.pdf AN5408 documents N N 2017-02-22 AN5408: S32K1xx Clock Calculator Guide – Application Note /docs/zh/application-note/AN5408.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN5408.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-16 zh Apr 12, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N S32K1xx 时钟计算器指南 6 English AN5408SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN5408SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN5408SW&docLang=en Showing how to use the S32K1xx Clock Calculator tool to calculate device frequency domains easily. Clock setup is a necessary step in almost all applications. The S32K clock calculator seeks to complement the configuration instructions in the reference manual by providing a graphical, interactive tool to help users find the correct register configuration to achieve their desired clock frequencies. 1487830768395695603918 TSP 2.3 MB None None documents None 1487830768395695603918 /docs/en/application-note/AN5408.pdf 2271101 /docs/en/application-note/AN5408.pdf AN5408 documents N N 2017-02-22 AN5408: S32K1xx Clock Calculator Guide – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN5408.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN5408.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-16 pdf N en Sep 24, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN5408: S32K1xx Clock Calculator Guide – Application Note 12 0 Chinese Explaning the registers of S32K1xx MCUs based on Arm® Cortex®-M0+/M4F with stack mechanism. Skills are also introduced for exception and fault handler, which also could increase the robustness of design. 1534845494604726157704zh TSP 812.3 KB None None documents None 1534845494604726157704 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12201.pdf 812332 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12201.pdf AN12201 documents N N 2018-08-21 AN12201: Exception and fault checking on S32K1xx – Application Note /docs/zh/application-note/AN12201.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN12201.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 zh Apr 8, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12201: Exception and fault checking on S32K1xx – Application Note 0 English Explaning the registers of S32K1xx MCUs based on Arm® Cortex®-M0+/M4F with stack mechanism. Skills are also introduced for exception and fault handler, which also could increase the robustness of design. 1534845494604726157704 TSP 812.3 KB None None documents None 1534845494604726157704 /docs/en/application-note/AN12201.pdf 812332 /docs/en/application-note/AN12201.pdf AN12201 documents N N 2018-08-21 AN12201: Exception and fault checking on S32K1xx – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN12201.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12201.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 pdf N en Jul 10, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12201: Exception and fault checking on S32K1xx – Application Note 13 0 Chinese Describing how FlexIO (an on-chip peripheral available on Kinetis and S32K microcontroller families) is highly configurable and capable of emulating a wide range of communication protocols: UART, I2C, SPI, I2S and LIN 1530177837892722211385zh TSP 3.2 MB None None documents None 1530177837892722211385 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12174.pdf 3187250 /docs/zh/application-note/AN12174.pdf AN12174 documents N N 2018-06-27 AN12174: Using FlexIO to emulate communications and timing peripherals – Application Note /docs/zh/application-note/AN12174.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN12174.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zh May 9, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N 使用 FlexIO 模拟通信和定时外设 0 English AN12174SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN12174SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12174SW&docLang=en Describing how FlexIO (an on-chip peripheral available on Kinetis and S32K microcontroller families) is highly configurable and capable of emulating a wide range of communication protocols: UART, I2C, SPI, I2S and LIN 1530177837892722211385 TSP 3.2 MB None None documents None 1530177837892722211385 /docs/en/application-note/AN12174.pdf 3187250 /docs/en/application-note/AN12174.pdf AN12174 documents N N 2018-06-27 AN12174: Using FlexIO to emulate communications and timing peripherals – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN12174.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN12174.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jun 20, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN12174: Using FlexIO to emulate communications and timing peripherals – Application Note 14 3 Chinese Showing the differences between S32K11x and S32K142 to facilitate code migrations, focusing on the differences/considerations the users must keep in mind to make applications compatible in both microcontrollers. Although both MCUs have different cores, the two share many modules in common with some differences reviewed through the sections. 1499335685755715490113zh TSP 286.5 KB None None documents None 1499335685755715490113 /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN11997.pdf 286479 /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN11997.pdf AN11997 documents N N 2017-07-06 AN11997: Differences Between S32K11x and S32K142 – Application Note /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN11997.pdf /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN11997.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2025-02-07 zh Jun 19, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N S32K11x 和 S32K142之间的差异 3 English Showing the differences between S32K11x and S32K142 to facilitate code migrations, focusing on the differences/considerations the users must keep in mind to make applications compatible in both microcontrollers. Although both MCUs have different cores, the two share many modules in common with some differences reviewed through the sections. 1499335685755715490113 TSP 286.5 KB None None documents None 1499335685755715490113 /docs/en/application-note/AN11997.pdf 286479 /docs/en/application-note/AN11997.pdf AN11997 documents N N 2017-07-06 AN11997: Differences Between S32K11x and S32K142 – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN11997.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN11997.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2025-02-07 pdf N en Jun 19, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN11997: Differences Between S32K11x and S32K142 – Application Note 15 0 Chinese AN5425, Power consumption of devices and the implications of designing for low power have become a common topic these days. 1489150833599717832354zh TSP 1.6 MB None None documents None 1489150833599717832354 /docs/zh/application-note/AN5425.pdf 1562410 /docs/zh/application-note/AN5425.pdf AN5425 documents N N 2017-03-10 AN5425: Power Management for S32K1xx – Application Note /docs/zh/application-note/AN5425.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN5425.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-16 zh Mar 13, 2017 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N S32K1xx 的功耗管理 1 English AN5425SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN5425SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN5425SW&docLang=en Discussing how to use the power management system. Providing use case examples and shows current measurement results for these cases. Also, giving tips for using each of the power modes available on the S32K1xx family. 1489150833599717832354 TSP 1.6 MB None None documents None 1489150833599717832354 /docs/en/application-note/AN5425.pdf 1562410 /docs/en/application-note/AN5425.pdf AN5425 documents N N 2017-03-10 AN5425: Power Management for S32K1xx – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN5425.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN5425.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-16 pdf N en May 22, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN5425: Power Management for S32K1xx – Application Note 16 1 Chinese 本应用笔记解释了新的硬件安全模块(CSEc-精简版加密服务引擎)提供的特性和功能。CSEc安全模块已在NXP的S32K1xx系列设备中实现。该模块完全兼容 HIS-SHE和GM-SHE+标准的功能规范。 1489434601720700179454zh TSP 316.4 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1489434601720700179454 /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN5401.pdf 316372 /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN5401.pdf AN5401 documents Y N 2017-03-13 AN5401: Getting Started with CSEc Security Module – Application Note /secured/assets/documents/zh/application-note/AN5401.pdf https://www.nxp.com.cn/webapp/Download?colCode=AN5401&docLang=zh Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 zh May 10, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N CSEc 安全模块入门 1 English AN5401SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN5401SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN5401SW&docLang=en Explaning features and functionalities offered by the Cryptographic Service Engine compressed (CSEc) hardware security module. The CSEc security module has been implemented in NXP’s S32K1xx series of devices. CSEc module is entirely compatible with the functional specifications of Hersteller Initiative Software-Secure Hardware Extension (HIS-SHE) and GM-SHE+ standards. 1489434601720700179454 TSP 316.4 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1489434601720700179454 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN5401.pdf 316372 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN5401.pdf AN5401 documents Y N 2017-03-13 AN5401: Getting Started with CSEc Security Module – Application Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN5401&lang_cd=ja /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN5401.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 pdf Y en Mar 31, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN5401: Getting Started with CSEc Security Module – Application Note 17 2 Chinese Describing injection currents in terms of the data sheet electrical specifications for normal recommended operating conditions and for error conditions that allow short-term violations of the recommended operating conditions as listed in the device absolute maximum injection current specifications. Also, describing what should be done to protect the MCU from any damage due to over-voltage conditions on the I/O pins. 1370470727458723387723zh TSP 358.1 KB None None documents None 1370470727458723387723 /docs/zh/application-note/AN4731.pdf 358140 /docs/zh/application-note/AN4731.pdf AN4731 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN4731: Understanding Injection Current on NXP Automotive Microcontrollers – Application Note /docs/zh/application-note/AN4731.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN4731.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-10-31 zh Apr 8, 2022 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN4731: 理解恩智浦微处理器上的注入电流--应用笔记 2 English Describing injection currents in terms of the data sheet electrical specifications for normal recommended operating conditions and for error conditions that allow short-term violations of the recommended operating conditions as listed in the device absolute maximum injection current specifications. Also, describing what should be done to protect the MCU from any damage due to over-voltage conditions on the I/O pins. 1370470727458723387723 TSP 358.1 KB None None documents None 1370470727458723387723 /docs/en/application-note/AN4731.pdf 358140 /docs/en/application-note/AN4731.pdf AN4731 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN4731: Understanding Injection Current on NXP Automotive Microcontrollers – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN4731.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4731.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-10-31 pdf N en Dec 27, 2017 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN4731: Understanding Injection Current on NXP Automotive Microcontrollers – Application Note 18 3 English Outlining how to migrate projects from CodeWarrior v10.6 (CW Eclipse or CWE) and CodeWarrior for MPC55xx, MPC56xx 2.10 (Classic CW or CCW) embedded software development tools to S32 Design Studio (S32DS). There are code examples included in this application note supporting KEAZ128 for Arm and MPC5604B and MPC5644C for Power Architecture. 1461937288494716936836 TSP 3.7 MB None None documents None 1461937288494716936836 /docs/en/application-note/AN5282.pdf 3738532 /docs/en/application-note/AN5282.pdf AN5282 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN5282: CodeWarrior to S32 Design Studio (S32DS) Migration Guide – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN5282.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN5282.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Sep 24, 2016 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN5282: CodeWarrior to S32 Design Studio (S32DS) Migration Guide – Application Note 19 0 Chinese AN5303 Features and Operation Modes of FlexTimer Module on S32K 1491345833225706887048zh TSP 1.5 MB None None documents None 1491345833225706887048 /docs/zh/application-note/AN5303.pdf 1493492 /docs/zh/application-note/AN5303.pdf AN5303 documents N N 2017-04-04 AN5303: Features and Operation Modes of FlexTimer Module on S32K – Application Note /docs/zh/application-note/AN5303.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN5303.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-16 zh Apr 4, 2017 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N S32K 上 FlexTimer 模块的特性和工作模式 0 English AN5303SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN5303SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN5303SW&docLang=en Describing the multiple features and operation modes of the FlexTimer (FTM) module supported by code examples and oscilloscope snapshots. The FTM module is an enhanced version of the Timer/PWM module (TPM) that provides new features for motor-control, lighting, and power-conversion applications. The key enhancements are signed-up counter, hardware dead-time insertion, fault-control inputs, enhanced triggering functionality, and initialization & polarity control 1491345833225706887048 TSP 1.5 MB None None documents None 1491345833225706887048 /docs/en/application-note/AN5303.pdf 1493492 /docs/en/application-note/AN5303.pdf AN5303 documents N N 2017-04-04 AN5303: Features and Operation Modes of FlexTimer Module on S32K – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN5303.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN5303.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-16 pdf N en Jun 15, 2016 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN5303: Features and Operation Modes of FlexTimer Module on S32K – Application Note 20 0 Chinese 本应用笔记介绍了在恩智浦S32K系列32位汽车MCU上使用增强型直接存储器存取(eDMA)和PORT模块进行脉冲计数。 1491345832885701056549zh TSP 363.0 KB None None documents None 1491345832885701056549 /docs/zh/application-note/AN5258.pdf 362971 /docs/zh/application-note/AN5258.pdf AN5258 documents N N 2017-04-04 AN5258: Using DMA for Pulse Counting on S32K – Application Note /docs/zh/application-note/AN5258.pdf /docs/zh/application-note/AN5258.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zh Apr 4, 2017 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N 在S32K上使用DMA进行脉冲计数 0 English AN5258SW.zip /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note-software/AN5258SW.zip /webapp/Download?colCode=AN5258SW&docLang=en Describing pulse counting on the S32K product series of 32-bit automotive MCUs using the Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) and PORT modules. The number of the signal pulses can be counted using the Low-Power Timer (LPTMR) or the FlexTimer (FTM). However, the number of pulse inputs is limited, because the FTM module is usually used for PWM generation and LPTMR has only one counter inside. 1491345832885701056549 TSP 363.0 KB None None documents None 1491345832885701056549 /docs/en/application-note/AN5258.pdf 362971 /docs/en/application-note/AN5258.pdf AN5258 documents N N 2017-04-04 AN5258: Using DMA for Pulse Counting on S32K – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN5258.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN5258.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Feb 9, 2016 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN5258: Using DMA for Pulse Counting on S32K – Application Note カタログ Brochure 1 21 8 English The S32K1 is a scalable family of 32-bit Arm Cortex-based AEC-Q100 qualified MCUs targeted for general purpose automotive and high-reliability industrial applications. 1434138407641701063646 TSP 757.8 KB None None documents None 1434138407641701063646 /docs/en/brochure/S32K1-GeneralPurposeMCUs_Brochure.pdf 757836 /docs/en/brochure/S32K1-GeneralPurposeMCUs_Brochure.pdf S32K1-GeneralPurposeMCUs_Brochure documents N N 2017-01-27 S32K1 Arm Cortex-M-based Automotive MCUs Brochure /docs/en/brochure/S32K1-GeneralPurposeMCUs_Brochure.pdf /docs/en/brochure/S32K1-GeneralPurposeMCUs_Brochure.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2025-03-21 en Feb 26, 2024 712453003803778552 Brochure Y N S32K1 Arm Cortex-M-based Automotive MCUs Brochure 1 Chinese 1434138407641701063646zh TSP 757.8 KB None None documents None 1434138407641701063646 /docs/zh/fact-sheet/S32KFS.pdf 757836 /docs/zh/fact-sheet/S32KFS.pdf S32K1-GeneralPurposeMCUs_Brochure documents N N 2017-01-27 S32K1 Arm Cortex-M-based Automotive MCUs Brochure /docs/zh/fact-sheet/S32KFS.pdf /docs/zh/fact-sheet/S32KFS.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2025-03-21 zh Jul 15, 2015 712453003803778552 Brochure N S32K微控制器 - 简介 3 Japanese S32K1ファミリはAEC-Q100に準拠した32-bit MCUで、将来性が確保された周辺機能を含むスケーラブルなARM Cortex-Mコアをベースとし、商用グレードのツールとソフトウェアの画期的な組み合わせを実現します。S32K1ファミリは 最低15年の供給が保証されるNXPの長期製品供給プログラムの対象です。 1434138407641701063646ja TSP 757.8 KB None None documents None 1434138407641701063646 /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32KFS.pdf 757836 /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32KFS.pdf S32K1-GeneralPurposeMCUs_Brochure documents N N 2017-01-27 S32K1 Arm Cortex-M-based Automotive MCUs Brochure /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32KFS.pdf /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32KFS.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2025-03-21 pdf N ja Apr 23, 2020 712453003803778552 Brochure N オートモーティブ&インダストリアル・アプリケーション向け Arm<sup>&#174;</sup> Cortex<sup>&#174;</sup>ベースのS32K1マイクロコントローラ false 0 S32K14WEVB-Q064 downloads ja true 0 Y TSP アプリケーション・ノート 19 /docs/en/application-note/AN12217.pdf 2018-08-27 1535438201710697949432 TSP 2 Sep 5, 2024 Application Note Presenting information to get the most benefit from the use of the ADC module: - Understanding the ADC common terminology, sources of error and specification - Best practices to increase measurement accuracy - Common triggering configuration examples for the S32K1xx family None /docs/en/application-note/AN12217.pdf English documents 954346 None 645036621402383989 2024-09-25 N /docs/en/application-note/AN12217.pdf AN12217: S32K1xx and S32M24x ADC Guidelines, Spec and Configuration /docs/en/application-note/AN12217.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 2.0 N N AN12217: S32K1xx and S32M24x ADC Guidelines, Spec and Configuration 954.3 KB AN12217 N 1535438201710697949432 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN5426.pdf 2017-03-13 1489438886546694630621 TSP 3 Dec 13, 2021 Application Note Describing hardware design guidelines for S32K1xx Microcontrollers. The S32K series further extends the highly scalable portfolio of Arm Cortex MCUs in the automotive industry. It builds on the legacy of the KEA series whilst introducing higher memory options alongside a richer peripheral set, extending capability into various automotive applications. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN5426.pdf English documents 1497392 None 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=AN5426&lang_cd=ja AN5426: Hardware Design Guidelines for S32K1xx – Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN5426.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en Extended Y pdf 6 Y N AN5426: Hardware Design Guidelines for S32K1xx – Application Note 1.5 MB AN5426 N 1489438886546694630621 /docs/en/application-note/AN5413.pdf 2017-03-14 1489479674018698133770 TSP 4 Dec 30, 2020 Application Note Providing software examples and outlining necessary startup steps needed to help users get started with S32K1xx series MCUs. None /docs/en/application-note/AN5413.pdf English documents 2177321 None 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 N /docs/en/application-note/AN5413.pdf AN5413: S32K1xx Series Cookbook – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN5413.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 5 N N AN5413: S32K1xx Series Cookbook – Application Note 2.2 MB AN5413 N 1489479674018698133770 /docs/en/application-note/AN12130.pdf 2018-02-22 1519287826192717621677 TSP 5 Sep 24, 2019 Application Note Describing recommended steps for production flash programming on S32K devices. There are different options available for the physical interface used for communicating with the microcontroller to program the flash and also multiple commands that can be used to modify the flash contents. Also, it discusses the different physical interfaces, flash commands, and recommended sequences to minimize issues when flash programming and decrease programming times. None /docs/en/application-note/AN12130.pdf English documents 157491 None 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 N /docs/en/application-note/AN12130.pdf AN12130: Production Flash Programming Best Practices for S32K1xx MCUs – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN12130.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N AN12130: Production Flash Programming Best Practices for S32K1xx MCUs – Application Note 157.5 KB AN12130 N 1519287826192717621677 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN4388.pdf 2016-10-31 1319753989104702481752 TSP 6 Aug 31, 2019 Application Note Providing guidelines for the handling and board mounting of NXP's QFP packages. Including recommendations for the design of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB), board mounting, and rework. Also providing generic information of package properties: Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) rating, board level reliability, mechanical and thermal resistance data. Because semiconductor components are electrically and mechanically sensitive devices, proper precautions for handling, packing and processing QFP packages are described. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN4388.pdf English documents 7584935 None 645036621402383989 2024-01-19 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=AN4388&lang_cd=ja AN4388: Quad Flat Package (QFP) – Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN4388.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en Extended Y pdf 3 Y N AN4388: Quad Flat Package (QFP) – Application Note 7.6 MB AN4388 N 1319753989104702481752 /docs/en/application-note/AN12522.pdf 2019-07-25 1564123443502696922242 TSP 7 Jul 16, 2019 Application Note Describing how the ECC protection is implemented in S32K1xx family and understand the particular ECC event response for S32K14x and S32K11x devices. It also offers some software examples for illustration of mentioned behavior. None /docs/en/application-note/AN12522.pdf English documents 286539 None 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 N /docs/en/application-note/AN12522.pdf AN12522: S32K1xx ECC Error Handling – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN12522.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN12522: S32K1xx ECC Error Handling – Application Note 286.5 KB AN12522 N 1564123443502696922242 /docs/en/application-note/AN11983.pdf 2017-05-31 1496295591636707561385 TSP 8 May 24, 2019 Application Note Introducing the S32K1xx EEPROM (EEE) functionality feature and usage. The S32K1xx EEPROM (EEE) allows users to configure some of the on-chip flash memory as enhanced EEPROM, additional flash memory, or a combination of the two. None /docs/en/application-note/AN11983.pdf English documents 1239474 None 645036621402383989 2025-02-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN11983.pdf AN11983: Using the S32K1xx EEPROM Functionality – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN11983.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 2 N N AN11983: Using the S32K1xx EEPROM Functionality – Application Note 1.2 MB AN11983 N 1496295591636707561385 /docs/en/application-note/AN12323.pdf 2019-03-13 1552543237847723693138 TSP 9 Dec 25, 2018 Application Note Showing how the S32K1xx microcontrollers handle the a/b swap updates using a secure communication process. It explains the basic concepts of a bootloader, a/b swap updates, and security concepts. This document covers the implementation of firmware updates as a whole system. None /docs/en/application-note/AN12323.pdf English documents 2660794 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN12323.pdf AN12323: S32K1xx Firmware updates – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN12323.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN12323: S32K1xx Firmware updates – Application Note 2.7 MB AN12323 N 1552543237847723693138 /docs/en/application-note/AN12218.pdf 2018-08-24 1535100665773714264934 TSP 10 Oct 24, 2018 Application Note Describing the architecture and usage of the S32K1xx bootloader. This bootloader supports Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) as communication interfaces and can be easily modified to support other kinds of communication interfaces. None /docs/en/application-note/AN12218.pdf English documents 1060538 None 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 N /docs/en/application-note/AN12218.pdf AN12218: S32K1xx Bootloader – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN12218.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N AN12218: S32K1xx Bootloader – Application Note 1.1 MB AN12218 N 1535100665773714264934 /docs/en/application-note/AN5408.pdf 2017-02-22 1487830768395695603918 TSP 11 Sep 24, 2018 Application Note Showing how to use the S32K1xx Clock Calculator tool to calculate device frequency domains easily. Clock setup is a necessary step in almost all applications. The S32K clock calculator seeks to complement the configuration instructions in the reference manual by providing a graphical, interactive tool to help users find the correct register configuration to achieve their desired clock frequencies. None /docs/en/application-note/AN5408.pdf English documents 2271101 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-16 N /docs/en/application-note/AN5408.pdf AN5408: S32K1xx Clock Calculator Guide – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN5408.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 6 N N AN5408: S32K1xx Clock Calculator Guide – Application Note 2.3 MB AN5408 N 1487830768395695603918 /docs/en/application-note/AN12201.pdf 2018-08-21 1534845494604726157704 TSP 12 Jul 10, 2018 Application Note Explaning the registers of S32K1xx MCUs based on Arm® Cortex®-M0+/M4F with stack mechanism. Skills are also introduced for exception and fault handler, which also could increase the robustness of design. None /docs/en/application-note/AN12201.pdf English documents 812332 None 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 N /docs/en/application-note/AN12201.pdf AN12201: Exception and fault checking on S32K1xx – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN12201.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN12201: Exception and fault checking on S32K1xx – Application Note 812.3 KB AN12201 N 1534845494604726157704 /docs/en/application-note/AN12174.pdf 2018-06-27 1530177837892722211385 TSP 13 Jun 20, 2018 Application Note Describing how FlexIO (an on-chip peripheral available on Kinetis and S32K microcontroller families) is highly configurable and capable of emulating a wide range of communication protocols: UART, I2C, SPI, I2S and LIN None /docs/en/application-note/AN12174.pdf English documents 3187250 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN12174.pdf AN12174: Using FlexIO to emulate communications and timing peripherals – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN12174.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN12174: Using FlexIO to emulate communications and timing peripherals – Application Note 3.2 MB AN12174 N 1530177837892722211385 /docs/en/application-note/AN11997.pdf 2017-07-06 1499335685755715490113 TSP 14 Jun 19, 2018 Application Note Showing the differences between S32K11x and S32K142 to facilitate code migrations, focusing on the differences/considerations the users must keep in mind to make applications compatible in both microcontrollers. Although both MCUs have different cores, the two share many modules in common with some differences reviewed through the sections. None /docs/en/application-note/AN11997.pdf English documents 286479 None 645036621402383989 2025-02-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN11997.pdf AN11997: Differences Between S32K11x and S32K142 – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN11997.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 3 N N AN11997: Differences Between S32K11x and S32K142 – Application Note 286.5 KB AN11997 N 1499335685755715490113 /docs/en/application-note/AN5425.pdf 2017-03-10 1489150833599717832354 TSP 15 May 22, 2018 Application Note Discussing how to use the power management system. Providing use case examples and shows current measurement results for these cases. Also, giving tips for using each of the power modes available on the S32K1xx family. None /docs/en/application-note/AN5425.pdf English documents 1562410 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-16 N /docs/en/application-note/AN5425.pdf AN5425: Power Management for S32K1xx – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN5425.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1 N N AN5425: Power Management for S32K1xx – Application Note 1.6 MB AN5425 N 1489150833599717832354 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN5401.pdf 2017-03-13 1489434601720700179454 TSP 16 Mar 31, 2018 Application Note Explaning features and functionalities offered by the Cryptographic Service Engine compressed (CSEc) hardware security module. The CSEc security module has been implemented in NXP’s S32K1xx series of devices. CSEc module is entirely compatible with the functional specifications of Hersteller Initiative Software-Secure Hardware Extension (HIS-SHE) and GM-SHE+ standards. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN5401.pdf English documents 316372 None 645036621402383989 2024-04-16 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=AN5401&lang_cd=ja AN5401: Getting Started with CSEc Security Module – Application Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN5401.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en Extended Y pdf 1 Y N AN5401: Getting Started with CSEc Security Module – Application Note 316.4 KB AN5401 N 1489434601720700179454 /docs/en/application-note/AN4731.pdf 2016-10-31 1370470727458723387723 TSP 17 Dec 27, 2017 Application Note Describing injection currents in terms of the data sheet electrical specifications for normal recommended operating conditions and for error conditions that allow short-term violations of the recommended operating conditions as listed in the device absolute maximum injection current specifications. Also, describing what should be done to protect the MCU from any damage due to over-voltage conditions on the I/O pins. None /docs/en/application-note/AN4731.pdf English documents 358140 None 645036621402383989 2023-10-31 N /docs/en/application-note/AN4731.pdf AN4731: Understanding Injection Current on NXP Automotive Microcontrollers – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN4731.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 2 N N AN4731: Understanding Injection Current on NXP Automotive Microcontrollers – Application Note 358.1 KB AN4731 N 1370470727458723387723 /docs/en/application-note/AN5282.pdf 2016-10-31 1461937288494716936836 TSP 18 Sep 24, 2016 Application Note Outlining how to migrate projects from CodeWarrior v10.6 (CW Eclipse or CWE) and CodeWarrior for MPC55xx, MPC56xx 2.10 (Classic CW or CCW) embedded software development tools to S32 Design Studio (S32DS). There are code examples included in this application note supporting KEAZ128 for Arm and MPC5604B and MPC5644C for Power Architecture. None /docs/en/application-note/AN5282.pdf English documents 3738532 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN5282.pdf AN5282: CodeWarrior to S32 Design Studio (S32DS) Migration Guide – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN5282.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 3 N N AN5282: CodeWarrior to S32 Design Studio (S32DS) Migration Guide – Application Note 3.7 MB AN5282 N 1461937288494716936836 /docs/en/application-note/AN5303.pdf 2017-04-04 1491345833225706887048 TSP 19 Jun 15, 2016 Application Note Describing the multiple features and operation modes of the FlexTimer (FTM) module supported by code examples and oscilloscope snapshots. The FTM module is an enhanced version of the Timer/PWM module (TPM) that provides new features for motor-control, lighting, and power-conversion applications. The key enhancements are signed-up counter, hardware dead-time insertion, fault-control inputs, enhanced triggering functionality, and initialization & polarity control None /docs/en/application-note/AN5303.pdf English documents 1493492 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-16 N /docs/en/application-note/AN5303.pdf AN5303: Features and Operation Modes of FlexTimer Module on S32K – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN5303.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN5303: Features and Operation Modes of FlexTimer Module on S32K – Application Note 1.5 MB AN5303 N 1491345833225706887048 /docs/en/application-note/AN5258.pdf 2017-04-04 1491345832885701056549 TSP 20 Feb 9, 2016 Application Note Describing pulse counting on the S32K product series of 32-bit automotive MCUs using the Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) and PORT modules. The number of the signal pulses can be counted using the Low-Power Timer (LPTMR) or the FlexTimer (FTM). However, the number of pulse inputs is limited, because the FTM module is usually used for PWM generation and LPTMR has only one counter inside. None /docs/en/application-note/AN5258.pdf English documents 362971 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN5258.pdf AN5258: Using DMA for Pulse Counting on S32K – Application Note /docs/en/application-note/AN5258.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 0 N N AN5258: Using DMA for Pulse Counting on S32K – Application Note 363.0 KB AN5258 N 1491345832885701056549 カタログ 1 /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32KFS.pdf 2017-01-27 1434138407641701063646ja TSP 21 Apr 23, 2020 Brochure S32K1ファミリはAEC-Q100に準拠した32-bit MCUで、将来性が確保された周辺機能を含むスケーラブルなARM Cortex-Mコアをベースとし、商用グレードのツールとソフトウェアの画期的な組み合わせを実現します。S32K1ファミリは 最低15年の供給が保証されるNXPの長期製品供給プログラムの対象です。 None /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32KFS.pdf Japanese documents 757836 None 712453003803778552 2025-03-21 N /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32KFS.pdf オートモーティブ&インダストリアル・アプリケーション向け Arm<sup>&#174;</sup> Cortex<sup>&#174;</sup>ベースのS32K1マイクロコントローラ /docs/ja/fact-sheet/S32KFS.pdf documents 712453003803778552 Brochure N ja None pdf 3 N N S32K1 Arm Cortex-M-based Automotive MCUs Brochure 757.8 KB S32K1-GeneralPurposeMCUs_Brochure N 1434138407641701063646 ユーザ・ガイド 1 2021-09-16 1631817196762710721102 1 Sep 16, 2021 User Guide ユーザ・ガイド This page will help guide you through the process of learning about your S32K14WEVB-Q064 evaluation board Y GS-S32K14WEVB-Q064 English 0 User Guide 2025-02-13 /document/guide/getting-started-with-the-s32k14w-q064-evaluation-board:GS-S32K14WEVB-Q064 Getting Started with the S32K14W-Q064 Evaluation Board GS-S32K14WEVB-Q064 TSP 132339537837198660 User Guide en Y t792 HTML GS-S32K14WEVB-Q064 1631817196762710721102 true Y Tools


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